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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 448

Xiaoyao curiously looked at Luo Yi who was returning and asked.

“I’ll ask her later. It’s time for dinner. What do you want to eat?”

Luo Yi can be said to be very calm, his expression is as normal as usual, but his slightly absent-minded eyes indicate that his mind is no longer here.

“Oh, whatever I want…”

Xiaoyao, who didn’t know why, didn’t care, and once again turned his attention to the baby he bought…

Chapter 92 Sakura and Shirona!

Night fell, the moon was hanging in the sky, and Hualan City was shrouded in darkness. The pedestrians on the road had changed from bustling to sparse, and Luo Yi, Shirona, and Xiaoyao followed the road to Hualan Taoist Hall.

There is still a night watch. Since Luo Yi has already taken over the task of the three Hualan sisters, he has to react.

According to the meaning of the three Hualan sisters, judging from the action cycle of the phantom thief, these two days should be the time for the phantom thief to emerge again.

After hearing about the mission of the three Hualan sisters, this righteous act of catching the thief made Xiaoyao very excited. How could she let such an interesting thing go, she just had to act together with Luo Yi and said nothing. Ken is staying at the Pokémon Center.

As for Shirona… she couldn’t resist Xiaoyao and was forcibly pulled by Xiaoyao.

The embarrassing thing happened before. Along the way, Shirona didn’t dare to look at Luo. Every time they made eye contact, Shirona blushed and was very embarrassed, completely losing her usual graceful appearance.

At this time, Luo Yi used a smile that was not a smile, making Shirona’s shyness even stronger, which greatly satisfied Luo Yi’s mischievous heart.

But speaking of it, Shirona’s figure and skin are really good.

Looking at Shirona with teasing eyes again, Luo tutted a few times, causing Shirona to blush again, while Xiaoyao was full of confusion.

“Why do I feel that you are a little weird today.”

Looking at the two of them, Xiaoyao asked suspiciously.

This night, Shirona and Luo Yi were weird, and they didn’t know what was going on. Xiaoyao was full of doubts.

She couldn’t find the reason. Shirona was quite normal when she and Luo Yi separated in the evening, but at night, her inexplicable face would turn red for no reason. If Xiaoyao didn’t know how a person with a cold should be, I thought Shirona had a bad cold.

“Strange? Is there? Why don’t I think so.”

Luo Yi smiled slightly, but there was still a half-smiley smile on his face.

“There should be Hualan Taoist Hall in front. It seems that there are many people. Just like Luo Yi, you accepted the task of catching monster thieves in Hualan Taoist Hall. It’s such a big battle.”

Facing Xiaoyao’s questioning and Luo Yi’s teasing, Shirona, who couldn’t face reality, blushed and said it regardless.

Xiaoyao was successfully diverted his attention.

“Yeah, many people have gone in that direction. That’s Hualan Taoist Hall.”

After seeing Hualan Taoist Hall, Xiaoyao nuked his lips, showing a disgusting expression.

Hualan Gym has a unique appearance. It is different from other serious gyms. Hualan Gym looks at a glance. If it wasn’t for Luo Yi’s confirmation, Xiaoyao would think that Hualan Gym was a circus.

This style of construction may also be related to the three Hualan sisters who like to perform. Luo Yi thinks it’s nothing. After all, the gym is owned by others, and it is their business to build what others like.

Luo Yi and the three entered Hualan Taoist Hall one by one. The originally lively Taoist Hall became silent because of Luo Yi’s appearance, and everyone gave Luo Yi a look of awe.

Powerhouses are surrounded everywhere, especially Luo Yi, who doesn’t make any sense at all.

“Wow, there are so many people, eh? Why are you all looking at this place? Luo Yi, are you in the limelight again?”

Just like being illuminated by the spotlights of the audience on the stage, as soon as he entered the gymnasium, he caught everyone’s attention, and Xiaoyao looked a little awkward.

For the screening match at Hualan Gym, Luo Yi only told them the result of Luo Yi’s victory, but did not specifically say what happened to Luo Yi here. Now it seems that Luo Yi must have been here again before. It’s the show that impresses everyone.

“You’ve been with me for so long, you’re not used to that look?”

Luo Yi smiled lightly, and looked calm in the eyes of everyone. After speaking, Luo Yi glanced at Shirona.

“Look at Shirona, she’s much calmer than you, and she sees a lot of small scenes like this.”

The unsuspecting Hirona and Luo Yi looked at each other, and were agitated by Luo Yi’s highly teasing words, as if they had remembered something, and Hirona’s delicate face turned red in an instant.

“Is there? Why do I feel that Sister Shirona is also very nervous, eh? Her face is red!”

Xiaoyao screamed as if he had made a huge discovery.

Just as the three of them were chatting and laughing casually, a pretty figure slowly approached.

“Luo Yi, you’re here.”

Sakura came out of the crowd with a smile, and when she saw Shirona and Xiaoyao behind Luo Yi, her smile condensed, especially Shirona, who was also blond, which made her a little lost.

“Are these two your friends?”

Sakura’s smile resumed, showing a gentle smile, but her eyes were involuntarily on Shirona, and there was a hint of hostility in her eyes.

When encountering someone of the same sex who shares some of the same characteristics with herself, women will always subconsciously compare themselves with others in their hearts.

And after Sakura and Shirona got stronger in her heart, she found that the woman in front of her was actually better than herself.

“Well, this is Shirona, this Xiaoyao, my companion, came with me.”

Luo Yi casually said a few words, then found a chair and closed his eyes.

In order to catch the phantom thief, I have to stay all night tonight. Although Luo Yi has plenty of stamina, Luo Yi will not be polite if he can find time to rest.

“I’m the eldest sister of Hualan Taoist Hall, Sakura, you are welcome.”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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