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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 300

Boom boom boom!

Groudon, who had returned to the original, actually resisted the attack of the Yandi fireball. Under the powerful force of Groudon, the Yandi fireball stopped its downward trend and stopped in the air.

What a terrible power!

Even Luo Yi was very shocked.

You must know that the flame chicken’s Yandi fireball is the most powerful attack skill of the flame chicken. So far, after this move appeared, there is no opponent who can’t be crushed.

But now, Groudon actually carried it with both hands.

But soon, a smile appeared on Luo Yi’s face. The more powerful Groudon was, the happier he was of course.

As for the things that cannot be beaten, Luo Yi never thought about it. With him here, no matter how powerful Groudon is, he has to kneel!

And this battle doesn’t need Luo Yi to direct at all, the cooperation between the elves is already very tacit!

Sure enough, at this moment, the situation on the field changed again.

The ancient tyrannical carp dragon revealed his huge body, and a dazzling orange light appeared in his mouth.

Destroy the dead light!

With the huge size of the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, this destruction is enough to go down in history!

… … … … … …

boom!A huge destructive light of death, from behind Groudon, slammed into Groudon!

This time, even Groudon didn’t dare to resist hard, whether it was the attack of the ancient tyrannical carp dragon or the flame chicken’s Yandi fireball, it was beyond the range of ordinary elf attacks.

Groudon exerted strength with both hands, and pushed the Yandi fireball directly in front of him!

Then, taking advantage of this gap, Groudon’s figure disappeared!

All the elves were shocked, but Xirona and Xiao Yao were stunned.

Groudon actually disappeared.

However, there was a hint of ridicule in the eyes of the super-giant Hudi that had been prepared on the side for a long time.

Predict future.

The super-giant Woody has the ability to predict the future.

It has seen where Groudon will be.

At this time, the fast dragon standing on the shoulders of the super-giant Hu Di received Hu Di’s information almost instantly.

He had already prepared the super-strong air bomb in his hand, and threw it directly!

The bright little ball drew a trajectory in the air, and then stopped in a place in the air.

And the figure of Groudon also appeared there.

Looking at the bright little ball in front of him, Groudon’s face was clearly stunned.

At this time, Groudon had been surrounded by air cannons, Yandi, and Destruction Death Light. All three directions were attacking with infinite power.

Just as Groudon’s figure appeared, the air cannon in front of it exploded violently!

Chapter 241 Green Lightning!

At this time, Groudon, in front of him is the big air cannon condensed by the fast dragon, behind him is the destruction and death light attack of the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, and next to him is the Yandi fireball of the flame chicken. It was completely surrounded.

In Groudon’s stunned eyes, the bright little ball condensed by the fast dragon in front of him trembled and exploded instantly!

Just before the ball exploded, the giant golden monster that ate the fruit of the hard city had already received all the elves into his forehead, and was then protected by the sand of Bangira.

On Luo Yi’s side, it was the same. Bangira used sand to build a strong castle to protect Luo Yi and the others.

This series of actions all started from the destruction and death of the ancient carp dragon, and it was all completed when the air cannon of the fast dragon exploded in front of Groudon.

This time, the tacit understanding between Luo Yi and several elves will be vividly displayed!

Ever since the super giant Hu Di knew about Groudon’s movements, Hu Di immediately sent this message to all the elves. Almost at the same time, the fast dragon threw the air bomb in his hand, and the giant golden monster jumped out to let him Everyone entered their bodies, and Bangira used thick sand to create a protection for the giant gold 12 monsters and Luo Yi. After all this was completed, the fast dragon controlled his air bomb, and in Groudon in front of the explosion!

The explosion of the air cannon caused a violent shock in the space, directly detonating the Yandi fireball, and destroying the death light.

The big move of the three elves with all their strength, just like this, completely exploded around Groudon.

They did their best in this move, and the destruction contained in it can be imagined!

And now it’s all three!

It’s like the end of the world!

The live broadcast in the distance was interrupted with a click.

Even if they were far enough away from here, the power of the explosion directly overturned them all, and some people were even hit by the air wave and flew out, and the live broadcast equipment was completely destroyed.

Those who originally watched the live broadcast, were all attracted by Luo Yijin’s power, and couldn’t move their eyes at all, they were all stunned.

Because they only saw what the explosion looked like at the beginning, and were immersed in the impact of the live broadcast, but the next picture was just a TV picture of corrugated snowflakes.

Live broadcast stopped? !

All the people watching the live broadcast stood up abruptly, holding the TV and filming wildly, wishing to dig into the TV to see what was going on.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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