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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 320

The Difang Sea Lion was like a cannonball. It was shot by Groudon, and it smashed into the sea with double the speed when it came, splashing high waves!

“The pose is not beautiful enough, the splash is too big, zero points.”

Luo Yi looked at the waves splashed by the Diya sea lion and made the evaluation of the diving referee.

“Arrogant kid! Difang Sea Lion, attack from the water!”

Bonnie couldn’t stand Luo Yi’s contempt, and with a cold snort, she was about to let the Difang Sea Lion continue to attack Groudon.

In her concept, Groudon’s hurried and random shot can’t store much power at all. Moreover, the defensive power of the Difang Sea Lion is also well-known.

Therefore, she naturally thought that the Difang Sea Lion was still capable of fighting.

But when she finished saying this, she found that Luo An looked at her a little weird, and the rest of the people’s reactions were also a little weird, so they followed their eyes and saw the emperor floating on the sea like a corpse. Tooth sea lion!

“How could it be? The Difang Sea Lion is incapacitated?!”

Bonnie couldn’t help but screamed in surprise, which was completely different from what she expected.

Even if the Difang Sea Lion was seriously injured, with its defensive power, it was the worst to remain awake. How could it just faint?

“Miss Bonnie’s Difang Sea Lion was defeated at once…”

“Even Miss Bonnie can’t beat it. My hurt heart seems to feel better.”

“It’s completely unilateral crushing. Seeing Groudon’s appearance, he seems to be able to handle it with ease.”

“Not necessarily, I think Groudon must be holding on! It won’t last long!”

The elite trainers of the Alliance watching the battle from the sidelines could not help but take a deep breath when they saw that the Difang Sea Lion was beaten by Groudon and lost his combat power, and once again felt the horror of Groudon.

Even Miss Bonnie’s Pokémon, the Difang Sea Lion with super defensive power, couldn’t resist Groudon’s random shot, what else could they do.

However, some people think that Groudon’s unnamed skills that have released great power one after another are already at the end of the road. In fact, they don’t have much physical strength.

And only Luo Yi knew that Groudon actually used the power of the Zhenzhen fruit in this shot.

Otherwise, Bonnie’s Ditooth Sea Lion, looking at the bloated body, knew that if Groudon was just a random shot, it would probably not be able to achieve the effect of one-shot defeating the enemy.

“It’s really a good Difang sea lion, you have raised it well.”

Did Luo Yi say a compliment, but this word fell in Bonnie’s ears, but it was harsher than anything else!


Gritting her teeth, Bonnie glared at Luo Yi, then took back the Difang Sea Lion and released her other Pokémon again.

A white light flashed, and there were two large black cone-shaped horns on both sides of a head. The skin was covered with ice, and a Pokémon composed of a black stone core appeared in Luo Yi’s sight.

Before Luo Ding could take a closer look at what kind of Pokémon it was, he saw Bonnie’s solemn expression. The moment it appeared, it triggered the mega evolution!

“Interesting, mega?”

Being able to mega, coupled with the previous visual image residue, combined with the information that Luo Yi knew about Bonnie, the true face of this Pokémon was immediately guessed by Luo Yi.

Sure enough, after the light shrouded in the Pokémon that Bonnie had just released dissipated, its true face came into Luo Yi’s eyes.

Ice Ghost Protector!

No, now it should be said to be the mega ice ghost guardian.

After the mega, the Ice Ghost Guardian changed not only its appearance, but also its strength. The Ice Ghost Guardian’s racial value was originally 480. After the mega, it increased by a hundred to 580, which is the same as that of the Three Holy Birds. The race value is the same, which shows how much mega has improved it.

“It should be the most proud Pokémon in your hands.”

Luo Yi nodded to himself, looking at the mega ice ghost guardian on the sea.

When the mega ice ghost guardian appeared on the sea, the cold air emanating from his body directly froze the sea surface below it.

Bonnie didn’t answer, the expression on her face was as cold as a block of ice.

PS: A book recommended by a friend: Eat Halberd!Invasion dimension.

Chapter 255 One move!The sea is timid!The king is defeated!

“Come on, let me see how much your super ice ghost guard can do.”

Luo looked at Bonnie, who was soaked all over and no longer had the dignified temperament before.


Bonnie’s face was still cold, and she didn’t respond, but the beating eyebrows fully showed her restless state of mind.

“Ice Ghost Guardian, Frozen Wind!”

There were not too many words, but the super ice ghost guardian who had been with the master for a long time immediately reacted.

With a deep roar, the Super Ice Ghost Protector roared towards Groudon, and a thick ice road was formed on the sea below it.

After approaching Groudon, the Super Ice Ghost Guardian released a freezing wind, and the cold wind mixed with fine snow rushed towards Groudon.

Although the power of the Frozen Wind was mediocre among ice-based skills, Bonnie was interested in the deceleration effect attached to this skill.

The cold wind was blowing at an extremely high speed, but Groudon didn’t even pay attention to it. He took a deep breath and directly offset the freezing wind of the Super Ice Ghost Guardian.

“It’s now! Unleash the blizzard!”

The Frozen Wind is ineffective, Bonnie is not worried but happy.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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