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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 399

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled lightly. If Xiaogang was frightened like this, he would be disappointed. If a gym owner is scared by a challenger’s elves, then he will not be a gym owner. If necessary, go and practice for a few more years as soon as possible.

“Crystal Steel Snake, you can play freely in this battle!” Luo Yi said lightly.

The opposite is also a big steel snake, an elves of the same race as the crystal big steel snake, Luo Yi can feel that the crystal big steel snake has no disgust towards the other party.

Soon, Xiaogang, who was in a good mood, directed his big steel snake to attack the crystal big steel snake. Luo Yi nodded secretly. Xiaogang’s elf was dissatisfied with the speed and his position was coquettish enough. A very powerful spirit.

Of course, in front of the crystal big steel snake, these are of little use.

Because under the crushing strength of the crystal big steel snake, all the fighting skills are useless.

No matter how fast you are, it is not as fast as that of the big crystal steel snake, and no matter how rich your skills are, you cannot stop the big crystal snake from swiping its tail. There is no way to leave a mark on the crystal giant steel snake, and there is no way to even make the crystal giant steel snake feel pain.

It was almost a face-to-face, Xiaogang’s elf was suppressed by Luo Yi’s crystal steel snake, but the crystal steel snake did not end the battle immediately, but was full of interest to see the move, as if to understand the opponent fighting skills.


After all, Luo Yi’s crystal steel snake, although physically stronger and faster than an ordinary elf, has been living alone in the wild without professional training.On the other hand, Xiaogang’s elves have been systematically trained and are much stronger than ordinary elves. It can be said that he was born in a class, and he has a lot of things worth learning from the Crystal Steel Snake.

After the battle with Luo Yi’s old elves, the crystal steel snake deeply felt the lack of its own strength. Although it can crush ordinary elves now, the crystal steel snake has set its goal on the divine beast Groudon. on the body.

It’s going to get stronger!

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity for improvement, the Crystal Steel Snake will never let it go!

Soon, the crystal steel snake had a general understanding of the opponent’s main attack skills, and some power-generating skills were also mastered. Luo Yi was very satisfied. The crystal steel snake is indeed very smart. Elf, just in a battle, can see through the opponent’s skills and moves, and use them quickly.

Luo Yi guessed that such an ability was probably cultivated by the Crystal Steel Snake in his escaped life before.

After all, in order to cope with increasingly powerful pursuers, the Crystal Steel Snake must grow up quickly, and learning the opponent’s skills while fighting the enemy is the most effective way to grow.

“Very good, the growth potential of the big crystal steel snake is great!” Luo Yi said with satisfaction.

Chapter 41 Exploding Fruits!

As for the big crystal steel snake, Luo Yi likes it more and more. This elf has a different growth environment from his other elves. It has grown up in crises again and again. Its learning ability and fighting ability are very outstanding, especially It is the ability to learn in the battle with the enemy, which all the other elves of Luo Yi do not have.

Born from a wild elves, in a single battle, he can learn the skills that can only be mastered by the masters of the gymnasium after many trainings. It can be said that it is very powerful.

“The big crystal steel snake is really surprising. With such an ability, even without us, it can grow into a very good elf.” said Xirona next to Luo Yi.

As the league champion of the Shenao region, Xirona has a very strong vision, and soon saw the best shining point in the crystal steel snake.

This kind of ability, but all trainers can’t ask for.

“You’re right, but one thing is, it was already a very good elf before it met us.” Luo Yi sighed.

Shirona was deeply touched. When this elf was still a large crystal rock snake, she met Luo Yi for the first time, and she showed extremely terrifying fighting qualities. After the attack, after being repelled by Pikachu, it only took a few minutes to wake up and change to another elves, I am afraid that they will lose their combat effectiveness directly.

Just when Luo Yi and Shirona were talking, Xiaogang’s big steel snake on the battlefield was already tossing and turning, unable to use any new skills and moves. There was a hint of disappointment in the crystal big steel snake’s eyes, and the tail flicked fiercely. Hit Xiaogang’s elf, knock it out and pass it.

After knocking out his opponent, the crystal steel snake’s eyes were directly on Xiaogang. In the battle just now, it learned a lot of skills from his opponent, so he was also interested in Xiaogang.

This trainer is not bad!

The big crystal steel snake looked at Xiaogang, with an obvious urging color in his eyes, he couldn’t wait to see Xiaogang’s second elf.

Of course Luo Yi could see what the big crystal steel snake was thinking, and he had to sigh that Xiaogang really had a set in training elves.

Xiaogang’s elves have used a lot of novel fighting skills. Such attacks and moves are rarely seen on other elves, especially Xiaogang’s big steel snake just now, which made Luo Yi’s crystal big steel snake very rewarding. .

Obviously, Xiaogang put a lot of thought into his big steel snake, but now, basically all of them have been learned by Luo Yi’s crystal big steel snake, and even some of Xiaogang’s big steel snake are not skilled in using it. The skills were also learned by the Crystal Steel Snake, and they were even further optimized based on the Crystal Steel Snake’s many years of combat experience.

The current crystal steel snake has learned so many new skills, and has further improved the ability to control his body. With all his strength, he can exert more powerful strength.

The big crystal steel snake was very satisfied, and looked at Xiaogang with fiery eyes, wishing that Xiaogang could release all the elves and let him fight happily.

No, have fun learning it!

At this time, Xiaogang held the unconscious crystal steel snake that he was beaten, and wanted to cry without tears.

As an experienced trainer, he of course saw what the Crystal Steel Snake was up to, and also saw that after his elf skills were learned, he was immediately thrown out of the battlefield like a rag.

You are so strong, what kind of combat skills are you stealing! ?Just crush it directly! !Xiaogang’s heart is roaring!

What Xiaogang didn’t know was that the Crystal Steel Snake’s vision was not on these ordinary elves, but on those powerful divine beasts. If there was any opportunity to improve their strength, the Crystal Steel Snake would not let it go.

“Xiaogang, if you think it’s not easy to fight, you can change the rules. We can play six elves, how about that?” Luo Yi joked.  …

What a ghost! !Xiaogang almost swears, no matter how many elves I send on the field, I won’t be able to beat your big crystal steel snake!You have to learn all the skills of my elf by your crystal big steel snake. Your abacus is not bad! !

But Xiaogang is the gym owner in the end. After taking a few deep breaths, he adjusted his mentality. He didn’t shout out the foul language in his heart. He retracted his unconscious big steel snake into the Poké Ball and released the second Pokémon. .

“Six elves don’t need anymore, we’ll just follow the previous rules.” Xiaogang said in a deep voice.

Luo nodded, Xiaogang didn’t admit defeat directly, and as he expected, Xiaogang still had a bit of pride as a gym owner.

“Then, please!” Luo Yi said in a relaxed tone.



Not long after, the three elves that Xiaogang and Luo were fighting against had all lost consciousness, and the battle was over.

The result, of course, was that Luo Yi’s crystal steel snake swept the three elves and won a big victory.

Not only that, the Crystal Steel Snake has also learned the combat skills of the three elves, and all of them that can be used on themselves have already learned 1.1.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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