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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 341

Although they wanted to believe it was true, Luo Yi was really able to solve this crisis.

But this possibility is really beyond their expected range. It is as if someone told them that the carp king could evolve into Minas, who can believe it.

Since Luo Yi’s conquest of Groudon was only known to a small number of people, most people didn’t know it, so most of their impressions of Luo Yi were only reserved for the league games.

So no matter what, they couldn’t believe that Luo Yi had the ability to destroy Meteor.

“Your young master is Luo Yi, who has been hot recently, you think too much…”

“Don’t think about it, let’s quickly discuss how to deal with this matter.”

“He’s crazy, are you crazy too? How is this possible?”

Everyone’s tone of voice was different, but everyone maintained a skeptical attitude towards this. What’s more, the tone was even more sarcastic, looking at Yun Dun with the eyes of a lunatic.

“You said my young master can’t, then you can?”

Yun Dun was also annoyed at this time, and his tone became more polite.

Everyone was suffocated, and there was nothing to say for a while, after all, what Yun Dun said was the truth.

“We can’t do it, then Luo Yi can do it?! What’s your logic? Are you an idiot?”

A strangely dressed old man retorted. He is the president of the Green Ridge Cosmos Center. He likes to talk about his age and experience. At this moment, facing Yun Dun and saying that Luo Yi can solve a lot of things that a bunch of their researchers can’t handle, Of course he couldn’t tolerate it.

“Oh? Can you both become league champions?”

Yun Dun suddenly smiled and asked.

Being raised by Yun Dun, the old man’s eyes widened, and the fire in his eyes was about to come out, but he couldn’t find the fault for a while.

After all, Luo Yi did become the league champion, and they couldn’t do that.

“It’s arrogant, the two things can’t be compared at all!”

In the end, the guild elder finally choked out a sentence, and then maybe he felt that his position was insufficient, and he added another sentence.

“If he can really do it, I’ll… I’ll let you be the president!”

Yun Dun’s eyes lit up and asked immediately.

“Is what you said true?”

“Of course, of course it’s true!”

The old man hesitated, but immediately confirmed with a cold face.

After being confirmed, Yun Dun’s face almost burst into laughter. These days, for the rocket research and development of Dewen Company in the Green Ridge Cosmos Center, he can be made difficult by the researchers here. If he can become the chairman…

“Hmph, don’t think about it, it’s impossible.”

Seeing Yun Dun’s expectation, the old man sneered, and then said to another liaison.

“Hurry up and get in touch with the top of the alliance! We don’t have much time!”


And just when Yun Dun was arguing with others at the Green Ridge Cosmos Center, Luo Yi, who was at the Pillar of the Sky, was looking at Kazukuza from a distance.

“Hey, Korakuza, it seems that our battle needs to be suspended first, you must know what we are facing.”

Luo Yi spread out his hand and said slowly to the cracking seat.

Kaikongza floated in the sky, staring at Luo Yi with deep eyes, but did not respond.

“I need you, and you also need my strength. We have to work together to help the world get through this crisis. How about being my Pokémon for the time being, let’s go save the world first.”

Luo Yi saw that there was no response from the split empty seat, and he didn’t care, and continued.

Now the meteor that was predicted to destroy the world is about to come. Looking at the state of Risakuza, Luo Yi couldn’t defeat and subdue the meteor before it arrived.If it continues to fight, by the time Risakuza is really defeated and subdued, the meteor may have hit the ground.

That subduing the empty seat is still useful, the world is gone!


Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Crack Kongza’s huge eyes narrowed slightly. After a while, it let out a low growl and nodded slightly.

Is this reaction a promise?

Luo Yi’s eyes lit up, it seems that Khikongza’s attitude towards him has changed. This is because he has already recognized himself. If the previous Khikongza, even if he agreed to him due to the situation, he must be reluctant to talk to him. disgusting.

Luo Yi sighed for a while, but he really had to rely on his strength to speak.

After Kaikongza in the sky expressed his attitude, he danced his body and flew in front of Luo Yi, then bent down and motioned for Luo Yicheng to get on.

… … … … … …

Luo Yi immediately jumped up and retracted Groudon to the Poké Ball.

“Target Kanto area! Let’s go! Rikuza, let’s save the world!”

Luo Yi remembered that Yun Dun said that the meteor’s landing place was in Zhenxin Town in the Guandu area.

It just so happened that Luo Yi felt a little tired of being in the Hoenn area. After solving the Meteor crisis this time, he stopped by the Kanto area to play!

Speaking of which, Luo Yi still has many favorite Pokémon in the Guandu area that he wants to conquer. It must be very exciting to let them eat Luo Yi’s Devil Fruit!

Sulphur Valley.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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