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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 404

How is this possible! ?

The fire-breathing dragon’s head only had time to have this problem, and he completely lost consciousness.

The Crystal Outline Snake has already smashed into the body of Fire-breathing Dragon X!

Fortunately, the Crystal Outline Snake did not use its own thorns to deal with the fire-breathing dragon, so that the fire-breathing dragon could stay alive.

Knowing that it flew out tens of meters and lost consciousness, the fire-breathing dragon did not know where the crystal outline snake appeared.

The Crystal Outline Snake battled Mega’s Charizard X and won!

Chapter 46: The Obsessed Chi Fei!Luo Yi’s true identity!

Looking at the unconscious fire-breathing dragon, Chi Fei’s head was empty, and he had no thoughts.

This situation completely exceeded Chi Fei’s expectations.

In the middle of the battle, he saw that the fire-breathing dragon might fail, but he did not expect that the fire-breathing dragon would fail so neatly, and still lost to his own moves.

The outline snake on the opposite side is really terrifying!

Chi Fei looked at Outline Snake, and then at Luo Yi, with all kinds of stormy waves in his heart.

Especially Luo Yi, the shock that brought him is unprecedented.

Such a young trainer actually defeated him. If the news spreads to the alliance, it will cause a great sensation in the alliance.

The important thing is that after winning the victory, Luo Yi still behaved very calmly, not like a child at all.

This strength and state of mind made Chi Fei look at Luo Yi with admiration.

“When did such a monster-like trainer appear in Guandu, it’s really scary.” Chi Fei thought to himself, “I haven’t seen such a trainer for many years, and the Guandu area will be restless again.”

Chi Fei thought about it, but with a relieved expression on his face, he grinned and put away the unconscious fire-breathing dragon.

Although he was defeated by Luo Yi, but now he has no dissatisfaction with Luo Yi.

Chi Fei didn’t value some worldly fame and fortune, otherwise he wouldn’t be willing to be a gatekeeper in such a deserted place. After discovering that Luo Yi is a genius that is rare in a century, he is in a good mood. .

The emergence of a genius means that the entire era will be accelerated for decades!

This is a blessing for a region, and as a training master who has experienced many things and is close to a state of seclusion, this is a very happy thing.

Therefore, the way Chi Fei looked at Luo Yi was completely different from the beginning.

Like looking at a baby.

Luo Yi was a little hairy from his eyes. Rao was Luo Yi so smart, and he didn’t know why Chi Fei changed so suddenly.

He looked like he was mad at him just now, but after being defeated by himself, he suddenly became happy.

If you are always sick, you should go to the hospital. You can’t put the blame on me.Luo Yi thought in his heart that he was afraid that his battle would stimulate the trainer who had a very high status in the league.

It’s just to break into the Hualan Cave, as for causing so much trouble?

Luo Yi was a little anxious.

But at this moment, as if seeing Luo Yi’s strange eyes, Chi Fei laughed and said, “Okay, you defeated me, I lost, you can enter Hualan Cave.”

Chi Fei waved his hand, no intention of blocking.

Luo Yi and Xiaoyao Xirona looked at each other, unable to understand Chi Fei’s changes.

After all, no matter how smart they are, it is difficult to understand the mood of a training master with decades of experience.

Luo Yi was far from realizing how important this was to a region as a genius who was rarely seen in hundreds of years.

However, Luo Yi could feel that Chi Fei really allowed himself to enter the Hualan Cave, rather than having any other bad thoughts.

Luo nodded, said goodbye to Chi Fei, and took Xiaoyao Xirona and the Crystal Outline Snake directly into the Hualan Cave.

Until the three figures disappeared, Chi Fei remained motionless, looking at the dark cave, looking a little excited.

At this time, Chi Fei did not feel the loss of defeat at all. Instead, he took out a small communicator from his pocket as if it were a new year, with the logo of the alliance on it.

“I found a super genius, whose strength and temperament are far superior to ordinary people. I am not an opponent. I suggest the alliance to pay attention.” Chi Fei quickly edited a text message, and then described some of Luo Yi’s characteristics, and sent it go out. ……

After sending the message, Chi Fei felt a little nervous. When such a genius was discovered by himself, the entire Guandu area might undergo earth-shaking changes, which made him extremely excited.

Soon, new news came from Chi Fei’s communicator.

“It is known, it is recommended not to disturb too much.”

There is only such a simple line on the communicator, and there is no sign of the alliance’s excitement and excitement for discovering the genius.

Chi Fei frowned, the alliance’s reaction was really abnormal.

“Are you crazy!? This is a genius who has not necessarily appeared for hundreds of years. What is your attitude!? Do you still doubt my judgment!?”

“Let the people of the Four Heavenly Kings talk to me in person!” Chi Fei immediately sent a message for the past two days, still very dissatisfied with the attitude of the alliance.

What Chi Fei didn’t know was that within the alliance, the existence of Luo Yi was already known, and Luo Yi’s defiantness was known, but the alliance also knew very well that Luo Yi was not from the Guandu area. When a perverted genius like Luo Yi appeared in the homeland, the people in the alliance were already crazy with joy.

It’s just that Luo Yi’s existence is really too special. His strength is so powerful that if the entire alliance joins together, it may not pose any threat to Luo Yi.


The league is very clear about this.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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