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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 390

Seeing this figure, Luo Yi, Shirona, and Xiaoyao’s eyes all lit up.

… … … … … …

This figure emerging from the pool is really beautiful!

Luo Yi looked at the large crystal rock snake not far in front of him, his face was full of surprises, this mutant Pokémon is even more beautiful than he imagined!

It has a blue body, and there are still water droplets on it. Although the Pokémon itself is not very good looking, the crystal big snake in front of you is enough to crush all the big snakes in terms of appearance. !

Xiaoyao and Shirona, who were not far behind Luo Yi, were stunned for a while.

They never thought that the crystal big rock snake was so beautiful.

Even Luo Yi, who had seen the crystal big rock snake in the game in the previous life, was shocked, not to mention Xiaoyao and Shirona.

However, at this time, the Crystal Rock Snake looked at the three of them, but it was not friendly at all. His eyes were extremely cold, and he seemed to attack the three of them at any time.

Luo Yi smiled lightly, he could feel the hostility of the crystal big rock snake towards him, and also felt the tight Pikachu on his shoulders, but in this case, Luo Yi didn’t have any tension at all.

The crystal big rock snake in front of you, you have to decide!

“Big Rock Snake, are you interested in traveling with me, I can give you an incomparably brilliant future and make you an incomparably powerful Pokémon!” Luo Yi said, looking into the eyes of the Crystal Big Rock Snake.

Chapter 32 The crystal big rock snake suspected of being born by a snake!

“Big Rock Snake, are you interested in traveling with me, I can give you an incomparably brilliant future and make you an incomparably powerful Pokémon!” Luo Yi said, looking into the eyes of the Crystal Big Rock Snake.

However, just as Luo Yi’s words fell, the eyes of the crystal big rock snake suddenly became sharp.

The coldness in his eyes became more intense!

At this time, Xiaoyao and Xirona, who were not far behind Luo Yi, were all stunned, and the crystal big rock snake actually gave them a very dangerous feeling.

“Be careful!” Shirona shouted subconsciously, but before she could open her mouth, the large crystal rock snake in front of Luo Yi had already moved!

The eyes of the big crystal rock snake revealed endless anger. It seems that Luo Yi’s words touched the scales in the heart of the big crystal rock snake. Without any hesitation, it shot at Luo Yi, and its figure popped out of the pool in an instant. Come, it almost turned into a blue light, rushing towards Luo Yi!

At such a close distance, the Crystal Rock Snake came to Luo Yi almost instantly.

“It’s so fast!” Both Xiaoyao and Xirona’s pupils shrank. The speed of this big crystal rock snake is not something that an elves like the big rock snake can have. Neither of them realized that the strength of this big crystal rock snake, Even like its appearance, there has been a mutation.

At this moment, although they knew that Luo Yi was protected by Pikachu, the hearts of the two were also raised, and they were extremely nervous.

Without him, this big crystal rock snake is not like a big rock snake at all. It is impossible for them not to worry about a mutant elf who knows almost nothing.

At this time, the crystal big rock snake seemed to use all its strength when it came up, and with incomparable anger, rushed towards Luo Yi with its entire body!

The Crystal Rock Snake looked at Luo Yi coldly, feeling the rapid magnification of Luo Yi in its eyes, and a hint of happiness appeared in his heart. For an ordinary person, being hit by him would definitely die on the spot!

“I will never be a plaything for human beings!” The crystal big rock snake accelerated, and seemed to have seen the death of the human who wanted to subdue him.

With such a short distance, at its speed, this human is absolutely unable to react, and no one can save him!Big Rock Snake thought to himself, it is not that it did not see Pikachu on Luo Yi’s shoulder, but it directly ignored the existence of Pikachu. With the strength of an electric mouse, it is impossible to stop it, and it is impossible to save this human being. of!

However, just before the Crystal Rock Snake had advanced less than half of the distance, a yellow figure suddenly jumped out from Luo Yi’s shoulder and headed straight for the Crystal Rock Snake!

The yellow figure is Pikachu!

At this time, Pikachu shot directly when the eyes of the crystal rock snake changed, and the crystal rock snake acted almost at the same time!

Pikachu’s tail emitted a dazzling light, and a bright white line was pulled out in the air. The tail seemed to become a bright whip, and it was directly drawn on the head of the crystal big rock snake!

boom! !The crystal big rock snake was directly thrown out by Pikachu’s steel tail, and the speed of flying back into the water was even faster than the speed of rushing out!

Whoa!Luo Yi wiped the water droplets from his face and glanced at Pikachu, who was back on his shoulder, with a slightly helpless expression.

Without him, the pool just now seemed to have thrown a heavy bomb into it, making a loud noise, splashing all over the place, and smashing Luo Yi’s clothes a lot.

At this time, in front of Luo Yi, the water pool had long ceased to be as quiet as before, with ripples everywhere, and the figure of the crystal rock snake was completely invisible.

“You’re too cruel right now, don’t be fooled.” Luo Yi squinted at Pikachu and said, Pikachu scratched his head embarrassedly.

Xiaoyao and Shirona, who had reacted, quickly ran to Luo Yi’s side: “How is it, Luo Yi? Are you injured?”

Luo Yi looked at the two girls and smiled softly: “With Pikachu here, how could I be injured, I’m just worried that the big crystal rock snake will leave a psychological shadow.”

The two girls were relieved to see that Luo Yi was fine, but they were still afraid. Just now, the crystal big rock snake showed extraordinary strength.

Fortunately, Pikachu never disappoints, and successfully repelled the crystal big rock snake.

The two girls looked at the messy pool in front of them, and couldn’t help but sighed Pikachu’s perverted strength again in their hearts.

Such a ferocious and fast crystal rock snake, at such a speed, the strength it carries will be extremely terrifying. Pikachu even hit the crystal rock snake halfway back with a steel tail. The whole process took less than a second. After the fight, Pikachu still looked harmless, and acted like a spoiled brat with Luo Yi on Luo Yi’s shoulder. If they hadn’t been with Luo Yi for so long, they would have thought that the scene in front of them was a dream!

But now Luo Yi couldn’t care about what the two girls were thinking, and his attention was still on the big crystal snake at the bottom of the water.

The three waited for a few minutes, and the crystal big rock snake finally resurfaced.

It’s just that the current Crystal Rock Snake looked at Luo Yi and the other three with a bit of horror in addition to being cold.

Especially when he saw Luo Yi’s shoulders facing his cute Pikachu, the crystal big snake felt uncomfortable with the crystals all over his body.

What is this Pikachu! ?There is no reason to be strong! !

Mutations!This Pikachu must be mutated too!

As a mutated elf, the crystal rock snake subconsciously regards Pikachu as a mutated elf. In the consciousness of the crystal rock snake, only a mutated elf like himself can create such a strong and outrageous Pikachu.

Thinking of this, the Crystal Rock Snake looked at Pikachu with a hint of softness.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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