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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 328

“The black hole is slippery, it’s a trouble.”


An oversized flashlight appeared in Luo Yi’s hand, shining bright light into the cave.

This is what Luo Yi let the system redeem, and it doesn’t cost much points.

With the flashlight, the cave that was full of dark and weird atmosphere is no longer uncomfortable.


Inside the cave, there were no complicated roads, and no brutal Pokémon stopped them. After Luo Yi and the others walked through the cave peacefully for a short time, Luo Yi’s arm felt a breeze.

Luo Yi’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If there is wind, it means that the exit is ahead!

PS: Recommend a good book – Tomb Raiders: Hell King’s Ghost Face!

Chapter 260 The past of the cracking seat!

After Luo Yi felt the flow of the wind, they walked further inside, and they found a bright exit.

“It’s the exit! It’s so nice!”

Seeing the exit, Shirona said with joy.

“Great! This cave is so depressing, it always feels eerie.”

Xiaoyao also had a happy expression on his face.

The cave didn’t feel good for them. It had a depressing atmosphere, and the air was extremely humid, making it uncomfortable to be in it.

Of course, this may just be a girl’s feeling. Anyway, Luo Yi doesn’t feel uncomfortable, but he enjoys the feeling of being in an unknown area, as if he is exploring.

“In front, it should be Sulphur Star Valley.”

Although he enjoyed the feeling of an adventure, Luo Yi’s mood couldn’t help but change when he saw the exit. When he arrived at Sulphur Star Valley, it meant that he was a step closer to the Rift Seat.

“Pickup! Pickup pickup!”

Pikachu was the most excited, and immediately took the lead, rushing into the light, and Luo Yi and the others followed closely behind and also went out of the cave.

Since the cave was always dark and dark, when Luo Yixirona Xiaoyao came out of the cave, she couldn’t help squinting because of the sunlight outside, and it took a long time to get used to it again.

The scene in front of him was completely new, and a wooded valley appeared.

Looking at the forest diagonally below, Luo Yi could easily know the height they were at, and guessed that the place they were standing was halfway up the mountain.

“There, it’s where Sijana and the others live.”

From above, Luo Yi was able to see most of the valley’s scenery, and in the middle of the valley surrounded by trees, Luo Yi saw more than a dozen peculiarly shaped houses, which were incompatible with the architectural style of the outside world. Luo Yi could see from it. Scattered little figures came and went in and out of these houses.

“It’s like the legendary paradise.”

Luo Yi chuckled, the people here should be the people who claim to be the people of Meteor, including Sijana who happened to meet before.

In Luo Yi’s impression, the legend about the people of Meteor is like this.

A long, long time ago, the meteor shower had been streaking across the night sky, and the original Groudon and the original Kyogre fought. stop them.

Thousands of years later, a meteor fell to the current Liuli City, awakening Groudon and Kyogre. The battle between the two super ancient Pokémon was dark and dark, and the so-called inheritor was able to quell the battle between the two. , I prayed for the return of Lie Kongza, and this prayer made Lie Kongza mega-evolution at the same time that Rikongza appeared.

After the fierce battle, Groudon and Kyogre returned to the depths, and the Sky Seat returned to the sky. After that, the people of the meteors built a pillar of the sky to summon their gods. The pillars were painted with murals, indicating that the meteors would hit the world in a thousand years. , plans to summon Lie Kongzai to protect the earth.

That’s why Sigana was able to summon the Rift Seat to appear, and Luo Yi came here for a very clear purpose, just to try and see if he could become a so-called inheritor.

Looking at the hesitant look of Sijana when she and Sijana picked out the inheritor she wanted to become before, it seemed that Sijana did not reject the idea of ​​her wanting to be the inheritor, so maybe she really had a chance.

In fact, the so-called inheritor’s mission is to work with Risakuza to stop the meteor that would destroy the world in the prophecy on the day of the prophecy.

Luo Yi thought that if he could show Hirona his powerful strength and make Hirona believe that he was also competent, maybe he could become a new inheritor logically.

Of course, Luo had no interest in the so-called saviour heroes, and the main purpose was to conquer the Rift Seat and protect the world from the devastating blow of the meteor, which was only secondary in Luo Yi’s mind.

After becoming the inheritor, Luo Yi must have called out the Splitting Seat for the first time, fought with it and subdued it.

Only after that is the matter of what meteors to consider.

However, this matter naturally cannot be explained to Sigana in advance, who knows if she will become hostile to Luo Yi because of this.

It’s just that in case he can’t become an inheritor, Luo Yi can also think of a way to let Sijana summon the Koroid Seat first, so that the Korakuza Seat can appear to fight against him, so that Luo Yi has a chance to conquer the Void Seat.

Thinking like this, Luo Yi took the lead and walked towards the residence not far away.

Going down the slope, walking is not tired at all, and the naughty Pikachu even rolls directly.

But rolling and rolling, suddenly, a loud shout came, which startled Pikachu.

“Stop! Who are you?!”

Luo looked at the source of the sound, and found that there were a few teenagers around the age of thirteen or fourteen standing beside the tree trunk in front, looking at Luo Yi and a few people with alert expressions.

From their similar outfits to Shirona, Luo Yi knew that he was in the wrong place.

“I called him.”

Before Luo Yi could answer, another girl jumped out of the tree. It was Sigana, which saved Luo Yi the time to explain.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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not work with dark mode