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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 362

“very handsome.”

Those youngsters, looking at the domineering appearance of the fire-breathing dragon, couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice, quite envious.

The little fire dragon evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, and even Luo Yi was very satisfied, let alone these young trainers.

Because Luo Yi had given it a potion before, after it evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, the childishness of the little fire-breathing dragon was no longer there. The huge body that was a bit stronger than the ordinary fire-breathing dragon exuded an incomparably arrogant and domineering aura, which made people look at it. Go up can not help but look intimidated.

“The fire-breathing dragon should be very strong, but Master Sakagi is stronger.”

“For sure, the fire-breathing dragon has just evolved. I don’t think it can show much strength.”

Even if the little fire dragon continuously evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, their battle between Luo Yi and Sakagi was still biased towards Sakagi.

After all, he was a master of a gymnasium, and Luo Yi’s superficially displayed power was a fire-breathing dragon that had just evolved. No matter how they looked at it, they all felt that Luo Yi would repeat their previous tragic end.

Maybe it will be even worse than them, because Luo Yi had ‘speaking badly’ to the owner of the Sakagi Pavilion just now.


Evolving into a fire-breathing dragon, the excitement in the heart of the fire-breathing dragon is indescribable, and he is so excited that he displays his body, spreads his wings, and raises a whirlwind to take off.

The fire-breathing dragon hovered in the air above the battlefield in the form of a king, as if patrolling the king of his own territory.


After the fire-breathing dragon’s excitement subsided, he folded his wings and stepped on the ground, splashing a circle of dust.

“Fire-breathing dragon, after the fight, I’ll give you something delicious.”

Luo Yi smiled as he looked at the majestic fire-breathing dragon.

Along the way, the points accumulated in the system are almost the same. As long as Sakagi is defeated again, the points will be enough to exchange for another Devil Fruit.


Hearing Luo Yi’s words, the fire-breathing dragon realized something, and his eyes suddenly showed a radiance of extreme excitement.

It had heard about the magical fruit from Luo Yi’s other Pokémon, and when he heard Luo Yi’s words, the excitement in his heart couldn’t be added.

“Master Sakagi, please release your Pokémon.”

Luo Yi spoke indifferently to Sakagi Pavilion Master on the other side.

Luo Yi knew that Sakagi was a ground-type Pokémon trainer, but Luo Yi didn’t have much impression on the specific Pokémon, except for the Chaomeng that he used before.

“Little devil, are you so impatient?”

Sakagi’s eyes narrowed, his index finger and thumb rubbed together, and then he took out a Pokémon ball and threw it over the battlefield.

With a flash of white light, a body composed of more than a dozen solid rocks, a Pokémon with a huge body appeared on the battlefield.

Big rock snake!

Big Rock Snake is a Pokemon with dual attributes of ground and rock, but it’s not a rare Pokemon.

It’s just that this one of Sakagi is obviously a whole circle bigger than the other big rock snakes, and with its indifferent eyes, it is very oppressive.



The two Pokémon met and roared at each other at the same time.

Then, the irascible fire-breathing dragon and the big rock snake dashed towards each other while tacit understanding!


Two huge Pokémon collided head-on, and the resulting loud noise echoed in the gym.

Such a simple and rude way of confrontation was seen by several teenagers watching the battle, which immediately made their blood boil!

And at the moment when the two Pokémon were deadlocked and no one could do anything about the other, Sakagi’s brows did wrinkle slightly.

Because of the power competition between the Big Rock Snake and the Fire-breathing Dragon, it seems to outsiders that the Big Rock Snake and the Fire-breathing Dragon are evenly matched, but in fact, Sakagi can see clearly that the Big Rock Snake is at a disadvantage!

The power of your own big rock snake is actually incomparable to a fire-breathing dragon that has continuously evolved from a small fire dragon?

You must know that because the body of the big rock snake is made of rock, the power contained in the body is actually quite huge!

“Big rock snake, throw the fire-breathing dragon away!”

Sakagi, who saw the clue, calmly gave orders to the big rock snake, and wanted to let the big rock snake take advantage of its body weight to throw the fire-breathing dragon away…

“Late, fire-breathing dragon, cast on the earth!”

Luo Yi smiled lightly, and also issued an attack instruction to the fire-breathing dragon.

However, this attack instruction made Sakagi sneer, and it also made the group of teenagers watching the battle feel extremely absurd!

Throw on the earth, but when you start it, you will lift the opponent to the sky!

But, let the fire-breathing dragon use it on the big rock snake? ?

Just kidding!

The body of the big rock snake is made of solid rock, and its weight is worth two fire-breathing dragons. Let the fire-breathing dragon lift the big rock snake?how is this possible? !

Except for Xiaoyao and Shirona, everyone else felt that Luo Yi’s battle instructions were outrageous, and they even felt that the fire-breathing dragon would resist Luo Yi’s behavior that made it impossible.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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