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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 349

“Kna! Kna Kna!”


Luo Yi turned around and looked at the angry little fire dragon.

“What? Are you unconvinced?”

“Kna! Kna Kna!”

The little fire dragon held a twig in his mouth, claws on his waist, and looked at Luo Yi sideways.

Obviously, this is to challenge Luo Yi.

“Tsk tsk tsk, I’m afraid it’s a little fire dragon that I haven’t seen in the world, I’m afraid it is.”

Luo Yi smiled, this little fire dragon is quite brave, or is it that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers?

Just when Luo looked at the excited Pikachu on his shoulders and planned to let Pikachu teach the little fire dragon to be arrogant and have capital, the little fire dragon smiled disdainfully at Pikachu.

“Kna! Kna!”

The little fire dragon pointed at Pikachu with its claws, and then shook his hand arrogantly.

The appearance of it is very obvious.

Are you looking down on Pikachu?Said that Pikachu is not its opponent?

Pikachu looked at the little fire dragon with a stunned look, and Pikachu was angry!

“Pickup! Pickup pickup!!”

Almost, if Luo Yi hadn’t stopped him, Pikachu would have used a trick on Little Fire Dragon to let Little Fire Dragon experience what happened.

Pikachu looked indignant, and used his unique Pikachu voice to reason with Luo Yi, why not let it smash the little fire dragon into a carbon black little fire dragon.

“You’ve seriously injured this little fire dragon, so what should I say to Dr. Damu?”

Luo Yi shook his head helplessly. Seeing how angry Pikachu was, he really made it shock the little fire dragon. The little fire dragon had to pass out with black smoke all over his body. Since Luo Yi didn’t want to subdue this little fire dragon, then this little fire dragon had to pass out. The fire dragon belongs to the last trainer that Dr. Damu said before.

You can’t let people come over and find your little fire dragon lying unconscious on the ground, covered in black smoke from the arc.

That would undoubtedly be a nightmare for rookie trainers.


At this moment, a roar, not too small or not, came from mid-air, and then a pitch-black black light flew to Luo Yi’s side.

It is Luo Yi’s flashing space splitting seat.

Rikongzu didn’t like to stay in the Pokémon ball, so Luo Yi let it stay outside, just so that it could go to the atmosphere to eat meteorites to save energy and be able to mega evolution.

Now that Luo Yi came out of the research institute, Kakuzazu flew over immediately.

And its appearance also attracted the attention of Little Fire Dragon.

Pikachu Little Fire Dragon has been seen a lot in Dr. Big Wood, so Little Fire Dragon doesn’t care, but Rikakuza is a Pokémon in the Hoenn area, and it is also a legendary Pokémon. His appearance was even more majestic, which immediately attracted the attention of the little fire dragon.  …

“Kna! Kna!”

Xiao Huolong’s eyes showed fighting intent, and his claws pointed at the cracking seat and tickled.

“Yo, is this trying to challenge Rift Seat?”

Seeing Xiao Huolong’s actions, Luo Yi smiled playfully.

This little fire dragon, where did the confidence come from, dare to challenge the split empty seat?

Although Luo Yi’s Cracked Seat is not an adult, the prestige and domineering belonging to the Cracked Seat will naturally not fall. How dare a small fire dragon dare to challenge the Cracked Seat?

Looking at the raging fighting spirit in the eyes of the little fire dragon, Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn’t help but feel interested in this little fire dragon.

“Interesting, that cracking empty seat, let it see what an absolute strength gap is.”

Luo Yi chuckled.


Cracked Seat nodded when he heard the words, then turned to look at the little fire dragon with a branch in his mouth, his expression did not change in the slightest.


The cracking seat was facing himself, and the little fire dragon only felt a powerful breath blowing towards his face, and even made it unconscious, and a drop of sweat dripped on his forehead.

4.3 Just in this situation, the little fire dragon had to not flinch, but the fighting intent in his eyes was even stronger.

“Unfortunately, the gap between your strengths is too great, and it cannot be changed by your will alone.”

Luo Yi saw the fighting intent in Xiao Huolong’s eyes and said regretfully.

He even anticipated the next thing, and the Xiao Huolong, who understood the difference in strength between the two sides, would be dejected.

“Kna! Kna!”

After a short stalemate, the little fire dragon suddenly burst out!

Extremely fast, even afterimages appeared!

It is hard to imagine that the small body of the little fire dragon actually contains such a large amount of energy that it can burst out at such a fast speed!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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