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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 377

What a monster! ?

Is this a fire-breathing dragon? !

Everyone was stunned to look at the fire-breathing dragon whose body had turned into hot magma, and they were too shocked to speak.

In this night, the crimson magma on the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon dyed the pure white moonlight with a crimson red full of violent aura, reflecting on everyone’s stunned faces!

“Fire-breathing dragon…Is it a fire-breathing dragon?”


Even Shirona and Xiaoyao, who were used to seeing all kinds of strange things because they were with Luo Yi, were lost for a moment when they faced the monster-like fire-breathing dragon!


Seeing the fire-breathing dragon displayed on the screen, Sakagi stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him suddenly fell to the ground!

“how so?!”

Sakagi could no longer maintain his usual composure as Team Rocket’s leader, so he couldn’t help but leaned his face close to the screen and stared at the magma fire-breathing dragon displayed on the screen!

His cat boss, at this moment, has already subconsciously raised his hair, producing instinctive fear!

As if transformed into a fire-breathing dragon crawling out of the abyss of hell, the violent and domineering aura seemed to have broken through the screen and arrived here!

“Could it be something else… No, it’s that fire-breathing dragon!”

Sakagi’s eyes were fixed on the fire-breathing dragon figure on the screen, which was provided by members of Team Rocket!

He was sure that this was the fire-breathing dragon that continuously evolved from a small fire dragon into a fire-breathing dragon in the Gym Challenge!

But why did the fire-breathing dragon become like this? !Is that lava?Can fire-breathing dragons control magma?

The horror in Sakagi’s eyes grew stronger.

He saw the whole scene.

Just now, the water-type Pokémon brought by Team Rocket members released multiple water-type moves against the fire-breathing dragon, just when they were about to hit the fire-breathing dragon!

Fire-breathing dragons actually burst out magma from their bodies, and the hot air waves that erupted in an instant directly turned their water-type moves into water vapor and vanished!


Luo Yi, who was beside the fire-breathing dragon, swept his playful gaze across the faces of these shocked Team Rocket members.

The power obtained by the fire-breathing dragon has not been fully displayed, so that these people are frightened?

“Surprise? Surprised?”

Hearing Luo Yi’s plain words, the Rockets members twitched the corners of their mouths, not knowing how to react.

Who wouldn’t be surprised and surprised that the fire-breathing dragon suddenly changed into this terrifying appearance…

As if he had guessed what was in their hearts, Luo Yi laughed, showing a sarcastic smile.

The power of the fire-breathing dragon has not been fully revealed yet!

“Fire-breathing dragon, next… is your stage!”


Just like the hot and high-temperature magma on its body, the fire-breathing dragon’s eyes are also full of violent breath!

And even a Pokémon who was just glanced at by the fire-breathing dragon would feel a biting chill in his heart!

“Afraid…what are you afraid of, it, it’s just a fire-breathing dragon! Give it to me!”

Little Saburo bite the bullet and raised his voice to try to summon the courage of the other Rockets members.

It was ridiculous to say that Team Rocket had an absolute advantage in the number of Pokémon, but judging from the situation at the scene, it seemed that they were not only facing Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon, but a large group of fire-breathing dragons, completely tied up. , without the slightest arrogance before!

“Yes, that’s right, even if it changes its appearance, it’s just a fire-breathing dragon!”

“That’s right! Godduck, water gun attack!”

Encouraged by Xiao Saburo, they finally reluctantly raised the will to fight, urging their Pokémon to attack again…

“Just a fire-breathing dragon? Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you still haven’t woken up to what kind of existence you are facing.”

The corners of Luo Yi’s mouth curved into a disdainful arc, and his face immediately returned to calm.

“Fire-breathing dragon, ghost dog!”


Under Luo’s succinct command, the fire-breathing dragon violently flapped its wings and exploded at an extremely fast speed, aiming at the Gotha duck who wanted to attack it again first!

Before Goda Duck came back to his senses, his line of sight was occupied by a crimson!

The fire-breathing dragon’s claw-shaped magma slammed hard on the face of Gotha Duck!

The face of Goda Duck was suddenly twisted by the giant force and almost squeezed together, and then the face that was hit smoked black smoke, and the whole body flew out like a cannonball, and it fell after smashing several trees in a row. !

It all happened so fast that almost everyone didn’t react!

After the fire-breathing dragon smashed the Gotha duck into the air, it didn’t mean to stop at all, and a scorching whistling air wave formed in the flight, which appeared in front of the water arrow turtle again!

Without the slightest pity, the fire-breathing dragon’s eyes flashed violently, and he released the ghost dog again, punching the water arrow turtle fiercely into the air!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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