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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 409

Wonderful Frog Seed was shocked, and immediately took two steps back, looking at the only elf standing in front of him, the big crystal steel snake!

Wonderful Frog Seed recognized the big crystal steel snake, looked around while remaining vigilant, and happened to see Luo Yi walking out of the corner.

Seeing Wonder Frog Seed looking at him, Luo Yi showed a big smile and waved at Wonder Frog Seed.

Wonderful Frog Seed’s face was strange, and the human in front of him gave him a pill not long ago to recover all his injuries.

But the vigilance in the eyes of the wonderful frog seeds is not much at all.

dong dong dong!There were several loud noises, and the sound of the elves falling to the ground came from the surrounding tunnels. Bangira walked out of one of the tunnels and threw the four elves lying on the ground into the surrounding tunnels one by one.

There was no more sound in the tunnel, as if the elves who had just rushed here have all disappeared.

Frog Seed’s face changed greatly. With its understanding of the elves in Hualan Cave, since those elves have come, they will never go back, so the only possibility is to be killed by this Bangira!

The eyes of the wonderful frog seeds turned on the body of the big crystal steel snake and the body of Bangira, and the color of fear in their eyes was unobstructed. The strength of these two elves was unimaginable.

The four elves had already put infinite pressure on it, but the strange big steel snake in front of him managed to clean up all the four elves with a single eye, which made it a little afraid to act rashly.

And Bangira over there, it knows that the number of elves in the surrounding tunnels can only be more, but this Bangira has no injuries at all, and it is easy to solve all of them!

This strength makes it unbelievable.

“Frog Seed, don’t be so vigilant, I have no ill will towards you.” Luo Yi said with a smile.

Frog Seed took two steps back, keeping a distance from Luo Yi.

Luo Yi smiled and stretched his finger to the corner that the seeds of the frog were looking at: “What you want, just be there!”

Luo Yi’s words directly increased the vigilance in the eyes of the wonderful frog seeds by several degrees, and they showed an attack on Luo Yi.

Luo Yi shook his head: “What’s the use of scaring me, I know you are very smart and won’t do anything with me.”

“I won’t interfere with you to get what you want. To be honest, without my help today, you still don’t know when you will get this thing.” Luo Yi said.

“Maybe, when you die here, you may not be able to break through this last level.”

Frog Seed was silent, Luo Yi said the truth, and it never saw the hope of breaking through this last level.

With its strength, I really don’t know when it will be able to get the things that make it evolve by itself.

“You are free, I will not affect you.” Luo Yi said with a smile.

Beside Luo Yi, Shirona and Xiaoyao also smiled kindly at Frog Seed, Miao Frog Seed looked at the three of them, and after a minute of thinking, as if they had made a decision, they turned to the corner run.

This is its only chance!Even if Luo Yi and three people are here, it has to get what it wants first.

Soon, the wonderful frog seeds dug out a crystal stone from the ground of the cave.

As soon as Luo saw the stone, his eyes suddenly froze. In his impression, there was no impression of this stone.

Luo Yi’s attention couldn’t help but be attracted by the scene in front of him. Can this small stone help the seeds of the wonderful frog to achieve evolution?

You must know that the seeds of the wonderful frog cannot evolve, and there must be a serious problem. It must have tried many methods and failed before thinking of coming to Hualan Cave.

Xiaoyao and Shirona, as well as the Bangira Crystal Steel Snake, all looked very curious. It was the first time I had seen such a thing.

After getting the seed of the wonderful frog with the stone, he looked back at Luo Yi and saw that Luo Yi and the others were all standing there without any intention of fighting, and even sat on the ground and hugged the stone in his arms… …

At this moment, a bright white light suddenly appeared on the stone, wrapping the entire elf of the seed of the wonderful frog. Luo Yi and a few people only felt that it was bright, and they could not see the figure of the seed of the wonderful frog.

“Does this stone really have such a mysterious power!? It can make elves evolve!?” Shirona’s voice was a little shocked.

Xiaoyao shook her head, she was completely stunned, elves have various ways of evolution, but she has never heard of this one.

However, there was a flash of thought in Luo Yi’s eyes, and he still had some doubts about whether the seeds of the wonderful frog could evolve successfully.

According to Luo Yi’s understanding of elves, the seeds of the wonderful frog should have some genetic defects in the body, which do not affect the battle, but hinder the evolution.

In such a situation, can it be repaired just by relying on a stone with strange energy?

Luo Yi was skeptical.

The white light lasted for a long time, five minutes had passed, but they still couldn’t see the figure of the wonderful frog seed.

But just when Luo Yi and the others were a little bored, the white light suddenly began to weaken, and the figure of an elf loomed in the white light.

The eyes of Luo Yi, the other three and the two elves immediately stared at the figure in the white light.

After a few seconds, the white light completely disappeared, and Luo Yi and the others could see the elf’s figure clearly.

Or frog seeds…

At this time, the wonderful frog seed looked a little dazed, looked at his body, the absolute hope in his eyes almost overflowed, and big tears fell down.

evolution, failed.

It no longer has any means to allow itself to achieve evolution.

Then its strength has also lost the possibility of further growth.

Its strength has long reached the limit that the seeds of the wonderful frog can reach, and it has not grown for a long time!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi was silent. For an elves, not being able to evolve would be an extremely heavy pain.

Luo Yi pondered for a few seconds, and with a hand, a strange fruit appeared in Luo Yi’s hand.

Explosive fruit!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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