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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 438

Du Dan carefully sketched the outline of Luo Yi in his mind, and said quite agreeably.

“Don’t talk about him, let’s tidy up our gym, the number of people needed to participate in the operation has not been collected yet.”

Looking at the messy gym, Sakura sighed. Their gym has never been damaged so badly, and today is the first time it has been damaged like this.

Chapter 81 Shirona and Xiaoyao

“Come on, Xiaoyao, let’s go to the forest over there.”

Xirona and Xiaoyao, after visiting the commercial street near the seaside in Hualan City, they finally stopped the idea of ​​continuing shopping when they reached the end. They saw a lush forest at the end, and then stayed in After the lively environment for a long time, Shirona wanted to go to the quiet forest and enjoy the quiet atmosphere.

“Okay, let’s go there for a walk, it’s getting dark, and after a while, let’s go back to the Pokémon Center.”

Xiaoyao, who had finished shopping, had a satisfied smile on her face. They first deposited the big bags and small bags of things they bought at a store that specialized in storage services, and then walked towards the forest.

“I don’t know what Luo Yi is going to do in the gym? If you don’t go to the gym to challenge, what else can you do?”

Xiaoyao suddenly remembered Luo Yi and said quite puzzled.

“I heard some news just now. Luo Yi should have heard the news before going to the gym.”

When Xiaoyao cast doubtful eyes, Shirona continued to speak slowly.

“It is said that there is a strange thief in South China, are you afraid?”

Shirona smiled slightly, paying attention to Xiaoyao’s expression as she spoke, as if she wanted to scare Xiaoyao about the phantom thief.

Who knew that Xiaoyao didn’t seem to be afraid at all, but instead he asked with interest when he heard the word “phantom thief”.

“The phantom thief? What phantom thief? Tell me about it.”

“Hehe, I heard that he is a strange thief who only likes to steal Pokémon food.”

Seeing that she couldn’t scare Xiaoyao, Shirona, who felt uninterested, pouted and had to continue to explain to her.

“Ah, a thief who only steals Pokémon food? That’s too weird.”

“Yeah, that’s why it’s called a monster thief.”

Seeing Xiaoyao with a puzzled face, Shirona covered her mouth and chuckled. She had the same expression as Xiaoyao when she heard the strange thief.

“Is it someone who doesn’t care about stealing at all, but just thinks stealing is fun?”

Xiaoyao shook his head, throwing out a boundless guess from his mind.

“How could there be such a person, even if it’s what you said, they just think stealing things is fun, so why not steal some other light things, but steal the Pokémon food that is not light? You are right.”

Shirona smiled and shook her head, feeling that Xiaoyao’s guess was too wild.

“That’s true, but, does it have anything to do with Luo Yi going to the gym?”

Xiaoyao suddenly remembered her original problem, and she couldn’t find the connection between the two things at all, so she could only cast her curious eyes on Hirona, waiting for Hirona’s explanation.

“Because of the phantom thief, the Hualan Gym in Hualan City is said to have launched a bounty quest for the phantom thief. If you catch the phantom thief, you will be rewarded by the Hualan Gym.”

“A reward mission? Luo Yi is not short of money, right?”

In Xiaoyao’s impression, Luo Yi is simply a walking treasury, and he has never hesitated to spend money. This is like running water. The reward for a bounty quest went to the gym on purpose.

“Fool, Luo Yi is definitely not for the money, but for the blue badge. The reward also includes the blue badge of the Hualan Gym.”

Shirona poked Xiaoyao’s forehead and explained with a smile.

“Ah? The Gym was originally meant to protect the city’s safety and maintain order. For this phantom thief, it’s okay to use a bounty to get others to perform their duties for them, and the precious badges are also regarded as part of the reward. This Hualan Taoist Hall is really messed up!”

As the daughter of the master of the gymnasium, when she heard what the three Hualan sisters did, she couldn’t accept it, and she criticized the three Hualan sisters with disgust.

When Shirona heard the words, she smiled indifferently, and after thinking for a while, she said again. …

“I don’t think it’s a problem?”

“Ah? Is this all right?”

Xiaoyao turned to look at Shirona in disbelief, and asked with a frown.

“No problem, isn’t the badge of the gym that the gym owner tests the strength of the Pokémon trainer as a proof of his approval? Then if one catches the phantom thief, isn’t it just proof of this? human strength.”

After a pause, Shirona smiled and looked at Xiaoyao who was lost in thought, and then said.

“Furthermore, I think the owners of the Hualan Gym are quite responsible. If they were other Gym masters, they might have been alone because they couldn’t catch the phantom thief, so that the phantom thief could continue to get away with impunity. , endanger the city, but knowing that they can do nothing, they put down the face of the gym owner and seek the help of others to achieve the ultimate goal of protecting the safety of the city, isn’t it also a kind of courage?”

Shirona talked eloquently, glanced at Xiaoyao who was speechless by what she said, but still dissatisfied, and added another sentence.

“If Luo Yi was here, he would definitely tell me that, hehe.”

Hearing one or two words of Luo seemed to improve Xiaoyao’s ideological awareness by 1.3, and most of the dissatisfaction on Xiaoyao’s face disappeared.

“What you said also makes sense. If it was Luo Yi, he would definitely say it like you.”

In the end, Xiaoyao finally nodded and admitted, but at the end, he couldn’t help but add a sentence.

“But the main reason is that the master of the Hualan Taoist Hall is too weak. He can’t even catch a small thief. It’s too weak.”

“Yes, yes, you are right. If their strength is stronger, maybe there will be no strange thieves in Hualan City.”

“Isn’t it? Hmph, if I were the owner of the gym, I would definitely not let the thief do anything wrong!”

Chapter 82 Streams!Pokémon Riot!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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