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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 430

This time, including the three Hualan sisters and Ishiwan, everyone was stunned.

Obviously, he saw the fist of the hot monkey and hit the forehead of the wonderful frog seed. As a result, it was not the wonderful frog seed that flew out, but the hot monkey as the attacker!

what on earth is it?

Everyone looked at this scene and recalled the memory of the strange scene in their minds.

Chapter 72 A Weird Scene!

what on earth is it?

This question popped up in everyone’s mind.

The strange scene just now made them all fall into a state of absentmindedness.

It was obviously the hot monkey that released the cross hack and attacked the wonderful frog seed, how could it be the hot monkey that flew out?

When the smoke drifted away and the unharmed Frog Seed appeared in their field of vision, their eyes widened.

The wonderful frog seeds have nothing to do?

“Hot monkey?! Wonderful frog seed?!”

Ishimaru looked at the fiery monkey who fell into the wall and lost consciousness, and then glanced at Roy’s wonderful frog seeds, his eyes were as big as copper bells.

Didn’t his hot monkey attack the seeds of the wonderful frog?Shouldn’t it be Frog Seeds that are incapacitated?Why is this the result?

This scene was too strange, and Ishimaru couldn’t explain it with his rich battle experience, so in his mind now, he was caught in the battle between heaven and man, thinking that he was dreaming.

“Seed Seed~”

As the focus of the crowd, the seed of the wonderful frog looked at his defeated general, and his expression showed a smile with a strong sense of ridicule, as if he was mocking the hot monkey’s self-control.

After that, Frog Seed seemed to remember something, turned around a little embarrassedly, and looked at Luo Yi eagerly.

“I didn’t control my strength again, pay attention next time.”

Luo Yi naturally knew why the Frog Seed showed this expression, and glanced at it with a slight reproach, but he didn’t bother to reprimand it. Anyway, this time it wasn’t too much. This time, it can be said that it is a pediatric department, but the force of the explosion is not well controlled.

Just pity the hot monkey, Luo Yi glanced at the hot monkey deep in the wall with pity.

However, it may be that the hot monkey is self-inflicted.

The seeds of the wonderful frog eat the explosive fruit, and any part of the body can explode. Of course, it is not limited to the vine whip, and even the forehead that is attacked by the hot monkey can naturally explode.

Therefore, the hot monkey uses melee moves to attack the frog seeds. The greater the power released, the greater the power of the frog seeds as a feedback explosion, so the hot monkey that was blasted out can indeed be said to be self-inflicted.

It’s just that the hot monkey must be stunned at the moment of the explosion, and he can’t understand that a wonderful frog seed can detonate his body and cause him heavy damage.

Although Luo Yi knew what was going on with the seeds of the wonderful frog, others didn’t know the details of the seeds of the wonderful frog. The gym at the moment was completely bombed. It was a vegetable market where hawkers squeaked and bargained, and the chaos echoed in the gymnasium, which of course also included the three Hualan sisters who were equally puzzled.

“Sister, what’s going on here, I read it right? It was the hot monkey that attacked the seeds of the wonderful frog, why was it the hot monkey who was beaten out? The seeds of the wonderful frog seem to have nothing at all?”

Du Dan stared, tugged at the corner of Sakura’s clothes, and asked in disbelief.

“I don’t know either. The seeds of the wonderful frog didn’t seem to have any abnormal movements just now. Why does this happen?”

Sakura’s beautiful brows furrowed, also puzzled.

“Just now, it seems that the seeds of the wonderful frogs have released a move similar to self-destruction? No? If it is really self-destructing, then why is the seeds of the wonderful frogs not doing anything? No, can the seeds of the wonderful frogs learn to self-destruct?”

Calamus tried her best to recall the scene just now, closed her eyes and thought.

Although they have experienced a lot of battles as gym owners, and their knowledge of Pokémon is not even worse than that of some Pokémon scientists, but they have never seen such a bizarre thing. The attacked frog seeds are fine. , on the contrary, the hot monkey who launched the attack was blasted out by the suspected self-destruction caused by the wonderful frog seed, which was unheard of before.

Du Dan and Changpu were puzzled, so they could only stare at the seeds of the wonderful frog with eyes that could not wait to dissect the seeds of the wonderful frog to see what happened.

At this time, Sakura’s gaze was focused on Luo Yi’s body, her eyes blazing with light, flashing with a hint of surprise, and a sense of joy that her intuition was verified.

Just when Sakura stared at Luo 073 in a daze, Luo Yi, who was in sight, suddenly cast his eyes over, and when he looked at those clear and affectionate eyes, Sakura’s body trembled suddenly, and his heartbeat seemed to be like Almost two minutes later, he quickly turned his head to avoid Luo Yi’s gaze.

A faint blush appeared on Sakura’s delicate face, and she thought it was Luo Yi who realized that he was observing him, but unexpectedly Luo Yi spoke at this time.

“Hey? Miss referee, shouldn’t you announce the result of the game?”

Luo Yi tilted his head and said indifferently.

“Ah, oh, yes, um, then the result of this competition…”

Only then did Sakura remember her status as a referee, and she was about to announce the result of the game in a panic, but at this moment, Ishimaru finally stopped her after she was relieved.

“Wait a minute, the game is not over yet. It was not said to be a one-on-one final at the beginning.”

Ishimaru roared in exasperation.

“Huh? Do you think it is necessary to continue?”

Luo Yun looked at Ishi Wan with a playful gaze, as if he was looking at a dying prey.

Chapter 73 Fire Dinosaurs?Luo Yi smiled!

“Of course it is necessary.”

Ishimaru clenched his fists and roared.

Even if Ishimaru knew that even if he lost the battle with Luo Yi, with his strength, he would definitely be able to participate in this reward quest at Hualan Taoist Hall, but he just couldn’t hold his breath.

For him, this competition with Luo Yi is no longer a matter of quota, it is already a battle of dignity.He couldn’t tolerate Luo’s contempt and provocation towards him. If he admitted his failure in front of everyone like this, it would definitely become a stain on him.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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