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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 427

“Hey, kid, I want to see who gave you the courage!”

The veins on Ishiwan’s forehead popped out, he grinned, the fierce light in his eyes seemed to want to tear Luo Yi to pieces.

“Courage? Liang Jingru.”

Hearing the word courage, Luo tilted his head, inexplicably thinking of Liang Jingru’s courage to sing, and then laughed.

“I’m sorry, it’s a mess.”

Liang Jingru?What Pokémon is that?Everyone was stunned by Luo Yi’s inexplicable name, and asked what kind of strange Pokémon they had never seen before.

Luo Yi’s disapproving performance completely blew up Ishimaru.

“Come out, Hot Monkey! Give this bastard some color!”

The Pokémon in his hand was thrown with all his might, and with Ishimaru’s loud shout, a hot monkey that didn’t seem easy to mess with appeared in Luo Yi’s field of vision.

Hot Monkey is a kind of Pokémon that has always been angry. It is extremely grumpy and will attack humans when it sees it, saying that it can be said to be ‘in love’ with its owner, Ishimaru.

“Come on, put your Pokémon out to fight, you don’t mean to say, let this Pikachu come on your shoulders? Huh?”

Ishimaru stared at Pikachu on Luo Yi’s shoulder with a wicked smile, wanting to see Pikachu showing weakness, but unfortunately, he could only see that Pikachu was still cute, and he didn’t show any fear at all when he saw his hot monkey.

Could it be that this Pikachu, like its owner, is also heartless?Don’t know what opponent you are facing?Ishimaru couldn’t help but have a strange idea in his heart.

Where does he know, he doesn’t know what opponent he is facing, it is himself, not to mention the hot monkey, now even if the Thunderbird and Pikachu face off, Pikachu probably won’t be cowardly…

“No, Pikachu doesn’t matter, it’s not a good habit to fight just after eating.”

Luo Yi shook his head and took out a Pokémon ball.

Ishiwan’s expression became solemn. After all, Luo Yi had a fearless attitude, so he might not really have any foundation.

The others also stretched their necks to watch, wanting to see what kind of Pokémon Luo Yi would release.


The thrown Pokémon ball opened in the air, and a small green Pokémon appeared in the field.

“Miao… wonderful frog seeds?! Are you kidding me!?”

Ishimaru was completely fried like a cat with fried fur.

That’s right, the Pokémon that Luo Yi released was just an ‘ordinary’ wonderful frog seed.

Chapter 69 The Hot Monkey and the Vine Whip!

The appearance of the wonderful frog seeds not only made the stone balls explode, but also the three Hualan sisters and others were stunned.

His confidence and confidence come from such a wonderful frog seed?

The crowd watching the battle was completely in an uproar because of the appearance of the wonderful frog seeds.

Before, I thought that Luo Yi might be someone with powerful Pokémon, but at this time, he completely turned to the camp that thought Luo Yi was a fool.

What are you kidding me, mere frog seeds?Just want to compete with Ishimaru’s well-trained Hot Monkey?Even a three-year-old child can see the obvious power gap between the two!

“This guy must be crazy, just relying on a wonderful frog seed?”

“Now I’m sure, this kid’s head must be rusted.”

“It’s just embarrassing, I just thought he had any skills!”

Everyone was in an uproar, and Sakura, the referee, was also stunned at this time.

Am I missing out?It’s not that he has any confidence, but is he really lacking in heart?A rookie trainer just out of school?

Sakura stared blankly at the wonderful frog seeds who were confronting the hot monkey, and her mind was complicated.

No matter who was present, no one would think that Frog Seeds could compete with Ishimaru’s hot monkey, and she was no exception.

657 “Sister Sakura, you see I’m right, this kid must be a fool.”

Du Dan stepped forward and said angrily.

“Sister Sakura, why don’t you cancel the competition, or this wonderful frog seed may be in danger…”

The calamus on the side also sighed helplessly and suggested.

Obviously, she doesn’t think Luo Yi’s Frog Seed can really beat Ishimaru’s Hot Monkey. You must know that Ishimaru is a veteran with rich combat experience, and his Hot Monkey is also powerful. He was repeatedly provoked by Luo Yi. Even if they were present, it is estimated that Ishimaru would definitely not keep his hands. The situation of the wonderful frog seeds is worrying!

Sakura’s expression was complicated. Looking at Luo Yi, whose face was still indifferent, she didn’t know what to say.

Where did he get his confidence from?Even if he pretends to be calm, there is always a clue to see it, but looking at the other party’s appearance, it seems that it is not that kind of pretending to be calm, but that he really doesn’t take Ishimaru in his eyes.

“Be ready to step in anytime.”

In the end, Sakura shook her head and had to act by chance.

On the other side, Ishiwan, because he regarded the appearance of the wonderful frog seeds as Luo Yi’s contempt.

“What are you kidding? Frog seeds? Kid, are you serious?”

The veins appeared on Ishiwan’s forehead again, he suppressed the burning anger in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

“Yeah, is there any problem? Although I just captured the Frog Seeds, it shouldn’t be a problem to hit your Hot Monkey.”

Luo Yi glanced at Wonder Frog Seed, then at Hot Monkey, with a natural expression, and said as it should be.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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