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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 348

Pikachu raised his little paw and greeted Dr. Damu cutely.

“Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I’m not the rookie trainer Xiaotai you said, my name is Luo Yi, and I’m from the Hoenn area.”

Luo explained to the puzzled Dr. Damu.

“…It’s from the Hoenn area? Luo Yi kid, the little fire dragon is only for new trainers, you can’t get it.”

Dr. Damu said angrily.

In his eyes, Luo Yi is the kind of insatiable Pokémon trainer. Otherwise, he already has Pokémon, why would he suddenly come to him to get a little fire dragon?

Did he think that the little fire dragon could be given away casually?Dr. Damu was a little helpless.

“Of course I don’t want it for nothing. Well, this is the detailed data of most of the Pokémon in the Hoenn area. You should want it. Let’s make a deal.”

Luo Yi smiled, as if he was not at all afraid that Dr. Damu would refuse.

detailed data?Isn’t it just the data of some Pokémon recorded on the way by the Pokémon Trainer, but what’s so strange about that kind of casual records? He really thinks that his data is very precious and worth changing to a little fire dragon?

Dr. Damu sighed in his heart, but he didn’t take it to heart, but Luo Yi handed over the things, and he was too embarrassed to refuse in person.

Dr. Damu had no choice but to take it. He thought that after taking a quick glance, he would just make a few perfunctory sentences. He didn’t think Luo Yizhen could come up with valuable records.


After a quick glance, Dr. Damu let out a small yawn, his eyes could no longer be separated from the record booklet in his hand, and then, as if not believing in evil, he turned his head again, and even his breathing was short.

Seeing the obvious change in Dr. Damu’s expression, Luo Yi secretly smiled in his heart.

Before he came here, he thought about how to get a little fire dragon from Dr. Damu. After all, Zhenxin Town is the starting point of Pokémon, so how can you get a Pokémon without Dr. Damu.

And the method that can make Dr. Damu have a strong interest, so that he can contribute the little fire dragon, Luo Yi thinks that it is the Pokémon information that is beneficial to Dr. Damu’s research.

These Pokémon materials in the Hoenn area are all from the Devon company. It is not precious if you say it is precious, and it is not cheap if you say it. It depends on who it is.

Possessing the parameters of the Pokémon in the Hoenn area can no longer be detailed. For ordinary Pokémon trainers, it is only data that is worth reference, but for Dr. Oki, this is tantamount to a priceless treasure, because it can Greatly contributed to his research and understanding of Hoenn Pokémon.

“How? Can it help me get a little fire dragon?”

Luo Yi said with a faint smile.

After being interrupted by Luo Yi’s words, Dr. Damu came back to his senses, and his eyes showed surprise at Luo Yi.

He really didn’t expect Luo Yi to actually come up with conditions that he couldn’t refuse.

“Well, yes, yes, but this little fire dragon in the research institute has a very naughty personality and is not suitable for a rookie trainer. Oh, I forgot that you are not a rookie trainer.”

Dr. Damu embarrassedly touched the back of his head.

“That’s just right. Anyway, this little fire dragon is not something that a rookie trainer can control, and it has a very proud temperament.”

Dr. Damu said absent-mindedly, and motioned Luo Yi to enter.

After following Dr. Ogi to the Pokémon activity area behind the institute, Dr. Ogi pointed to a tree not far away.

“Hey, that’s it.”

After he finished speaking, Dr. Damu hurriedly stepped into his research institute to file and study Luo Yi’s exchanged materials.

… … … … … …

Luo Yi and the others followed the direction pointed by Dr. Damu and saw a sturdy tree, one with the characteristics of dinosaurs, orange all over the body, cream under the stomach and tail, and the tail was burning with flames. baby.

It was the Pokémon that Luo Yi wanted to exchange from Dr. Damu—Little Fire Dragon!

Although there was still one Sea Emperor Ya left in the Fengyuan area, he came to the Guandu area by accident, so Luo Yi simply planned to make a mistake, play in the Guandu area first, and conquer some Luo Yi in the Guandu area. The region’s favorite Pokémon, Haihuangya won’t run anyway, so it’s not too late to go back and conquer it.

And to say which one Luo Yi would most like to get from Dr. Damu’s royal family, it must be the little fire dragon.

At this moment, the target of Luo Yi’s trip, the little fire dragon, was taking a nap with his eyes closed, his claws crossed in front of xiong, a twig in his mouth, and he looked like he was tugging.

Aware of the arrival of Luo Yi and the others, Xiao Huolong just raised his right eyelid slightly, revealing a gap and casually glanced at Luo Yi, then closed his eyes to refresh himself.

“Tsk, it’s interesting.”

Luo Yi couldn’t help laughing. Seeing the appearance of the little fire dragon, Luo Yi felt that what Dr. Damu said before might be the truth.

Chapter 2: The Little Fire Dragon Who Wants to Challenge the Rift Seat

“This little fire dragon looks weird.”

Xiaoyao was the first to express her feelings.

“Well, it feels weird, hehe.”

Looking at the little fire dragon on the branch who ignored them at all, as if they didn’t exist at all, Shirona covered her mouth and chuckled.

“This little fire dragon’s qualifications are only middle and upper.”

Luo Yi stood on the spot and looked at it for a while, and then from the system’s judgment, he knew the qualifications of the little fire dragon.

Although Luo Yi has a way to improve the qualifications of the little fire dragon, such as exchanging various materials from the system, but it also requires some points to pay. Luo Yi now has not many points left, so saving some is a little bit.

With that in mind, Luo turned around and wanted to find Dr. Damu again to see if there were any other Pokémon such as the Jenny Turtle and the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

“Let’s go, let’s talk to Dr. Damu.”

Unexpectedly, Luo Yi’s words fell into Xiao Huolong’s ears, making him unable to lie down for a while, he rolled over and roared angrily at Luo Yi.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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