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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 376

After all, no matter how the Rockets’ black technology is used, they are all crooked. In the face of the absolute power of the fire-breathing dragon, I am afraid that they will not be able to hold on for even one round.

“Hey, kid, what’s your expression? Can you hand it over?”

Seeing Luo Yi’s disdainful gaze, Xiao Saburo was immediately annoyed.

In his opinion, Luo Yi is just a kid who doesn’t know the sky is high and the earth and the means of Team Rocket, but he just happens to have a fire-breathing dragon with good strength.

For such a kid who can’t figure out the situation, Xiao Saburo never minds letting the other party know the situation clearly.

It’s just that what Xiao Saburo doesn’t know is that the real person who doesn’t understand the situation is him Xiao Saburo!


At this moment, with a roar, a powerful aura pressed down from the sky, so the water-type Pokémon couldn’t help showing a look of fear at this moment!

The domineering fire-breathing dragon descended from the sky and landed beside Luo Yi, staring at Team Rocket’s Pokémon with eyes like ants.

In its eyes, these water-type Pokémon are indeed ants-like existences!

Now it is no longer the little fire dragon it used to be!It now has the domineering power of rockberry fruit!

The fire-breathing dragon that landed on the ground in the attitude of a king, the fierce aura completely overwhelmed the arrogant arrogance of the Rockets.

At this moment, the focus on the field was on the fire-breathing dragon beside Luo Yi!

“Isn’t your goal a fire-breathing dragon? Huh? Come on.”

Luo Yi’s tone did not fluctuate in the slightest, but his calm words fell in the ears of the Rockets, that was an arrogant provocation!

Xiao Saburo even had a strange feeling for a moment, and felt that Luo Yi’s attitude seemed a little wrong.

But at this time, Xiao Saburo has no time to think about it, the target fire-breathing dragon has appeared, it is time to do it!

“I don’t know what the so-called kid! What is arrogant?! Go!”

Xiao Saburo clenched his fists, his face full of indignation, and he waved his big hand to signal the Rockets members to attack.

They, Team Rocket, won’t follow the Pokémon Trainer’s rules for a fair fight!

Reaching the goal by unscrupulous means is their favorite criterion of the Rockets!

Under the order of Xiao Saburo, the water-type Pokémon dispatched by Team Rocket for this mission immediately attacked the fire-breathing dragon under the orders of their respective masters!

“Water arrow turtle, water cannon attack!”

“Giant Claw Crab, use a foam attack on the fire-breathing dragon!”

“Use the water gun!”

With a few orders, all kinds of water-based skills blazed towards the fire-breathing dragon overwhelmingly!

“Hmph, stupid kid! Even if your fire-breathing dragon is good, can you still face a few water-type Pokémon that our Team Rocket carefully cultivated at the same time?”

In Amado’s eyes, the fire-breathing dragon that was majestic one second will turn into a ridiculous and embarrassed look the next!

The water-based skills that attack from all directions make the fire-breathing dragon nowhere to escape!

0 asking for flowers…  

And Luo Yi is beside the fire-breathing dragon, even if the fire-breathing dragon is willing to avoid it, he will definitely choose to leave behind many water-based skills with strong resistance and power because he wants to protect Luo Yi!

“mission completed!”

The corner of Amado’s mouth was already showing a conspiracy-successful smile.

Because just as she expected, in the face of the attack that went away at a high speed, the fire-breathing dragon did not choose to avoid it, but still stood in place, watching all kinds of water-type moves rushing towards him at high speed!

In the eyes of Team Rocket members, Luo Yi, who was still standing still in the face of the water-type moves roaring from all directions, was an act of being frightened!

Just when all kinds of water skills were about to hit the fire-breathing dragon, all the members of Team Rocket, including Xiao Saburo Armado, thought the mission was about to be completed.



I saw that the fire-breathing dragon suddenly retracted its wings and wrapped it around itself, and in the next instant, it slammed again!

They only felt a heat wave whistling back, and they were caught off guard and almost overturned!

And at the moment when the hot air wave just touched, the scorching high temperature felt by the body made them think that they were in a hot and hot volcano!

When they turned their heads in amazement and looked at the fire-breathing dragon again, everyone’s pupils shrank instantly!Can’t believe my eyes at all!

Team Rocket’s water-type Pokémon also fell into a sluggish state because of the strong shock when looking at the fire-breathing dragon again!

Because the fire-breathing dragon at this time has completely turned into a violent and ferocious monster!

Its wide wings turned into crimson high-temperature magma that flowed rapidly!The scorching temperature, as if even the space was burned and distorted!

And the half body of the fire-breathing dragon turned into scorching red magma!Only the half of his face that looked so hideous was revealed!

The ferocity and ruthlessness of the fire-breathing dragon’s remaining eye made their hearts tremble at this moment!

The heartbeat stopped at this moment!

what monster is this? !

Chapter 22 Victory Victory Victory!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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