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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 321

Because the distance between Super Ice Ghost Protector and Groudon has been reduced a lot at this moment, Super Ice Ghost Protector releases the blizzard, and Groudon will be directly exposed to the attack range of the blizzard.

“Ice ghost!”

Super Ice Ghost Protector and Bonnie cooperated tacitly, and immediately released a powerful blizzard, shrouding Groudon on the sea.

The temperature of the surrounding sea area suddenly dropped!

“Miss Bonnie’s ice ghost protection is amazing!”

“Blizzard is an ice-type move! Very effective against Groudon!”

Seeing that the blizzard of the Super Ice Ghost Guardian instantly shrouded Groudon, the elite trainers of the alliance could not help but exclaimed.

As the main Pokémon of the Heavenly King, Ice Ghost Protector is naturally strong, and the blizzard unleashed is powerful. In a blink of an eye, the sea surface around Groudon was frozen!

The Super Ice Ghost Guardian continued to release the blizzard, making the ice layer like an ant, and even climbing on Groudon’s body!

When the snowstorm stopped, the sea surface around Groudon was covered with thick layers of ice, and Groudon’s right hand was even frozen by the thick ice!

“In this way, Groudon falls into a passive state!”

Seeing this scene, Bonnie finally showed a smile and turned to Luo Yi, trying to find signs of panic from Luo Yi’s face at the moment.

However, she was disappointed. Even though Groudon was surrounded by a thick layer of ice and even his right paw was frozen, Luo Yi’s face still did not have the negative emotions that she thought appeared on Luo Yi’s face.

“It’s a gorgeous operation, but it’s a pity, it’s useless.”

Looking at Bonnie, Luo Yi chuckled.

“It’s useless? At this point, do you still want to be brave?”

Bonnie sneered, thinking that Luo Yi was pretending to be calm.

After all, looking at it this way, everyone would feel that Groudon, surrounded by ice, was in a bad situation.

Bonnie was about to command the Super Ice Ghost Guardian to launch a powerful attack again, but at this moment, as if to confirm Luo Yi’s words, Groudon’s aura suddenly changed, so powerful that it was almost unbelievable. See.

Immediately afterwards, Groudon was shocked, and a cloud of white light suddenly spread from Groudon’s right paw!

And this seemingly insignificant white light is like a flood of beasts at this moment. When it comes into contact with the white ice, it instantly destroys the ice into ice slag!

It all happened so fast that no one reacted.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that Groudon shook all the ice cubes around it into crystal clear ice slag!

“Grado, let’s fight quickly.”

The occurrence of this scene was within Luo Yi’s expectations, so he didn’t have much to care about.

If only relying on some ice, it would be too whimsical to limit Groudon’s movements.


Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Groudon’s golden-colored pupils shrank slightly, staring at the super ice ghost guard below, exuding a chilling and violent aura.

The next moment, Groudon suddenly raised his right paw!

“Ice Ghost Guardian! Hide in the sea!”

Although Bonnie was not confused, she reacted that Groudon wanted to launch an attack, and immediately directed the Ice Ghost Guardian to hide in the sea water.

Being able to use the battlefield reasonably is the basic quality that a good Pokémon trainer should possess, and at this moment, facing Groudon’s attack, the sea is a natural barrier!

Super Ice Ghost Protector also felt the crisis he was facing, and without the slightest hesitation, he rushed into the sea.

“Tsk tsk, thought it would be safe to hide in the sea? I’m afraid you haven’t seen it before – an attack that can split the sea!”

Luo Yi’s eyes flickered, and he sneered at the super ice ghost guardian who wanted to use the sea as his shelter.

At the same moment, Groudon’s raised right paw slammed down with a thunderous aura!


Like a dozen giant bombs Groudon’s claws exploded on the sea surface!

With a deafening loud noise, a large amount of sea water sprayed around like a fountain!

The terrifying power, coupled with the shock of Groudon’s use of the shock fruit, formed a vacuum zone where no seawater could invade at Groudon’s claws!

Just like a sea god showing his power, the sea water on both sides quickly retreated!

This trick actually split the sea directly!

Attack to split the sea!

This shocking scene made everyone stunned and wondered if they were in a dream.

Bonnie looked in disbelief at the bare seabed in the vacuum zone under Groudon’s claws. In the dry seabed, the fainted ice ghost guard, who was beaten back to the prototype, was lying there impressively. on!

The solid ice that originally wrapped the ice ghost to protect the body has disappeared…

“how come……”

Bonnie’s eyes blurred, and she muttered to herself.

The belief she still had before was completely turned into nothingness under the blow of Groudon.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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