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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 303

But Luo Yi believed that in terms of the people of Meteor, the reality should not be much different from what he knew.

“So, that girl, could it be Sigana?”

Luo Yi looked at the cracking seat above the distant sky from a distance, and his eyes flickered.

It doesn’t seem like it’s a far-fetched thing to conquer.


On the other side, while Luo Yi was observing Rikongza, Kaikongza and Sigana were also looking at Luo Yi.

Sigana looked at Luo Yi, full of disbelief and doubt.

Before she and Rikongza came anxiously, they thought that Caiyou City was being attacked by Groudon and was in dire straits, and the powerful Rikongza would defeat Groudon and control the situation.

Sigana has no doubts about the ability of Rift Seat to defeat Groudon, but this does not mean that Groudon is weak. On the contrary, she knows that Groudon is strong, even if all the elves in Caiyou City train. Even if the family united, they could not stop Groudon from destroying Caiyou City.

Therefore, she was very anxious, and only wanted to rush to the scene with Risakuza as soon as possible to prevent further destruction of Groudon.

It’s just that she never imagined that when she and Kaikongza came, what they saw was not Caiyou City, where fire and ruins coexist, not people in chaos and despair, but… the scene of Groudon being conquered by Luo Yi .

Groudon was captured?

These words echoed in Sigana’s mind, making her confused.

Groudon was subdued, and if someone said that to Sigana, she must have gone mad.

After all, Groudon is a legendary super ancient Pokémon with absolute power!How is it possible to be captured?

However, Sigana witnessed this scene with her own eyes, witnessed Groudon being put into the Poké Ball thrown by Luo Yi, and the Poké Ball stopped shaking…

At that time, Rikongza, which was flying at extreme speed, had already stopped, so she could clearly see that scene in the sky.

And she could feel it, when she saw that Groudon was indeed subdued, Rikongza’s incredible and full of doubts!

Chapter 243 Sigana!

Groudon is captured!

Sigana felt astonished.

She didn’t witness Luo Yi’s Pokémon and Groudon’s terrifying battle, so she was confused.

If she had been there before, she would have been able to see Luo Yi’s elf strength, at least she would not have been shocked by the scene of Luo Yi’s subduing Groudon.

After all, in her concept, if the people of the Alliance did not send enough elite trainers to resist Groudon in time, then the people of Caiyou City alone would not be able to resist Groudon.

The super ancient Pokémon, Groudon, can do whatever he wants, and will destroy the Caiyou City that stands in front of it.

However, now, she looked around, except for Luo Yi and the three who were on the small basin like a meteorite, there were no traces of other people in the pit.

“Could it be that these three people defeated Groudon?”

“No, it’s impossible…”

Sigana couldn’t help but guess in her mind, but the guess only existed for a moment, and she left it behind.

No, it’s because she thinks it’s impossible!

With only three people, how could they resist the furious Groudon!

Sigana was still not convinced, but guessed that there were other changes that led to the situation of Groudon being subdued.

However, what Sigana didn’t know was that her guess was indeed wrong, just in the wrong direction.

330 Groudon was not resisted by Luo Yi, Shirona and Xiaoyao, but Luo Yi alone…

If you know the truth, I don’t know what Sigana’s expression will be.

While Sigana was brainstorming, Kaikuraza seemed to be thinking about something, with eyes with black pupils staring at Luo Yi below.

“Luo Yi, what are you looking at?”

Shirona noticed Luo Yi’s strangeness, and subconsciously followed Luo Yi’s line of sight, and also found the splitting seat in the air, and was stunned.

She didn’t expect that after seeing the super-ancient Pokémon Groudon, she would be able to see the same super-ancient Pokémon, Risakuza.


While Shirona was surprised, the splitting seat also moved, and the long body spun, flew to a high hill, and put Sijana on her back.

Immediately afterwards, Kakuroza raised its head and twisted its long body like a snake, intending to fly away.

At this time, Luo Yi cracked his mouth and smiled.

“Cracked Seat, you will also belong to me!”

As if to announce an ordinary decision, Luo Yi shouted at the Korakuza who flew to the sky.

Crackling Seat seems to want to leave directly, and there is still a distance between Luo Yi and it. With the speed of Space Crackling Seat, it is not realistic for Luo Yi to stop it.

So Luo Yi wants to provoke Kakutakuza, so that Korakuza will stay and fight him, then Luo Yi will have a chance to subdue it.

It’s just that Luo Yi’s mood is not eager, and he is just trying to provoke Kaikongza.

Because Luo Yi now has clues that can summon the people of the meteor who can summon the sky, so he is not too eager.

With this kind of thought in mind, Luo Yi would just like to announce that he would say something that would definitely subdue him.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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