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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 367

You must know that Devil Fruits are generally divided into three categories. One is the element system. Like the thunder fruit eaten by Pikachu, it is the element system.The second type is the superhuman type, like the gravitational fruit eaten by Risakuzu, it is the superhuman type.The third type, the animal series, is also the Devil Fruit series that Luo Yi has involved the least so far.

As if he knew what Luo Yi was thinking, without waiting for Luo Yi to ask, the system continued:

“But in addition to the devil fruit designated by the host to exchange, the other two additional devil fruits will be randomly selected and cannot be selected independently.”

Luo Yi’s heart suddenly understood, that is, this time, one of the three fruits was designated by himself, and the ability was certain.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi still had a long-lost little expectation in his heart, as if he had just gotten the system.

“Random? Interesting!”

Luo Yi let go of his fists, let out a breath, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Moreover, Luo Yi’s gaze towards Banmu was a little different.

In Luo Yi’s eyes, Banmu is no longer Banmu, but a basket of cute devil fruits.

Luo Yi had accumulated a lot of points in the past, and after defeating Banmu, the points would be enough to exchange for a Devil Fruit.

Luo Yi originally planned to give the devil fruit exchanged this time to the fire-breathing dragon, and Luo Yi and the fire-breathing dragon explained it before the battle.

It’s just that he is still in the gym, so Luo Yi can only resist the urge to exchange Devil Fruit immediately.

He didn’t want an insidious person like Banmu to see his Devil Fruit. Only Xiaoyao and Shirona, who were closest to him, could know, and no one else was qualified.

Right here, Banmu opened his mouth.

“You won, that’s proof you deserve it.”

Three words popped out of Sakagi’s tightly pursed mouth, and a stern look flashed across his eyes.

After Sakagi made the announcement, the cat boss in his arms jumped off the ground and walked towards Luo Yi with graceful steps.

In its mouth, it held the glittering gym badge in its mouth.


After walking in front of Luo Yi, the cat boss straightened up and handed the gym badge in his mouth to Luo Yi.

After doing this, the cat boss seemed to like Luo Yi very much, and rubbed Luo Yi’s trouser legs with his cheeks affectionately.

Luo Yi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

This cat boss, it’s a good acting.


After the cat boss rubbed a few times, he reluctantly returned to Sakagi’s side.

“Since you have got the badge, fire-breathing dragon, let’s go.”

Under the watchful eyes of Sakagi and Cat Boss, Luo Yi and his party left the Joban Gym.

“He actually did it…”

“It’s amazing, I really want to have a fire-breathing dragon.”

“Don’t think about it, the fire-breathing dragon is not the green caterpillar that can be seen everywhere in the Vibrant forest.”

“But it’s really powerful. Are all fire-breathing dragons so strong?”

The teenagers in the spectator seats recovered from their shock state, and they couldn’t help but talk in a turbulent mood.

The battle between Luo Yi and Sakagi, the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, was something they never expected.

They originally thought that Luo Yi’s strength was similar to theirs, or even weaker, after all, the little fire dragon and Pikachu were by Luo Yi’s side.

But no one could have imagined that, before the Gym Challenge, Little Fire Dragon actually had a continuous evolution, directly from Little Fire Dragon to Fire-breathing Dragon, and even more domineering and incomparable attitude, Sakagi’s three Pokémon. , and finally defeated with the same trick!

They were very excited at the moment, and they were all excited to witness this wonderful showdown.

But soon, they realized that they were still in the Victory Gym, and the master of the Sakagi Gym, who had just confronted Luo, was still sitting there.

Immediately silenced, he lowered his head, raised his toes without saying a word, and wanted to leave the gym, for fear of being angered by the unhappy owner of the Sakagi gym.

“Hmph, a bunch of bloody bastards.”

After Luo Yi and the teenagers left, Sakagi snorted coldly, then picked up the remote control in his pocket and pressed it.

A crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and a screen appeared, which seemed to be a map, and on the map, there was a slowly moving light spot…

“Little Fire Dragon… Fire-breathing dragon, interesting, it’s a good combat power.”

Looking at the small dots of light moving slowly on the flat screen, Sakagi pondered for a moment, and finally murmured softly.


Luo Yi and his party also left the gym and walked outside the city.

While it’s still early, we can drive a little longer.

There are no entertainment facilities or the like in Victory City, which is very boring, so Luo Yi and the others decided to continue traveling to see if they can find any interesting places.

“Pickup, pickup pickup.”

At this moment, Pikachu jumped off Luo Yi’s shoulder and landed next to Luo Yi’s trouser leg. Then, as a sign of merit, he took out a black object half the size of a bean with a slightly sticky surface from Luo Yi’s trouser leg.

“Pikachu, did you find it too?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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