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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 432

“Hmph, bluff!”

Ishimaru snorted coldly.There was a flash of sternness in his eyes, and then he waved his hand and gave an attack instruction to the fire dinosaur that was ready to go.

“Fire Dinosaur! Use a jet of fire on the seeds of the frog, and burn the seeds of the frog to charcoal for me!”

As long as I let the fire dinosaurs release fire-spraying moves, and don’t make contact with the body of the frog seeds, what do you do now?

Ishimaru stared at the seeds of the wonderful frog, ready to remind the fire dinosaurs to pay attention to the vine whip of the seeds of the wonderful frog.

From Ishimaru’s point of view, the only way to attack the Frog Seed, whose weakness was discovered by him, is to release that powerful vine whip.

“Yeah, it seems that the wonderful frog seeds do have strange things when they are in physical contact.”

“Ishimaru is indeed very powerful. In just a short time, he noticed the weakness of the seeds of the wonderful frog.”

“This time, the Frog Seed should be defeated, right? After all, Ishimaru sent a fire dinosaur, and the attribute restrains it.”

In response to Ishiwan’s response, others lamented that Ishiwan 020 has rich combat experience and was able to find a way to deal with it after Hot Monkey suffered a loss on this peculiar frog seed.

At this moment, with the high-temperature and hot jet flame brewing in the open mouth of the fire dinosaur, everyone couldn’t help thinking in their hearts that the battle should be over now.

The people on this side are still sighing in their hearts. The fire dinosaur on the other side has already sprayed hot flames from their mouths, forming a hot column of fire, shooting straight at the wonderful frog seeds with hot air waves.

After all, Ishimaru is a long-standing Pokémon trainer, and the Pokémon in his hands are naturally powerful. Although Ishimaru is good at fighting Pokémon, it can be seen from the appearance of this fire-type fire dinosaur that Ishimaru also spends a lot of money on it. a lot of energy.

This fire dinosaur, in terms of strength alone, is not necessarily worse than Ishimaru’s hot monkey!

This fire dinosaur, under the careful cultivation of Ishiwan, seems to be much stronger than ordinary fire dinosaurs. From the majesty and momentum of emitting flames, it can be said that it has almost touched the threshold of evolution into a fire-breathing dragon, even a fire-breathing dragon. The strength is already comparable to that of an ordinary fire-breathing dragon.

“Good sense of battle, but it’s a pity. You guessed wrong.”

Facing the sworn Ishimaru, Luo Yi squinted his eyes and showed a sarcastic smile.

What?Guess wrong, no, he must be bluffing!

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Ishiwan was stunned for a moment, the confidence on his face subsided, but it quickly surfaced again, thinking that Luo Yi was just bluffing at the moment, but looking at Luo Yi’s eyes, Ishiwan’s heart In the depths, but for some reason, there was a thud, and a bad premonition arose.

While Ishiwan was still suspicious, Luo Yi had already given instructions to the seeds of the wonderful frog.

“Miao Frog Seed, release the Flying Leaf Knife, um, don’t need too much.”

Luo Yi first instructed the seeds of the wonderful frog to release the Flying Leaf Knife, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and added another sentence.

ha?Flying Leaf Knife?Not too much?

Everyone fell into deep thought because of Luo Yi’s words, and couldn’t understand the meaning for a while.

“Does he want the seeds of the wonderful frog and the fire dinosaur to lose both?”

“Impossible, the fire dinosaur may be able to withstand the flying leaf knife, but the wonderful frog seed may not be able to withstand the flame of the fire dinosaur!”

“He’s not stupid, how could he have such a plan? He must want the seeds of the wonderful frog to release the flying leaves to quickly resist the flames of the fire dinosaurs.”

“What are you kidding? The Flying Leaf Knife also wants to resist the flames of the fire dinosaurs? This can really be done, and I will go back to the Pokémon School!”

In the eyes of others, Roy made a really bad decision this time!

Even if Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds are unique, doesn’t it require contact with the body of the wonderful frog seeds as a prerequisite?

And Feiye Kuai Dao wanted to block the fire of the fire dinosaurs at a low level. It was a fantasy, and don’t forget, everyone heard it clearly. Luo Yi added a sentence after that, that is, “No need.” too much’!

How is this possible?Even if it is released with full force, the Flying Leaf Knife can’t resist the flames of the fire dinosaurs. Luo Yi wants to let the seeds of the wonderful frog not release too much. Isn’t this crazy?

No matter how absurd Luo Yi’s order seemed to others, it couldn’t affect the seeds of the wonderful frog.

I saw that after Luo Yi’s order was issued, the wonderful frog seed shook his body and immediately released the flying leaf knife.

Originally, everyone heard Luo Yi’s order, so they shouldn’t be surprised at this time, but when the wonderful frog seeds really released the flying leaf knife, everyone almost didn’t know what to do!

Because, the wonderful frog seed released a piece!

Just one piece?

Doesn’t it mean too much just one slice?Everyone was dumbfounded. In the face of the menacing flames, is the seed of the wonderful frog not aware of his situation?Just shoot a flying blade?

It really looks like an ordinary flying blade knife!

Everyone looked at the flying leaf blade shot by the wonderful frog seeds, and they were speechless. At this time, even the fire dinosaurs, which were the opponents of the wonderful frog seeds, showed absurd expressions at this moment.

The entire scene couldn’t help falling into silence. Everyone’s eyes were focused on the flying blade knife. They watched the flying blade knife. In the rapid rotation in the air, they sprayed flames towards the fire dinosaurs impartially. go.

In their imagination, the next moment, this insignificant piece of flying blade will be submerged by the hot jet flame and burn to ashes, which is in line with their understanding of the flying blade.

But at the moment when the flying blade knife and the jet flame collided, an amazing scene happened!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The inconspicuous Flying Leaf Knife suddenly exploded like a bomb, bursting with enormous energy, and collided fiercely with the fire dragon’s jet flame. The impact of the explosion directly sent the fire dinosaur’s jet flame , rushed cleanly and disappeared from the sight of everyone

When the black smoke generated by the explosion gradually dissipated, everyone looked at the wonderful frog seed with an expressionless expression, and could see the traces of being injured by the jet flame from its body.

Did you really resist?

“Fuck, is it true? Is this the Flying Leaf Knife I know?”

“My mother, I’m gone, I have to go back to the Pokémon School to rehabilitate!”

“Speaker Bud, do you know this kind of flying leaf knife? This is the one that will explode?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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