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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 411

Frog Seeds are a little confused.

Chapter 53 A historic moment that amazes the world!

Bangira’s attack is by no means rock-type. Frog seeds have also fought against rock-type spirits, but they have never seen one that can use sand to attack.

This simply makes Frog Seeds a little suspicious of life.

There is a crack in the worldview.

“Do you think that’s the case? Bangira, show the seeds of the wonderful frog again.” Luo Yi said.

Luo Yi could see that the shock from the desert stab just now was unparalleled.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Bangira immediately began to act. Starting from its feet, the ground began to sand, spreading to a distance of three or four meters around the body. The sand swelled like waves, or turned into spurs, and some sand still Transformed into various elves, running and playing around Bangira.

Seeing this scene, Frog Seed froze, staring blankly at Bangira, not knowing what he was thinking.

It is very sensitive, with such strength, in the battle, almost no one can match!

This is a domain exclusively for Bangira. Although Bangira did not show too many attack methods, the seeds of the wonderful frog are very talented in fighting, and have already thought of various means of using sand to deal with the enemy.

Seeing the appearance of the wonderful frog seed, Bangira was also very proud. It just enjoyed the shocked appearance of other elves, which greatly satisfied its vanity.

“Isn’t it amazing? Think about it, if you have such an ability, even if you can’t evolve, your strength is definitely not comparable now.” Luo Yi finally said the most important sentence.

Wonderful Frog Seed finally recovered from the shock, looking at Luo Yi’s eyes with incomparably complicated, it has been determined that Bangira’s ability is definitely not something that ordinary elves can have, I am afraid it is from mutation.

With such an ability, even if it doesn’t evolve…

Do not!With such an ability, there is no need to think about evolution at all!

If he could have such an ability, he wouldn’t be surrounded by Luo Yi today, he would have rushed out long ago, he has such self-confidence!

But… it doesn’t. Although its strength is not bad, there is no possibility of enhancement at all…

Thinking of this, the Frog Seed, whose eyes had just brightened, dimmed again.

“Crystal Steel Snake, can you also show it?” Looking at the expression of the wonderful frog seeds, Luo Yi decided to add another fire.

It wants to excavate the desire for power in the heart of the wonderful frog seeds frantically!

After hearing Luo Yi’s words, the big crystal steel snake nodded, and the color on his body began to change.

From the color of some red crystals, it began to turn white, and within a few seconds, the body of the crystal steel snake all turned into diamonds.


A genuine diamond physique!

At this time, the wonderful frog seed, with a big mouth, looked at the big crystal steel snake in shock, unable to believe his eyes!

It can also be transformed! ?

mega evolution! ?No no no!This is definitely not a mega evolution! !

Just when the seeds of the wonderful frog didn’t respond, the big crystal steel snake’s tail flicked gently and hit a solid rock, and the rock was instantly smashed!

The eyes of the wonderful frog seed are about to fly out. It knows the rock. It has come here many times. It is very clear about the firmness of this rock.

But now, this rock was smashed by this big steel snake with one tail. This is not a simple smash, but almost turned into powder. This is absolutely beyond imagination. of.

The most important thing is that the big steel snake directly hit this rock with its body, how is this possible! ?

The method of breaking the rock, the Frog Seed also knows that some elves can do it, but to do this, all of them can use the most powerful attacking moves, who can use the body like a big steel snake. , can break such a large solid rock! ?

Not to mention the size of the power, even the body cannot withstand the power of the attack!

It must have been when he transformed himself, his physical strength had been incomparably improved!

The wonderful frog seeds reacted immediately, which must have something to do with the changes in the body of the big steel snake just now!

“You have seen it, I can make you have the same powerful ability!” Luo Yi said calmly.

Wonderful Frog Seed calmed down and looked at Luo Yi with a complicated expression.

It is very smart, there are no mutant elves, and even if it is a mutation, it is impossible to have such a heaven-defying mutation. It overturned its previous guess that the powerful abilities of these two elves were not brought about by the mutation.

Then the only possibility is related to the human beings in front of him.

At this time, Frog Seeds somewhat believed what Luo Yi said. Maybe the human being in front of him could really let it have a flying-like improvement in its strength without evolving.

Wonderful Frog Seed also saw Luo Yi’s thoughts, this human wants to subdue himself!

There is not much disgust in the seed of the wonderful frog. If it can really give it a powerful ability, it will follow Luo Yi, and it will be willing.

It longs for great strength. If it stops its strength here, it is better to let it die like this.

Of course, the premise is that Luo Yi can improve its strength.

“That’s it! This fruit in my hand, although you feel that this thing is a little dangerous, but you will never regret it!” Luo Yi raised the explosive fruit in his hand forward.

Wonderful Frog Seed’s expression was complicated, but the look in Luo Yi’s hands that exploded the fruit was no longer as fearful as before.

It couldn’t find a reason for Luo Yi to deceive itself.

Seeing the appearance of the wonderful frog seeds, Luo Yi said nothing, and directly threw the explosive fruit in his hand at the wonderful frog seeds.

“Eat it!” Luo Yi exclaimed.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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