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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 433

Everyone murmured, recalling the incredible scene just now, the flames of the fire dinosaurs were actually blocked by the flying leaves and knives of the wonderful frog seeds!And most importantly, it’s just a flying blade, which is hell.

Chapter 75 Again?

I have to say, Frog Seeds have surprised them time and time again. First, the vine whip that can pull out the hot monkey, and then the body that will explode. They all thought they were going to be numb. The Flying Leaf Knife once again made them unable to calm down.

However, it is not only the people who are surprised, but also the fire dinosaurs and Ishimaru!

Both Huo Dinosaur and Ishimaru knew the strength of Huo Dinosaur, and the power of the jet flame released was comparable to the jet flame released by ordinary fire-breathing dragons. Originally, they thought that Luo Yi would let the wonderful frog seed make a stupid move of releasing the flying leaf knife. It must be hit hard by the jet flame, and the result will be such an ending.

The fire dinosaur’s pupils were full of disbelief. It couldn’t imagine why an ordinary frog seed could use a flying blade to block its powerful jet of flame. This was beyond his comprehension. Time froze in place.

“Is that really the Flying Leaf Knife and not something else? Am I blinded?”

As the owner of the Fire Dinosaur, Ishimaru also stared blankly at the area where the jet flame disappeared. For a while, he couldn’t believe what just happened, and he didn’t even know if what he saw just now was the Flying Leaf Knife.

It is the Flying Leaf Knife, it is indeed the Flying Leaf Knife, so why can it explode?

“Is this wonderful frog seed made of bombs? It can’t be touched, and even the Flying Leaf Knife can explode?”

Du Dan’s eyes were straight, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at the seeds of the wonderful frog.

“Yeah, this is the strangest and strongest frog seed I’ve ever seen. I really don’t know where it came from.”

Sakura took a deep breath and said with complicated eyes.

Is it possible that the newcomers are so strong now?

As the owner of the Gym in the Guandu area, naturally, he has the information that the alliance holds. There are newcomers and strong players, and there are strange Pokémon. They can all see from the information shared by the Guandu Alliance. But Sakura thought about it carefully in her mind, but she had never heard of Luo Yi’s existence, so she thought Luo Yi was a pure newcomer who had just obtained a Pokémon.

Otherwise, there is such a strange frog seed, which will definitely attract a lot of attention. How could she know that Luo Yi is not from the Guandu area, but from the Fengyuan area. The frog seeds were also harvested not long ago.

“Seed Seed~”

Seeing the complex color in the eyes of everyone, the wonderful frog seed grinned and smiled proudly. At this moment, it has become the focus of the audience. I really enjoy the feeling of standing in the middle of the stage. It was not long ago. At most, the audience can only look up to others.But now, it can also make others look up to it.

All of this is due to Luo Yi. After eating that strange fruit and gaining such a powerful power, Wonder Frog Seed is glad that he chose Luo Yi every time. Luckily, I was able to meet Luo Yi.

Although it knows that it is not fully able to control the power in its body, and that Luo Yi also has other super powerful companions, the seed of the wonderful frog is very confident in its heart, and feels that it will be able to squeeze into the forefront soon.

Looking at Ishimaru’s dejected appearance, Luo Yi’s mouth curved into a mocking arc.

My own frog seed is not an ordinary frog seed. It cannot be viewed with common sense at all. After eating the bomb fruit, the Flying Leaf Knife released is certainly not an ordinary Flying Leaf Knife, just like the previous Frog Seed. Like bomb seeds, they are all products of bomb fruits. Although this Flying Leaf Knife looks like a Flying Leaf Knife, in fact, it is no problem to say that it is a Flying Leaf Bomb.

“Okay, the game is almost over, it’s time to end, wonderful frog seeds.”

Luo Yi’s eyes narrowed, and there was a dangerous aura from it.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words vaguely, Ishimaru, who was still in a trance, suddenly woke up as if being blown by the cold wind of winter, and finally realized what he was facing.


And when he was wondering whether to lose face and admit defeat to Luo Yi, Luo Yi’s order was given again.

“Frog Seed, Flying Leaf and Knife,”

“Seed seeds!”

Flying Leaf Knife, Flying Leaf Knife again!

As soon as Luo Yi’s voice fell, the seed of the wonderful frog immediately trembled, and the fierce wind sounded instantly, and a few flying blade knives with emerald green vitality, with an incomparable fierce momentum, swirled in the air like a power mark. Towards the same goal, that is fire dinosaurs roaring away!

“I. Fuck, how many slices are these?”

“One, two… ten pieces, this is ten pieces!”

“My mother, this fire-breathing dragon may not be able to continue, one piece can stand up to a jet of flame, these ten pieces…”

Because of the appearance of these ten flying blades, everyone, including the three sisters Shi Wan and Hua Lan, took a deep breath, shrank their necks, and felt a bit of icy chill in their hearts!

They couldn’t help but moved their steps back in unison!

Chapter 76 Desperate Fire Dinosaurs!

Ten Flying Leaf Knives!

No matter who it is, they don’t want to face the ten flying blade knives shot by the seeds of the wonderful frog, because it is not so much a flying blade blade, but a bomb!The kind that is not light enough!

And just knowing the horror of the flying leaf blade of the wonderful frog seeds just now, the fire dinosaur is facing ten flying blade blades, like falling into an ice cave, and the pupil instantly shrinks to a point, an unprecedented crisis. Feelings come to my mind.

A piece of flying blade knife is worth its jet flame. After several pieces, what will be your situation?That’s already obvious!

Fire dinosaurs feel as bad as eating shit.I originally thought that I was facing an ordinary frog seed, but unexpectedly, it was a monster dressed in a weak frog seed coat.

That’s right!It’s a monster!

Apart from the appearance, is there any other aspect of the Frog Seed on the opposite side that resembles the common Frog Seed? !

“Fire dinosaur, dangerous! Avoid it!!”

Ishimaru roared anxiously.

In fact, there is no need for Ishimaru to remind, in the face of a strong sense of crisis, Fire Dinosaurs have instinctively made dodge moves!

Ishiwan’s hard training for the fire dinosaurs in the past finally played a role at this moment. Under the severe offensive of these ten flying blades, the fire dinosaurs broke out at an unprecedented speed. Go, I want to avoid the flying blade knife that is coming from the lasing.

If it was a fire dinosaur from the past, seeing that he was now being stabbed by a few flying leaves from a wonderful frog seed, he couldn’t resist and ran away in fright. He would definitely laugh at the current self, but now it has There is no time to think so much.

run!Just run!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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