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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 373

The water arrow turtle and Xiaotai were dumbfounded, until the water vapor drifted in all directions, and the figure of the fire-breathing dragon appeared again.

And when they saw the figure of the fire-breathing dragon again, the water arrow turtle and Xiaotai, who were shocked by the disappearance of the water cannon, were directly confused!

In the sight, the fire-breathing dragon was safe and sound, and the right paw was still raised to face the water cannon.

But its right claw is no longer what it used to be. Instead, it is a hot, crimson magma that seems to be able to devour everything!

Chapter 19 Domineering!Domineering to the extreme!

magma? !

“How is this going?”

The little lady blinked, only to confirm that what she saw was not an illusion.

The fire-breathing dragon’s right claw really turned into hot magma that seemed to be able to swallow everything!

It was this scalding red magma that turned the water arrow turtle’s water cannon into misty and ineffectual water vapor!


Seeing the ghost-like expressions of Xiao Tai and the Water Arrow Turtle, the fire-breathing dragon grinned grimly.

It enjoyed their surprised expressions at the moment.

Because this can prove to the fire-breathing dragon that the ability that the fire-breathing dragon feels and releases at the moment is real and not false!

This is real!He really got the magma ability that is more fiery than fire!


Feeling the majestic magma energy in his body that seemed to burst his body, the fire-breathing dragon couldn’t help but scream in the sky!

With the fire-breathing dragon with rock berries, the ability has been improved again, and it has become the unique magma fire-breathing dragon in the world!

“This time, it’s better to be stronger, fire-breathing dragon.”

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon with ecstasy in his eyes, Luo Yi smiled slightly.

He can feel the stirring emotions in the heart of the fire-breathing dragon, which is the instinctive emotion that every Pokémon who is eager to fight will have the power of his dreams!

“This time, be domineering, so domineering that even if you have a water arrow turtle, you won’t dare to challenge you again!”

Following Luo Yi’s whispered words, the fire-breathing dragon’s scorching eyes revealed a ruthlessness in his bones, which made the water arrow turtle that was staring at tremble!



The fire-breathing dragon exploded at an extremely fast speed in an instant, and even produced a sonic boom in situ!

Like an arrow from the string, the fire-breathing dragon fluttered its wings close to the ground and burst out. With a violent and domineering momentum, it hit the water arrow turtle with the right claw of the crimson and high temperature magma!

Everything happened too fast, and the water arrow turtle and the little lady didn’t have time to react at all!

The water arrow turtle only felt a crimson light with a piercing sound of breaking the air and a violent momentum, and the next moment, it felt an incomparably manic force, pouring down on itself viciously!

boom! ! !

The water arrow turtle that was hit by the fire-breathing dragon’s attack turned into a cannonball at this moment, shot backwards quickly, overwhelmed a lot of sturdy trees on the way, and finally fell to the ground with a bang!

The water arrow turtle that fell on the ground, the tortoise shell on the abdomen is already scorched and even cracked!

Under such a huge attack, Luo Yi didn’t have to go to see it, he knew that the water arrow turtle had lost consciousness and lost its ability to fight.


The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and spun around and landed on Luo Yi’s side.

Second victory!

overbearing!Domineering to the extreme!

For Fire-breathing Dragon or Luo Yi, this result was completely expected, and it was a common and normal thing.

But this result, for the little lady, was like the bad news of thunder on the ground and thunder on the top of the sky.

Given him hundreds of years, he couldn’t figure out why the little fire dragon of yesterday would evolve into a fire-breathing dragon today, with such a powerful strength and ability to control magma!

Even the water cannon of the water arrow turtle was instantly evaporated, what a terrifying power!

“How…how could…”

Little Tai stumbled to the side of the unconscious water arrow turtle, her eyes blurred, she couldn’t believe it was all true.

It should not be the little fire dragon who was beaten, no, is it the fire breathing dragon?How suddenly, the situation has undergone such a reversal of the sky? !

Originally imposing like a rainbow, it is bound to take revenge, and the water arrow turtle, who stepped on the fire-breathing dragon under his feet, was defeated in an instant?

The little lady was completely stunned, and the arrogance before dissipated, leaving only confusion, complete confusion.

“Performed well, this time, it should be domineering enough.”

Luo Yi nodded when he saw it.

This water arrow turtle and Xiaotai, under the incomparable outbreak of the fire-breathing dragon, may have shadows in their hearts, Luo Yi thought that they should not be entangled again.

“Let’s go, let’s move on, there’s no place for camping at night.”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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