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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 310


“Since you know that Luo Yi has subdued Groudon, why didn’t you bring Luo Yi here and report to us?”

Another stout confederate commander suddenly asked.

Seeing this man’s aggressive tone, Daigo couldn’t help frowning.

This alliance leader is Xiu Chuan’s father, Xiu Hai, who is not on the right track with Dawu.

“It’s really interesting, just because Luo Yi subdued Groudon, I will restrict his freedom and bring Luo Yi over like a prisoner?”

Dawu’s expression gradually cooled down.

Dawu’s tit-for-tat, unceremonious remarks made Xiuhai angrily and slammed the table.

For a time, the smell of gunpowder at the scene suddenly became strong.

I watched Wolf Warriors 2 today, and it really exploded!

Chapter 248 Luo Yi’s Temper Is Not So Good

“Isn’t it supposed to? Your mission is to delay Groudon, so that Xiu Chuan and his party can control Groudon. Since you know that Groudon has been subdued by Luo Yi, you should bring Luo Yi back and report to us! “

Xiu Hai snorted coldly, suppressing the anger in his heart.

“Oh? Really? After that? Are you going to force Luo to hand over a Groudon?!”

Dawu knew Xiuhai’s plan.

They actually wanted to keep Groudon in the hands of the Alliance!Even if Groudon already belongs to Luo Yi!

“Grado is a super ancient Pokémon! It has absolute power! It should be in the hands of the Alliance! How could Luo Yi be subdued by a child? What kind of crooked thoughts happened together, who will be responsible? Is it necessary to send an elite team to follow Luo Yi to prevent accidents?”

Dawu’s tit-for-tat remarks caused Xiu Hai to tear his face away.

“Heh, I’m really curious, when did the Alliance start the shameless ranks of Pokémon robbers?”

Dawu’s words made the atmosphere of the scene solidified immediately.

Comparing the alliance to a Pokémon robber, putting this word out is full of hostility towards the alliance.

“12 Dawu! Pay attention to your words!”

Another alliance leader who was sitting next to Xiu Hai scolded heavily.

“Before you teach others to speak, you’d better look back at your own words, the dignified alliance, actually instigating others to take other people’s Pokémon?”

Dawu looked at the arrogant posture of the other party’s thick neck, put his arms around Xiong, and sneered and sneered.


Xiuhai stood up abruptly, glaring at Dawu with a pair of tiger eyes.

Dago tried his best to argue, but at this moment, he naturally did not flinch, and looked at him with an angry gaze.


The leader of the alliance who was sitting beside Xiu Hai who scolded Dawu just now coughed dryly, fading from the stern face he scolded before, and replaced it with a kind smile.

“You can’t say the same, Dawu, you have to understand the intentions of the alliance. Luo Yi owns Groudon, which is not a good thing for him. How many people with ulterior motives are coveting Groudon in Luo Yi’s hands? I’m afraid there are quite a few, right? This is also not good for Luo Yi’s safety outside.”

Obviously, the butt of the leader of the alliance was also sitting on Xiuhai’s stool, and he advocated that Luo Yi’s Groudon should be controlled by the alliance.

With such a high-sounding appearance, it is possible to carry out the acts of robbers?

Dawu looked at him with contempt, but he didn’t bother to sneer anymore, because his remarks also brought the key decision-making point of this meeting.

When a coalition leader proposes a proposal, the other three coalition leaders can vote for or against it.

As long as the number of positive votes exceeds the number of negative votes, the proposal can be implemented immediately, but if the number of positive and negative votes is tied, the proposal can be shelved.

Now Xiu Hai proposed to forcibly take back Luo Yi’s Groudon, and one of the alliance leaders agreed, then it was time for the remaining two alliance leaders to make a choice.

“Ladies, I know that doing this will affect the image of the alliance, but it is inevitable. I believe that everyone in the Hoenn area does not want to see a Groudon that almost destroyed Caiyou City. Kids are moving around!”

Xiu Hai once again emphasized the danger of Groudon to the remaining two alliance leaders.

“No, I don’t agree to take Groudon back from Luo Yi’s side by coercion. This is unfair to Luo Yi, and it also damages the image and credibility of the alliance.”

One of the remaining two Alliance Leaders shook his head and stated his decision.

be opposed to!

“I also oppose this kind of behavior. Just like what Dago said, such an outrageous behavior makes the world think about the alliance?”

Again against!

Seeing this scene, Dawu breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the alliance leaders are not all confused people.

Two votes in favor, two votes against, when the votes are tied, the proposal proposed by Xiu Hai will be stranded.


Xiu Hai clenched his fists, and the expression on his face became gloomy.

Immediately, out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly caught sight of Bonnie, the Heavenly King who had been silent, and a glint of hope ignited in his eyes again.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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