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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 405

Therefore, the Alliance can only choose to ignore Luo Yi’s existence. Whether it is the previous Banmu’s conduit that was destroyed by Luo Yi, or this time Chi Fei’s report, the Alliance can only deal with it coldly.



Ten minutes later, Chi Fei let the communicator in his hand fall to the ground, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

He just had a phone call with a senior official of the alliance and learned about Luo Yi’s true identity.

“Old Chi, I’ve told you so much about Luo Yi. Don’t mention it in the future. You won’t be wronged if you lose to him!” There was a voice coming from the communicator.

“Crooked? Crooked? Lao Chi? Are you all right?”

Chapter 47 The Weirdness of Hualan Cave!

I don’t know that Chi Fei outside was so shocked by his true identity that he was speechless. At this time, Luo Yi and three people had already entered the Hualan cave.

After entering Hualan Cave, Luo Yi has encountered many attacks. The elves in Hualan Cave are indeed very sturdy. Attacked Luo Yi.

The wild elves here do not see outsiders all the year round. After seeing Luo Yi, they are as happy as the Chinese New Year.

However, the elves in Luo Yi’s hands were too powerful. The wild elves that rushed up were all beaten by Luo Yi’s elves and fled, or they lost consciousness and lay on the side of the road.

At this time, in front of Luo Yi, Bangira, who had eaten the rustling fruit, and the two elves of the Crystal Steel Snake were waiting in full force. The eyes of the two elves were full of excitement.

For Bangira and 12 Yan, fighting is his favorite thing!

And the big crystal steel snake just needs to hone itself in the battle. Whether it is to be familiar with the newly learned combat skills, or to run in with the diamond fruit, it must be carried out in the battle.

The two elves were both fighting in full swing. The environment here is very special. There is no need to care about the rules of the battle. combat environment.

As for the super destructive elves like Fire-breathing Dragon or Groudon, Luo Yi has no idea of ​​letting them take action in the Hualan Cave. If they are happy, it is possible to destroy the entire Hualan Cave. of.

Those two elves were a bit more destructive.

Soon, after cleaning up a wave of big-mouthed bats, Luo Yi waved his hand, and everyone stopped. Luo Yi walked to the ground beside a big-mouthed bat who was stunned by the tail of a large crystal steel snake. observed.

The elves here are much more powerful than those outside. Even a big-mouthed bat’s attack power and brutality are far from what the elves outside can compare.

Here, there is weirdness!

It is normal to be weird. Luo Yi came to Hualan Cave not only to find a elf suitable for bursting fruit, but also to find the secret of Hualan Cave.

Exploring some weird places with secrets is also what Luo Yi is interested in.

But at this moment, Shirona behind Luo Yi spoke up. From the beginning of entering Hualan Cave, Shirona did not speak, but observed everything here like Luo Yi.

When Luo Yi observed the big-mouthed bat, it was obvious that Hirona also had some remarks to make.

“If there is any secret here, the Alliance should have discovered it long ago.” Shirona said.

Xiaoyao nodded, obviously agreeing with Shirona’s statement.

Luo glanced at Shirona and understood Shirona’s meaning: “You mean, the weirdness here is that the Alliance deliberately stayed here?”

“Just want the current situation of Hualan Cave?” Luo Yi thought thoughtfully.

Such a thing is not impossible. The various ideas of the alliance are simply not guessed by ordinary people.

Considering this place as an elves training lair, and they are all elves with strong attack power, it is not a bad thing for the alliance, not only the alliance will have a better understanding of elves, but also can improve the strength of trainers, you can Saying it’s Bailey is harmless.

“It doesn’t matter, if it is really what the alliance left behind, I will not be polite with the alliance.” Luo Yi said with a smile.

“Besides, when have we ever been polite with the Alliance, not in Hoenn, nor in Kanto.”

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Shirona smiled slightly and put down the worries in her heart completely. Yes, when has this guy Luo Yi been polite to the alliance.

“Okay, this big-mouthed bat is very interesting. Come and have a look.” Luo Yi said.

Shirona and Xiaoyao squatted beside Luo Yi curiously, Luo Yi pointed to several positions on the big-mouthed bat and said, “This big-mouthed bat, the position of its wings and claws, is much stronger than ordinary big-mouthed bats. .”

“From the performance of other big-mouthed bats, it should be the same.”

Luo Yi said lightly: “Hualan Cave, there must be something that can change the elves.”

Shirona nodded. From the moment they entered the Hualan Cave, the elves they encountered were much stronger than the ordinary elves outside. If there were only one or two, it could be explained by mutation, but if this happened on a large scale, it could only be Hualan. There is a problem with Ran Cave.

“Attention, Shirona, you’d better let your elves out. The elves here are a bit weird, and I don’t know what kind of mutated ability it will produce. Maybe it will give us a surprise.” Luo Yi said.

Shirona quickly released her bite land shark to protect herself and Xiaoyao.

The poor Liebiting Lu Shark was still the main thug when he followed Xirona, but now at 220, he can only be reduced to a bodyguard guarding the safety of the two girls.

However, there is no complaint about Bite Lu Shark. After all, in front of Luo Yi’s elf, its strength is indeed a bit underwhelming.

“Let’s continue, there won’t be anything interesting on the first floor, most of them are on the third floor.” Luo Yi stood up and said.

However, Luo Yi’s idea was good, but he didn’t expect that the three of them walked around the first floor almost without finding the entrance to the second floor.

This is a bit embarrassing.

“Cough, Bangira, you’re here!” Luo Yi said.

Bangira immediately activated the ability of the rustling fruit, and the ground contacted by her feet began to sand. While trying not to damage the terrain in the cave, she began to look for the entrance to the second floor.

Soon, Bangira made a discovery, all the sand under her feet disappeared, and Bangira immediately walked in one direction.

However, when the three of them came to the entrance of the second floor, they were all stunned.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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