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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 397

Such wild mutant elves are very rare, and the crystal giant steel snake is also an elves with devil fruit abilities. Most of Luo Yi’s elves don’t know the abilities of the crystal giant steel snake.

Seeing the curious eyes of all the elves, Luo Yi smiled: “The ability of the big crystal steel snake is that the whole body is diamond-shaped, and its physical strength will probably exceed that of all the elves present, but now the big crystal steel snake has just eaten the fruit. It will definitely be strengthened, but I don’t know how far the Crystal Steel Snake can develop its capabilities.”

Luo Yi is telling the truth. In the One Piece comics, the diamond fruit ability person develops the ability of the diamond fruit, that is, the whole body is diamondized. At present, the deeper ability of the diamond fruit is not known.

Hearing the ability of the big crystal steel snake, the eyes of the belligerents of Luo Yi’s elves lit up.

Luo glanced at them, and you don’t have to think about what they are thinking about. Usually these guys are fighting each other in the castle. The giant gold monster has an extremely open battle field, and also provides battles in various environments. Anyway, you don’t need to consider the venue. The problem of destruction, these elves played extremely happy.

However, Luo Yi knew what they were thinking, but he was also looking forward to it. He still doesn’t know the true strength of the Crystal Steel Snake. After the Crystal Steel Snake successfully repelled all the trainers who came to hunt it down, he looked a little injured. Not at all, I felt that I came back easily, which made Luo Yi extremely curious.

What is the true strength of the Crystal Steel Snake?

Thinking of this, Luo Yi decisively brought the big crystal steel snake and his elves to the training ground.



Two hours later, the Crystal Steel Snake had basically dealt with all the elves who had eaten the fruit. The current Crystal Steel Snake was almost at its peak.

The flaming chicken created a big fireball like the sun and almost baked it into a pile of charcoal. That Bangira was even able to control the sand. The strength of the sand was not much less than his own strength. Not to mention that there are all kinds of attacks on these sands.

What made the Crystal Steel Snake collapse the most was the fight with Groudon. Groudon just patted it in its direction, and it felt like it was about to be shaken into several pieces. It was proud of its diamond-like appearance. The ability, in front of Bangira, is the same as nothing, it is really terrible.

At this time, Luo Yi, who was standing outside the training ground, nodded with satisfaction. The strength of the big crystal steel snake is definitely not bad, but it’s still a bit underwhelming when it comes to his old-fashioned elf. That guy Groudon was originally a divine beast. , The development of the Devil Fruit ability is also in the forefront, and the strength exploded to an unimaginable level.

At the end of the battle, several of Luo Yi’s veteran elves walked to the side of the big crystal steel snake one by one, and those who had hands patted the body of the big crystal steel snake. This is not the case.

The big crystal steel snake is full of grievances, but it doesn’t make any sense. Its strength is indeed at the bottom of Luo Yi’s ability elves. It can clearly perceive that its most powerful physique is attacked by several elves. The means, I am afraid, are not very useful at all.

After all, the time it took to eat the diamond fruit was too short.

“Don’t be discouraged, these guys are just too arrogant. When your ability is stronger, they won’t be able to impress you standing there.” Luo Yi said with a smile.

“Okay, let’s go and choose a room together with the giant gold monster. After choosing, we will go to the gym.”

“You are abused by them here, and you can abuse others in a while.”

Chapter 39 Have you ever seen a perverted big steel snake! ?

Vibrant City is still lively in the afternoon, the weather is very good, the wind is blowing, and the sun is not very strong. People come and go on the streets, and there are people going back and forth in the shops constantly, picking their favorite products.

In an elf gym in Vibran City, the owner Xiaogang returned to the gym and brought his elf to the training ground, training his elf frantically.

The rest of the gymnasium was very strange. The owner of the gymnasium after going out was obviously different from before.

Now Xiaogang has become much more silent than before. Even when he saw the beautiful young lady, he was not as flattering as before, but glanced at it lightly, as if he had not seen it.

“Has the owner of the museum been stimulated by something?” Someone whispered.

“It looks like it is. After a trip out, the changes are so great. As soon as I come back, I start training. It’s not like this usually.” Another person said.

“Then it must have not caught the big crystal rock snake. Could it be that it has encountered a fiasco? No way, the pavilion owner’s elves are very powerful, and their abilities are much stronger than ours. Who can give the pavilion owner such a strong elves? Stimulate?”

“790 Who knows, the current owner of the museum is really a bit abnormal.”

“Don’t say it, the pavilion owner defeated Xiaoci. It’s my turn to play. The serious pavilion owner even attacked Xiaoci. It’s terrible.” A trainer said a few words to the people around him. , I saw Xiaogang winning again in training, knowing that it was my turn now, and hurried to the field.

A few minutes later, all three of the trainer’s elves were defeated, and they were not Xiaogang’s opponents at all.

At this time, Xiaogang, completely disregarding the sweat on his body, did not pay attention to the discussions of the people around him, and looked at the elf who had won the victory again, his thoughts were still on the previous matter.

What kind of spirit is that?Crystal rock snake?Big steel snake?

How can the big steel snake have such a strong physical strength?This is simply beyond the limits of what the elves can do!

Xiaogang did not engage in any new battles for a while, looking at his elf, he was completely lost in thought.

My elf, can I break through the limit! ?

Xiaogang looked at his big steel snake and suddenly felt extremely lost. It was also a big steel snake. How could that elf be so strong?

At this moment, a student of the gym suddenly ran to the training ground and came to Xiaogang’s side: “Master, there is someone who wants to challenge you.”

Xiaogang nodded. As the master of the gym, someone would challenge him every few days, and he also regarded this as a kind of exercise for himself.

“Master, this person came here two days ago. After I heard that you were gone, he went to the place where you left to find you, but he didn’t find you. Now he’s back at the gym again. , I told him I was waiting here for a long time, but I didn’t listen.” The student said.

Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, went to find himself?Then this person should have also seen that terrifying big steel snake! ?

He was a little excited, and he couldn’t wait to discuss it with those who had experienced it. He fled from there in a hurry before, and he didn’t have time at all.

Soon, Xiaogang simply packed his clothes and came to the hall of the gymnasium, where he saw Luo Yi and three people.

After seeing the three of them, Xiaogang was stunned again.

He had met Luo Yi and the other three at the place where people were chasing the big crystal steel snake before, but he rejected their challenge at the time, but he didn’t expect to meet again now.

“It’s you, welcome and welcome!” Xiaogang quickly adjusted, no matter who it was, when he saw Luo Yi and three people now, it was like seeing relatives, and he felt pity for each other.

He regarded Luo Yi as someone who had escaped from there in a state of embarrassment just like him, and felt a little kind in his heart unconsciously.

But what Xiaogang didn’t know was that the truth was completely different from what he imagined!

That big steel snake that was extremely terrifying in his eyes was Luo Yi’s elf!

Seeing the change in Xiaogang’s expression after his appearance, Luo suddenly understood what Xiaogang was thinking, and felt a little funny in his heart, but he didn’t say anything, just looked at Xiaogang with a smile.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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