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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 370

Luo Yi smiled slightly, the choice of the fire-breathing dragon was the same as the plan he had given to the fire-breathing dragon before, which was to choose rock fruit.

In Luo Yi’s eyes, rock berries are solid, and they are more suitable for fire-breathing dragons.

In a sense, magma is more advanced than the fire attribute of the fire-breathing dragon itself!

Eat the rock fruit, and the ability of the fire-breathing dragon will get a powerful upgrade!

As for the masonry fruits and explosive fruits that were accidentally obtained this time, it seems that they can only be saved first, waiting for the Pokémon that suit them.

However, since these two fruits have already arrived in Luo Yi’s hands, he will not worry about finding a suitable elves to use the fruits. Luo Yi was also very impressed with the bomber that Luo Yi thought was related to the ability to explode the fruits. interested.

I believe that in the near future, Luo Yi will be able to find suitable elves for both Explosive Fruit and Diamond Fruit!

Now, of course, the focus is on Charizard and Rockberry.

“Then… eat it.”

Luo Yi threw the rock berries up high.

The fire-breathing dragon, who couldn’t hold it for a long time, didn’t even give a little time for the rockberry to fall, spread its wings and flew out, swallowing the rockberry in one bite.


The fire-breathing dragon swallowed the rock berries into his stomach, and ate it without even tasting it.

Almost at the same time as it ate the rock fruit, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly widened its eyes, and it already had a different feeling in an instant.

Powerful, a very powerful feeling!

This kind of power has nothing to do with power, but more emphasis on ability. It feels that the fire attribute ability that it is very dependent on has undergone some inexplicable changes at this moment!

It was this change that gave the fire-breathing dragon an incomparably powerful feeling in his heart.

Although the fire-breathing dragon doesn’t quite understand what happened at this time, this change is still going on, and at this moment it can feel that the mystery of this change is far beyond its own imagination!

It seems to have deeper abilities and changes, waiting to be discovered by myself!

The fire-breathing dragon feels right, the ability of the elemental devil fruit, whether it is on the previous Pikachu or the flame chicken, has a constraint, that is, it cannot directly comprehend the elementalization when eating the fruit, which requires the elves to further to develop.

As for Pikachu, the elf who first ate the Devil Fruit in Luo Yi’s hands, he is the most powerful and has the deepest understanding of the fruit’s abilities. He has not yet fully tapped the full abilities of the Thunder Fruit. The fruit has grown, and the strength has grown, but there is still a long way to go.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon felt the sublimation of his ability brought by the entry of the devil fruit, and he couldn’t help but flew out of the giant gold monster’s body and flew freely in the sky.

Luo Yi and the others also emerged from the body of the giant golden monster and went outside.

Outside at this time, the sky was gradually dimming, and the fire-breathing dragon with flames burning at its tail was particularly conspicuous in the night.

“The night is dark and windy, killing night…”

Inexplicably, Luo Yi couldn’t help but say this sentence.

At night, it’s not the time when the crime rate is soaring.

“Speaking of which, Sakagi doesn’t know if he really has bad intentions. If he does, it’s time to act now.”

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon flying recklessly in the sky, Luo Yi showed a sarcastic smile.

If Sakagi was really so bold and came to provoke Luo Yi, Luo Yi would not mind showing Sakagi a little color.

At this moment, a strange noise suddenly came from the bushes near Luo Yi and the others, as if someone was approaching.

“You don’t really want to come, do you? Cao Cao?”

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards the place where the abnormal noise came from.

With the sound of Xixixuoso, a figure pushed aside the bushes and appeared in front of Luo Yi and the others.

“It’s you?”

Luo Yi raised his brows, but he didn’t expect that it was not the members of Team Rocket who came, but the little wife who had been entangled in Dr. Damu’s research institute before!

The little lady who came out of the bush didn’t expect to see Luo Yi and the others…

“Is it you?”

The little lady was stunned for a moment, and then the fire of revenge rose in her eyes.

“Water Arrow Turtle! Come out! I found him and the little fire dragon!”

The little lady directly released her water arrow turtle.

Water arrow turtle?

Could it be that the cammy turtle has evolved?

Luo Yi looked at the excited little lady playfully.

This guy was unconvinced after being defeated before, so he was thinking about finding a way back now?

Simply funny.

Luo Yi was suddenly a little curious, what would this little lady’s expression look like if she knew that the little fire dragon was no longer a fire dragon, but a fire-breathing dragon.

After the white light flashed, the figure of the water arrow turtle appeared in front of Luo Yi.

When this water arrow turtle saw itself, the anger in his eyes, Luo Yi was sure, this is the Kamui turtle who was defeated by the small fire dragon face-to-face before.

“My turtle and I have gone through hard training! We finally evolved into a water arrow turtle!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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