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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 325

I’ve heard it somewhere, but I don’t know exactly.

Sulphur Valley, I know the name, but I don’t know the place.

After a trip down, Luo Yi’s inquiries received no more than these replies.

Even if someone has an impression of this place name, when it comes to the specific location, they all ask three questions.

“It’s still a little difficult.”

Luo Yi shook his head, raised his head and looked forward.

Before they knew it, Luo Yi and the others passed through the Green Jade City. In front of them was the wild woods bordering the Green Jade City, and in the distance was the misty mountain scenery.

Sulphur Star Valley Sulphur Star Valley, Luo Yi thought that it should be in the mountains, but if no one specified the specific location or characteristics, it would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack in the vast mountains.

“Luo Yi, why don’t you take a break first, the weather is good today, it’s a good time for camping.”

Shirona looked at the sky, and then made a suggestion to Luo Yi.

“Pickup! Pickup pickup~”

Pikachu seemed to be a little tired. As soon as Shirona suggested camping, Pikachu was crazy to Luo Yi, and rubbed Luo Yi with his soft cheeks.

“Don’t make trouble, itchy, it’s fine if you go camping, I’m a little hungry anyway.”

In the face of Shirona’s proposal, Luo Yi has no opinion. After all, the great leader said that people are iron, rice is steel, and they will be hungry if they don’t eat for a day.

Immediately, the three of them, Pikachu, found a shady tree to prepare for camping.

And just as Luo Yi and his party were preparing to camp, a pair of malicious eyes appeared from the dense leaves on a tree trunk not far away.

These malicious eyes stared straight at the bright gems Luo Yi bought for Shirona and Xiaoyao.

“Hey, I didn’t expect that I, Komori, had just decided to become a world-famous elf poacher, and then I met a suitable target, hehehehe.”

He peeled off the leaves in front of him, revealing a frowning face.

Although he said that he was an elf poacher, his eyes were always staring at the gem.

As for Luo Yi and the others, there was an inconspicuous Pikachu beside him, and Luo Yi’s age made him think that Luo Yi was an ordinary rich second generation, and this time he brought his two girlfriends to the mountain for fun. .

As for the common sense of being around a rich second generation, there is no bodyguard, that is, a powerful Pokémon. Komori, who is dazzled by gems, will not consider it at all.


Komori, a self-proclaimed elf poacher, jumped from the tree to the ground with a crisp sound.

Then he pretended to tidy up his clothes, twisted his face desperately with his hands, and finally fixed it into a fierce face.

“Long-tailed monster, go! It’s time for us to do our first business!”

As soon as the words fell, a purple-haired monkey with a smiley face scurried down from the tree.

One person and one monkey, swaggeringly walked to the place where Luo Yi and the others were camping.

Their undisguised appearances naturally attracted the attention of Luo Yi and the others.


Xiaoyao pointed at them and said.

“Well, it seems to be coming towards us.”


Shirona nodded, a little suspicious of the other party’s intentions.

Luo Yi glanced at it and ignored it.

“Hey, hand over your gems, and gems, no, and Pikachu! Otherwise, you will look good!”

After the man approached, he took on the attitude of a bully, but his thin appearance really made people dare not compliment his appearance.

“Long Tail Long Tail!”

The long-tailed monster also followed its master, and also made a fierce look, but still the same as his master, it didn’t feel fierce, but full of funny.

“Huh? Robbery?”

Luo Yi looked at them in surprise. After looking up and down at them, he almost laughed out loud.

“…Hey! What are you laughing at! Treat yourself with respect! I’m an elf poacher! If you don’t want to make trouble, just follow what I say, Master! This place is my territory!”

Enraged by Luo Yi’s attitude, Komori shouted with a thick neck and red face.

“Your territory? Do you know the location of Sulphur Valley?”

Who knows, Luo Yi didn’t seem to hear the main point of his words, and suddenly a question appeared.

“Sulphur Star Valley, I know this place… blah blah blah, what if I know, don’t talk about anything else, do as I say! Quick!”

After subconsciously answering Luo Yi’s question, he came back to his senses and the postures of the two sides had almost changed.

“You know? Then I can forgive you for being rude this time. Let’s lead the way.”

Chapter 258 Is the road blocked?

“Bastard, don’t you understand human words? Long-tailed monsters! Teach them a lesson! Use high-speed stars!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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