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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 421

Just kidding, Frog Seeds can fight against multiple Pokémon on the third floor of Hualan Cave by themselves, and firmly suppress them with absolute strength, and are they afraid that a single Bangira will fail?Even if this Bangira belongs to Chi Fei, it is no exception!

“This little guy has made a lot of trouble, he should be satisfied now.”

Shirona looked at the forehead of the frog seed with pity and said softly.

“I hope that this time it will release all the grievances that have been squeezed from the bottom of my heart, otherwise it will be different from a bomb that will detonate at any time.”

Luo Yi laughed and couldn’t help but subconsciously glanced at the mess around him.

The explosion of the wonderful frog seeds releasing the pressure was so powerful that Luo Yi couldn’t help but look at him.

Although Luo Yi himself would not be afraid of explosions, if the seeds of the wonderful frog were not in the inaccessible mountainous areas, but in the bustling urban areas, Luo Yi would have a headache for the aftermath.

“It looks so cute, it’s scary to be angry.”

Xiaoyao glanced at the seeds of the wonderful frog with lingering fears.

The explosion just now made her stunned for a while, and the snacks fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the seeds of the wonderful frogs are not really unscrupulous. The explosion on Luo Yi’s side was offset by the seeds of the wonderful frogs using their spare strength to generate an explosion again, so this is why in the chaos around, only Luo Yi and Xi are in 970. The ground that Rona is on is the reason why it is intact.

“Bangira, take a good rest when you come back, I’ll take you to the Pokémon Center later.”

Chi Fei took back the unconscious Bangira, and then looked at Luo Yi and the others who were gradually disappearing.

“Is there really such a wonderful frog seed? It can release seeds that will explode, and the vine whip can also explode…”

In a trance, Chi Fei muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and his whole body was jolted.

“Hey? Is that the frog seed? The one that challenged me?”

He widened his eyes, his face full of incredulity.

After thinking hard about the memory, the previous Frog Seed, which was exhausted, but whose eyes were still full of fighting intent, overlapped with Luo Yi, the Frog Seed that could explode.

“No… No way? It’s that weak frog seed??”

Chi Fei’s eyes widened, unable to accept this fact for a while.

Chapter 63 Genetic modification? !

“No… No way? It’s that weak frog seed??”

Chi Fei’s eyes widened, unable to accept this fact for a while.

As the gatekeeper of Hualan Cave, Chi Fei wandered around Hualan Cave a lot.

And he had encountered this wonderful frog seed that Luo Yigang had conquered, and he also had some impressions of it in his mind.

As for why Chi Fei was impressed by an inconspicuous frog seed, it was because this wonderful frog seed had dared to challenge him persistently!

At that time, Frog Seed was like crazy, even if the strength was absolutely disparate, he could still retain the fighting spirit to fight with his Pokémon!

Therefore, after crushing the Frog Seed with absolute strength, Chi Fei also had the idea of ​​subduing it. After all, grass-type Pokémon, which have always been gentle, rarely have anomalies with a belligerent personality, but Chi Fei saw that this wonderful The body of the frog seed that cannot be evolved is strange, so I finally gave up the idea of ​​​​containing it.

After all, the strength of Pokémon can only show explosive growth through evolution.

If it cannot evolve, it means that the strength of the Pokémon is almost at its peak.

“It’s actually that wonderful frog seed?! No way? It didn’t show this magical explosive ability at that time!”

The current Chi Fei determined from the appearance that Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seed was the wonderful frog seed he encountered before, and he could hardly believe it for a while.

I met it before and now it was conquered by Luo Yi. What happened in it, so that this wonderful frog seed took control of this terrifying power?

“During this time, nothing has changed in the cave!”

Chi Fei gritted his teeth and frowned, looking at Luo Yi’s back and thinking.

“Looking at the appearance of the wonderful frog seeds, it seems that they have just mastered the explosive power?”

Chi Fei was dazed, thinking the last blow of the Frog Seed to vent his resentment in his mind, mistaking it for the scene where it couldn’t control its own power and then went out of control.

“Could it be that after being subdued by Luo Yi, the seeds of the wonderful frog… That is to say, this is man-made?”


Suddenly, a word that was considered taboo by Chi Fei appeared in Chi Fei’s mind like lightning, causing Chi Fei’s face to sink.

“Could it be… genetic modification?”

Genetic modification of Pokémon is a heresy.

There are always some ambitious, or power-hungry people, or mad scientists, trying to tap all the hidden power of Pokémon, and even control other more powerful powers. Therefore, the genetic modification of evil Pokémon is also Born to conceive.

In all evil organizations, a force will be secretly differentiated, and in order to obtain stronger power, they specially conduct unknown and cruel Pokémon genetic modification experiments…

“Is it really Pokémon genetic modification?”

As the gatekeeper of Hualan Cave, Chi Fei knows how evil and dark the genetic modification of Pokémon is!

Since it is a gene, there must be no shortage of Pokémon, as the experimental body of the genetic experiment!

The degree of darkness in the experiment is self-evident!

Luo Yi’s identity is the eldest young master of Dewen Company. Chi Fei already knows that, as a business giant, Dewen Company is also fully capable and financially capable of genetically modifying Pokémon!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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