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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 408

“Okay, there is basically no other possibility for the seed of the wonderful frog to come here, but seeing that the seed of the wonderful frog is so familiar with this place, it should have been here for a long time.” Luo Yi said.

“We haven’t achieved our goals for such a long time, and we still have time.”

The elves of Hualan Cave are not vegetarians, and they are all very cruel. If the seeds of the wonderful frog evolve into the wonderful frog grass, or even the wonderful frog flower, it may be relatively smooth, and there is no need to spend such a long time here.

Therefore, the seeds of the wonderful frog have not been able to achieve their goals for a while.

“Let’s follow the wonderful frog seeds!” Luo Yi said.

Shirona nodded, and the three of them took Bangira and the big crystal steel snake quickly towards the current location of the wonderful frog seeds.

Along the way, all the elves with short eyes who wanted to do something to Luo Yi and the others were violently punished by Bangira and the big crystal steel snake, and Luo Yi’s time was hardly wasted.

However, when they got closer and closer to the seeds of the wonderful frog, they found more and more wild elves in the Hualan cave, all rushing towards the place of the seeds of the wonderful frog.

And Luo Yi and the others could also hear the sound of the fierce battle from a distance.

“The seed of the wonderful frog seems to be in a bad situation now.” Luo Yi’s face showed an expression of interest.

Now the fight of the wonderful frog seeds has attracted the attention of the Hualan cave elves. Luo Yi guessed that this is not the first time that such a situation has occurred. When I saw the wonderful frog seeds before, it was scarred. It is probably caused by this. of.

“Clean up the elves here, if necessary, you can take action!” Luo pair said to Bangira and the big crystal steel snake.

Luo Yi’s eyes flickered, and the seed of the wonderful frog is likely to have reached his destination now, otherwise, if he ran away after the fight, it would not attract the attention of so many elves.

Soon, all the wild elves in Luo Yi’s direction were cleaned up by Bangira and the big crystal steel snake. Luo Yi finally saw the wonderful frog seeds at a corner!

Beyond the corner is a relatively empty cave, with passages leading to this wide cave in all directions.

In the cave at this time, in addition to the wonderful frog seeds, there are three elves.

Silly beast, smelly flower, and a big tongue.

It’s just that these three elves, Smelly Flower are already lying on the ground, their eyes are dizzy, and they are obviously stunned by the seeds of the wonderful frog, while the other two dumb beasts, with the big tongue, are also fighting with the seeds of the wonderful frog. .

Luo Yi looked at the battlefield in the cave, his eyes lit up, the seeds of the wonderful frog were one to two, and they were completely unbeatable!

This is the first time Luo Yi has seen the Frog Seeds really take action, and they are indeed very strong!

When the first time I met the seeds of the frogs before, the seeds of the frogs had to show an attack even if they were scarred, and after the two sides separated, the seeds of the frogs quickly solved a variety of monsters, Luo Yizao It was speculated that the strength of the wonderful frog seeds was very strong, and now it has finally been confirmed.

“Is it because of the constant fighting in Hualan Cave that it is so strong, or is it strong from the beginning?” Shirona’s expression was also very surprised. A wonderful frog seed has not evolved, and the strength shown is really Not like what a frog seed should have.

It is normal for Shirona to have such doubts.

Hearing Shirona’s words, Luo Yi smiled and said calmly: “Ordinary elves, have the courage to break into Hualan Cave!?”

“This wonderful frog seed was strong before, and after entering Hualan Cave, it became stronger,” Luo Yi said.

“This wonderful frog seed is not ordinary!” Luo Yi smiled even more, “I’m going to make it!”

Luo Yi’s vision is definitely not bad. How could an ordinary elf think of coming to Hualan Cave to find a solution when he has difficulties? This elf has courage, courage, and a willpower that will definitely overcome any difficulties. .

If you don’t accept such an elves, you are really blind.

While speaking, the footsteps and roars of elves could be heard from different cave tunnels. In the blink of an eye, two elves had already rushed out of the tunnels, rushing towards the three elves who were huddled together.

The Wonder Frog Seed, who discovered the situation, showed anxiety on his face. It has stopped here many times, but with its current strength, it is too difficult to pass this level.

If it can evolve… it must evolve successfully! !

Thinking about it, the expression of the wonderful frog seed became firm. The only possibility for its evolution is right in front of you. It must seize the opportunity!

… … … … … …

At this time, Luo Yi and his party at the corner saw that a new elves had joined the battle group, and Bangira immediately wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Luo Yi.

“Wait! But be prepared to shoot!” Luo Yi said.

At this time, Luo Yi stared at the wonderful frog seeds, and the other party’s expression changes were completely seen by Luo Yi, from anxious to confused to firm, and then more brave, and the expression on Luo Yi’s face became more appreciative.

At the same time, Luo Yi also confirmed the previous conjecture. The seed of the wonderful frog is now at a critical moment. Even if it encounters such a strong resistance, it does not want to back down.

In such a short period of time, the situation of the wonderful frog seed has become even worse. No matter how brave it is, it is difficult to persevere under the siege of so many powerful elves.

“Go ahead and throw all the other elves out here. I don’t want to see a single wild elves in this wide cave.” Luo Yi said decisively.

Bangira and the big crystal steel snake were already ready to take action. After hearing Luo Yi’s order, they bounced out instantly and turned into two black shadows, one rushed into the battle group of the wonderful frog seeds. , one rushed to the densely populated place at the entrance of the cave, blocking the wild elves who were about to rush over.

This sudden change surprised the wonderful frog seeds, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at a place.

Chapter 51 The seeds of the wonderful frog that failed to evolve!

Bangira and the big crystal steel snake suddenly joined the battlefield, which made the wonderful frog seeds jump in their hearts.

A corner of this cave!

Luo Yi immediately caught the place where the eyes of the wonderful frog seeds were looking, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the seeds of the wonderful frog have already figured out almost everything here.

This also saves Luo Yi’s business.

However, the wonderful frog seed immediately reacted, his eyes left the corner of the cave, and he turned to look beside him.

But the next second, Frog Seed was stunned.

The four elves who had just fought with him and pressed him to the point where he could barely fight back, all lay down.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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