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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 332

Chapter 263 Resist the Tower of the Sky!

Puff puff puff!

The messy flapping of wings resounded in the mountains!

Listening to the sound, it is as if you are in the middle of the flock of birds, and countless birds are flying high!

“How is this going?”

Sigana was shocked and murmured subconsciously.

Because they were blocked by the cliff, Sijana and the others couldn’t see Luo Yi’s figure, and naturally they couldn’t see Luo Yi’s situation on the other side.

However, the chaotic flapping of wings explained everything to Sigana!

“What a big battle, it seems that he is indeed more qualified to be the inheritor than me?”

A complex light flashed in Sijana’s eyes.

She felt a little unwilling and felt a sense of relief. At this moment, she was finally able to unload the biggest stone in her heart.

“What… are you kidding! How is this possible!?”

Hao Er was sweating down his forehead, gritted his teeth, his face full of disbelief,

Listening to the voice, it was as if all the flying Pokémon on the other side were responding to Luo Yi.

No matter what, Hao Er couldn’t believe that Luo Yi could actually do this.

“I know, he must be trying to use tough means to subdue the flying-type Pokémon in this mountain! That’s why I alerted them! It must be like this!”

Hao Er’s mind flashed, thinking of this possibility, and suddenly shouted.

But before he could finish speaking, suddenly, a large group of flying-type Pokémon suddenly flew into their field of vision!

Hao Er was startled by the huge momentum, his legs went weak and he fell directly to the ground, his eyes almost popping out.

Smaller flying-type Pokémon abounded, and then Bidiao, Dawangyan, Armored Bird, and even the Tanabata Blue Bird Tropical Dragon all popped up, appearing in Hao Er’s field of vision, making him look stunned. Astonished, his mouth was so wide that he could almost stuff an egg.

Among the group of flying Pokémon that suddenly appeared, Haoji and Shijana saw Luo Yi, who was sitting on the back of a tropical dragon.

The other flying-type Pokémon, like the king, surrounded the tropical dragon and flew towards the tower of the sky.

“How, how is this possible? Didn’t he naively want to take one by force? Then let it take it there??”

Hao Er’s head was muddy for a while, and this large group of flying Pokémon directly overturned his previous guess.

Luo Yi couldn’t, in just one minute, to capture such a large number of flying-type Pokémon!

So that is to say, Luo Yi is the same as them, also using the scroll, and did not try other means.

Looking at the army of flying Pokémon that gradually disappeared, Hao Er’s eyes were a little blurry.

He still remembered that he had only managed to enter the Tower of the Sky once by relying on a few inconspicuous flying-type Pokémon.

However, this Luo Yi…isn’t it too exaggerated! !

It’s not even less than a hundred of them!Where can I usually see so many flying-type Pokémon, why are all my brains popping up now!How the hell did he do it!

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of me, I recalled my original performance.

Hao Er was severely hit, his mentality was seriously imbalanced, and his eyes were black and he almost fainted.

“You really are not simple… It seems that the identity of the inheritor is none other than you.”

Sigana was also shocked by Luo Yi’s sudden big battle, and was a little lost.

After regaining her senses, Sigana chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief, her expression clearly relaxed.

Luo Yi’s performance was really beyond her expectations. She never expected that she would see such a scene.

And this scene is enough to show that Luo Yi is qualified to replace her and become the new inheritor!

Although before, Sigana felt that Luo Yi was not easy since Luo Yi was able to conquer the super ancient Pokémon Groudon.

And the first time they met, what Luo Yi said to her suddenly caught Sijana off guard, because she knew clearly that she and Luo Yi had never met, but Luo Yi was able to call out her name, Knowing the secrets of her clan really shocked her, and she was also wary of Luo Yi.

However, Sigana believes that if Luo Yi should have other bad thoughts, and even if there is, in front of the super ancient Pokémon Rikongzu, 953 can’t hide it or change it.

However, what Sigana didn’t expect at all was that Luo Yi wouldn’t be afraid of Korakuza at all.

Because, Luo Yi’s line of business is here to subdue the split empty seat!

At this time, Luo Yi, who was on the back of the tropical dragon, also reached the sky between the cliff and the Sky Tower.

And Luo Yi also felt the chaotic airflow that he had heard before. The closer he got to the Sky Tower, the stronger the chaotic airflow, and the howling wind made Luo Yi feel like he was in a tornado.

If it is an ordinary flying type Pokémon, it is estimated that it is really under this kind of air flow, and it will be manipulated by the strong wind before it can fly very far.

But the flying-type Pokémon around Luo Yi, who inhabit this world, have long since honed a skill to adapt to this raging and violent wind.

Luo Yi was surrounded by them, in the middle of the wind, without any threat.

Soon, Luo Yi stepped onto the ground of the Sky Tower with the help of a group of flying Pokémon!

Chapter 264 Crack the empty seat!Show up!

The position Luo Yi was standing at the moment was the protruding foothold at the middle end of the Pillar of the Sky.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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