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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 413

“You want to know? Then… take out your best elf and fight with one of my newly acquired elfs, and you’ll know what happened.” Luo Yi smiled mysteriously.

“Do you still want to fight?” Chi Fei was taken aback.

But immediately Chi Fei caught a word in Luo’s words, newly obtained?

Thinking of this, Chi Fei was moved.

Maybe he has the possibility of defeating Luo Yi?If you tell this to the people in the alliance, you will be shocked, right?

Chapter 55 Wonderful Frog Bomb!

The small abacus in Chi Fei’s heart rattled, and he ignored what happened in Hualan Cave for a while. He knew the attitude of the Alliance towards Luo Yi. If he could defeat Luo Yi, this would definitely be something that the Alliance would take seriously. thing.

According to what the alliance said, and what he had seen and heard in the previous battle with Luo, under normal circumstances, he would not have a chance to defeat Luo Yi, but what Luo Yi said just now was to fight against the new elf he just got.

As an extremely experienced trainer, Chi Fei knows that the newly conquered elves need to have a long run-in with their masters. Otherwise, neither the strength of the trainer nor the strength of the elves can be brought into play. of.

In particular, some unique training methods for elves by trainers are the main ways for elves to grow. It has been a long time since Luo Yi entered the Hualan Cave, and it is impossible for newly acquired elves to have time for such training.

“Okay! I promise you! I’ll fight, I Chi Fei, when have I ever been afraid of anyone!” Chi Fei was about to laugh out loud, but he didn’t expect such a good thing to fall on his head.

Of course, in front of Luo Yi, he still had to maintain a tangled look, which made him endure a little hard.

Looking at the subtle changes in Chi Fei’s expression just now, with Luo Yi’s cleverness, he didn’t know what Chi Fei was thinking, Luo Yi smiled and said softly, “Then please.”

Soon, Chi Fei and Luo Yi came to the battle field here again. The traces left by the previous battle had not been eliminated. Now they came here again, but their mood was completely different.

For Luo Yi, Chi Fei is a good target for training. In Hualan Cave, although the elves on the third floor are very strong, for the elves in Chi Fei’s hands, they are far behind, not to mention I ate the Frog Seed of the Exploding Fruit.

“Let’s start.” Luo Yi looked at Chi Fei with a smile and released his wonderful frog seeds.

Chi Fei also smiled mysteriously, and secretly placed a camera device in a hidden place. He was going to film the situation of the battle, which would be the best proof that he defeated Luo Yi.

However, Chi Fei’s idea could only be a fantasy, even if Luo Yixin conquered the elves, Chi Fei could not defeat him.

Chi Fei knew nothing about Luo Yi!

After quietly placing the camera device, Chi Fei finally released his elf. This time, it was no longer the fire-breathing dragon, but a fast dragon.

Looking at the fast dragon released by Chi Fei, Luo Yi was a little stunned. Chi Fei’s choice of elves was really similar to himself.

Before the fire-breathing dragon, and the current fast dragon, Luo Yi also has elves of the same race.

Touching his nose, Luo Yi’s expression was a little weird. This was the first time he saw an elves like Kuailong standing on the opposite side of him.

Of course, this fast dragon is just an ordinary fast dragon. At most, its combat power is stronger, and it cannot be compared with Luo Yi’s fast dragon that ate the meat ball fruit.

Seeing Luo Yi’s stunned expression, Chi Fei smiled smugly, he completely misunderstood Luo Yi’s current mood, he thought it was his fast dragon that scared Luo Yi.

“Wonderful Frog Seeds… I really want to laugh!” Chi Fei looked at the little Wonderful Frog Seeds on the field, and his tall fast dragon, in a really comfortable mood. How could an elf who has never evolved before interact with him? compared to the fast dragon! ?

In Chi Fei’s view, even if Luo Yi’s other elves were powerful, Luo Yi was powerless in this battle, and the gap in strength was too great.

Chi Fei looked at Luo Yi, and his eyes became a little contemptuous. A person who is so important to the Alliance entered the Hualan Cave and brought out a wonderful frog seed?

Is there something wrong with the brain?

Without him, an elf like the wonderful frog seed is too ordinary. A trainer of his level has long ignored such an elf.

And no matter how powerful the trainer is, an elf that has not evolved can never be compared with a fast dragon that has evolved twice.

No matter from any point of view, this battle is won by myself.

The joy in Chi Fei’s heart couldn’t be restrained any longer, and a faint smile appeared on his face: “Luo Yi, I won’t bully your wonderful frog seed, so you can start this battle first.”

Hearing Chi Fei’s words and looking at the smile on Chi Fei’s face, how could Luo Yi not understand Chi Fei’s pride, but behind Luo Yi, Xiaoyao and Shirona had strange eyes.

Underestimate the frog seeds?Be careful to doubt life for a while!

“Wonderful frog seeds, do you remember what I told you before?” Luo Yi said directly to the wonderful frog seeds on the field without saying much.

Wonderful Frog Seed turned around and nodded to Luo with a confident look on his face.

The wonderful frog seeds at this time have a feeling of being separated from the world. They have opened the door to a new world and ushered in a world that was completely unimaginable.

In particular, the power of its newly acquired abilities was frightened even by itself.

When they were on the third floor of Hualan Cave, Frog Seeds themselves were stunned. This ability is really terrible. After contacting Luo to some of the ways to use it, Frog Seeds fully understood how terrible it was. place.

A veritable killer!

The epoch-making attack method in the elf world has never been seen before and never came later!

Wonderful Frog Seed’s heart is full of gratitude, and it is all because of Luo Yi that she can acquire such a powerful ability. In Wonder Frog Seed’s heart, Luo Yi is the one who brought it new life, and Luo Yi has become the most important thing in its life. people.

At this time, the wonderful frog seed looked at the fast dragon on the opposite side, without a little bit of timidity. If it had encountered such a elf before, it would have avoided it, but now, it is confident that it will not recognize the big father and mother on the opposite side.

Moreover, Luo Yi had already told it the strategy of this battle in advance, and what it had to do was to do as Luo Yi said.

The wonderful frog seed looked at the fast dragon opposite, and a fist-sized seed was sprayed out of the flower bones behind it, and flew towards the fast dragon lightly.

This kind of seed is covered with fiery red patterns!

Chapter 56 Chi Fei, you are also a frog at the bottom of the well

The seed shot by the wonderful frog seed is covered with fiery red patterns!

This is not an ordinary seed. This seed has the ability to explode fruit and has become a brand new seed!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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