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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 443

With a muffled sound, the two Pokémon collided violently.

The moment the two came into contact, Wei Li’s eyes widened, revealing a trace of disbelief!

Because it actually found that the strength it was so proud of could not suppress the fierce bite Lu Shark, and even in this short moment, there was a faint tendency to be suppressed by the fierce bite Lu Shark!

This is simply incredible!

The strange force looked at the fierce bite Lu shark in front of him with a horrified expression. You must know that its power is outstanding in the Guandu area, but I didn’t expect that the opponent’s power seems to be above it, how can it be believed!

Even though Wei Li was in doubt, its fighting movements were not neglected in the slightest. At the next moment of stalemate, he pulled out his upper left hand, gathered his strength and slammed into the head of Liebite Lu Shark, trying to attack Liebite Lu Shark. cause some damages.

But Liebite Lu Shark’s response was not slow. Almost at the moment when the strange force just made this action, his legs and legs jumped back, instantly opened the distance, and when he quickly retreated, Liebite Lu Shark’s whole body was covered. The momentum of the top and bottom climbed rapidly, and the power in the body began to gather in the mouth. The next moment, the surging dragon’s anger spurted out from the mouth of the fierce bite land shark, and shot straight towards the strange force!

At such a close distance, the incident happened suddenly, and the strange force had no time to dodge, so he could only widen his eyes and watch the fierce dragon’s anger, which bit Lu Shark fiercely, and slammed into it viciously!

The terrifying dragon’s anger pours the compressed energy onto the strange force unceremoniously! .

The huge impact force directly made the strange force like a kite with a broken string, tumbled backwards at a rapid speed, and flew a dozen meters away from the ground before stopping!

“What?? How is this possible??”

The master of the strange force was shocked by this terrifying scene, he stepped back subconsciously, his eyes widened, he couldn’t believe that his strange force was beaten by the fiercely biting land shark in just a short moment!

And when the strange force was violently swept away by the dragon’s anger that bit the land shark fiercely, the big rock snake finally arrived late, aiming at the strong biting land shark with its hard rock head with water chestnuts, as if out of control slammed into it like a big truck!

Seeing the arrival of the Big Rock Snake, Lie 3.0’s eyes that bit the Lu Shark flashed a gleam of brilliance, revealing a sullen smile, and at the moment when the Big Rock was about to hit him, he used his amazing jumping power to jump high. To the sky, avoiding the slamming attack of the big rock snake.  …


The hard rock head of the big rock hit the ground hard, hitting the hard ground into a big crater, but by the feeling of hitting the ground, the big rock snake could realize that it didn’t hit the bite land shark. !

The big rock snake raised its head and looked around in surprise. Just now, it only felt a flower in front of its eyes, and the figure of fiercely biting Lu shark disappeared from its field of vision!

Chapter 88 Unexpected!

Just when the big rock snake was looking for the figure of the fierce biting land shark, its owner not only hated the iron and steel, and roared.

“Idiot, on top of you,”

“The battle is over, bite the land shark fiercely, and use the Dragon God to dive.”

Shirona smiled slightly, and then gave an attack instruction to the fierce bite land shark in the air.


Lie Bite Lu Shark curled up and rolled in the air a few times, and then a breath appeared on Lie Bite Lu Shark’s body. Lie Bite Lu Shark was wrapped by this breath, as if he had transformed into a real dragon god, and then, Falling at a high speed by gravity, Liebiting Land Shark rushed towards the Big Rock Snake with lightning speed!

The speed of biting the land shark is like a thunderbolt. Although the big rock snake has been reminded by its owner, it is too late. At the moment when it looks up, it displays the fierce biting land shark that is swooping by the dragon god, and 15 has reached its place. overhead!

boom! ! !

Bite the land shark unbiasedly, cast the dragon god dive and hit the big rock snake!

Accompanied by the loud explosion, the sand and dust rising from the sky, the figures of the big rock snake and the fierce bite land shark were all covered up.

Just when the middle-aged man and the two bodyguards were shocked by the power of the fierce bite Lu Shark Dragon God’s dive, a breeze blew past, blowing away the raised sand and dust, revealing the situation.

With a vortex in both eyes, the giant rock snake, which had lost its ability to fight, lay quietly in a pit with cobweb-like cracks on the ground. If it was an ordinary person, it would be hard to imagine any Pokémon that would release such a destructive force. The powerful move actually smashed the ground into this.

“How could this be? Is this Pokémon a legendary Pokémon?”

“My lovely big rock snake?! Are you all right?”

The two bodyguards were already intimidated by the powerful posture of Lie Lu Shark.

He even thought that Lu Shark was a legendary Pokémon, otherwise how could there be such a domineering and tough power to defeat them at will!

They only knew at this moment that they simply did not have the strength to fight against Shirona!

“I’m ignorant, and the legendary Pokémon, don’t you even know about Liebiting Lu Shark?”

Xiaoyao couldn’t help but snickered when he heard that the other party actually regarded Liebiting Lu Shark as a legendary Pokémon.

Even when they fought against Lu Shark, they thought that Lu Shark was a legendary Pokémon. Xiaoyao couldn’t help but guess in his mind that if they fought against Luo, they would have seen Luo Yi possess all kinds of metamorphosis abilities. Pokémon, what will they look like?

He must be surprised, speechless, Xiaoyao thought maliciously in his heart.

“Well done, bite the land shark fiercely.”

Seeing the perfect performance of biting the land shark, Shirona smiled and nodded at it.

An excellent Pokémon trainer should give affirmation and praise when his Pokémon performs well.

“Lu Sha Lu Sha!!”

Biting Lu shark fiercely, he slightly restrained the anger in his eyes, and nodded slightly at Shirona.

Then Lie Bite Lu Shark looked at the strange force and the big rock snake that he had neatly defeated. His eyes were full of disdain, and his heart was filled with joy.

It hasn’t crushed others so happily in a long time, so it’s enjoying this pleasure at the moment.

The bitten Lu Shark rushed out and still had the strange power of consciousness. When he saw the stare from the Lu Shark, he broke down in cold sweat and completely lost his courage to fight again.

It didn’t fight the Strong Bite Land Shark for a long time, and it could even be said to have been in contact for a short time, but it already fully understood the strength of the Strong Bite Land Shark, and it was an existence that it could not defeat at all.

“You… Who are you? What are you doing here?”

The owner of the chemical factory wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and swallowed hard.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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