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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 339

And the cracking seat below, it really stood up, and then a whirlwind blew up and took off again.

Looking at the appearance of the cracking seat when it was flying, Luo Yi was amazed. It really is the cracking seat. Looking at it like this, it seems that there is still room for fighting. Could it be that the dragon’s fluctuation of the cracking seat is still playing a role?

In Luo Yi’s concept, Korakuza should be defeated by Groudon’s Tianzheng, but Korakuza’s endurance was somewhat beyond Luo Yi’s expectations.

It seems that he has underestimated the Korakuza, but the unexpected performance of the Korakuza will only make Luo Yi even more excited!

Luo Yi, who is about to become the master of the Sky Crack, of course, wishes that the Crack Sea was as strong as possible.


Risakuza roared angrily and confronted Groudon above the sky.

Although the appearance of the cracking seat at this time is indeed a little embarrassing, but at a glance, it is not difficult to see that the cracking seat still retains a certain amount of physical strength, not to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

“In that case, Groudon, let’s do another shot! This time, knock it down completely!”

Luo Yi clenched his fists and looked at the cracking seat in the air with a confident smile.


Hearing Luo Yi’s order, Groudon nodded at its huge head, and then opened his mouth again to mobilize his strength.

However, due to the reason that was released just now, Groudon consumed a lot of physical strength, so this time the speed of gathering the ball of light was significantly slower.

On the other side of the splitting seat, seeing Groudon’s actions, the anger in his eyes almost overflowed.

Faced with the replay of Groudon’s old tricks, Kakuza, not to be outdone, also gathered all of his strength to deal with Groudon’s quake by destroying the dead light.

The momentum of the two super ancient Pokémon suddenly soared, and the ball of light that sharply gathered and compressed the energy in their mouths also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when the two super ancient Pokémon were about to unleash their all-out blow to decide the winner, Luo Yi noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and looked up at the night sky in surprise.

It was at this moment that Groudon and Crackling Seat also seemed to have noticed something, dispelled the energy gathered in their mouths, and raised their heads solemnly to look at the night sky.

In the night sky at this time, countless bright meteors streak across the sky with graceful arcs, leaving behind tails that flicker.

“Meteor shower?”

Looking at the strange scene in the night sky, Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chapter 270 My young master said it!He’s done!

“What is that? Meteor?”

“A lot of meteors! So beautiful!”

“Fortunately, I didn’t go to bed early today, otherwise I wouldn’t have seen this meteor shower!”

“A lot of meteors! I can have a lot of wishes.”

The bright meteor shower in the night sky has attracted the attention of most people on the mainland, and people are excited to witness this wonderful spectacle.

The people who were able to see the meteor shower also included Sigana and Xiaoyao in Sulphur Star Valley. The two looked at each other and both saw the bad in each other’s eyes, because they also heard the meteor prophecy on Luo Yi, and it was said that it would be destroyed. Before the world’s meteors appear, there will be a meteor shower.

Sure enough, when the people of Sulphur Star Valley saw the meteor shower, most of them were panic-stricken.

Because this scene in the night sky at this time is exactly the same as the scene in the prophecy of their clan!

“Meteor shower? Could it be the time of the prophecy, tonight? Is it a coincidence?”

Luo Yi looked at the stars in the sky, the meteor shower in the night sky, he had seen it on the mural of the Pillar of the Sky, and that was the last painting, representing the final chapter of the prophecy.

“Could it be just a coincidence? It’s just another meteor shower. Otherwise, it would be doomsday without any signs. It’s too unreasonable.”

Luo Yi muttered to himself.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Yi picked up his communicator and dialed Yun Dun’s mobile phone.

“Who! I’m not free now! Don’t bother me!”

As soon as 683 dialed, the phone was connected, but Yun Dun’s rather irritable words immediately popped out.


A bright smile appeared on Luo Yi’s face.

“Yun Dun, do you want to die?”

Luo Yi’s voice made Yun Dun on the other end of the communicator stunned for a moment, and then there was a brief silence. It seemed that Yun Dun was just checking who was calling now.

Then, Yun Dun’s trembling voice came again.

“Yes… it’s the young master, I’m sorry, I’m offended, uh, what’s the matter with me, the young master?”

Yun Dun asked cautiously, for fear that Luo Yi would be angry because of his rashness just now.

Of course Luo Yi won’t get angry because of a small misunderstanding. He also heard the noisy background noise from Yun Dun’s place at this moment. He thought that Yun Dun was busy at first, and he was so hurried that he didn’t even call him. time to see.

“You can help me contact the Green Ridge Cosmos Center in Green Ridge City and ask them if they have any unexpected findings about this meteor shower.”

What Luo Yi meant was that he wanted to go to the center of the Green Ridge Universe to see if this meteor shower was the predicted one, and whether there was really a huge meteorite about to hit.

“Oops! Young Master! I’m at the Green Ridge Universe Center! Originally, the company sent me to check the progress of the research and development of the rocket, but, Young Master, do you know!”

In the end, this Yun Dun even had a hint of crying, which made Luo instantly understand that his guess was likely to be right.

“Little Master, let me tell you, in this meteor shower, a huge meteor is coming towards us! According to their guess, this meteor is about to destroy the world!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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