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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 452

“Go! My darling!”

The Pokémon ball opened in the air, and a white light came out like lightning. After the white light dissipated, a white Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

“Sea lion sea lion~”

As soon as the white sea lion appeared, just like its owner, he raised his arrogant little head and looked very confident.

“The white sea lion, it’s the white sea lion!”

“I really want a white sea lion, it looks so cute.”

“White sea lion? I remember that the white sea lion is a Pokémon with both water and ice attributes. Although the ice attribute has an advantage over the seeds of the superior frog, if the water element is added, the grass-type frog seeds also have an advantage.”

“Isn’t this offset? White Sea Lion’s Ice-type Pokémon can do double damage to Frog Seed, but Frog Seed’s Grass-type skill can also do double damage to White Sea Lion.”

“Isn’t the wonderful frog seed winning?”

When everyone saw Bai Haishi’s appearance, they all expressed their guesses. Most people were more optimistic about Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds. After all, the madness of the wonderful frog seeds left a deep impression on them.

“It’s alright, baby, it’s just a little numb.”

Luo Yi turned a deaf ear to everyone’s conjectures, and just expressed his opinion on the name Takagi gave to the white sea lion.

“Hmph, I don’t need you to meddle with your business. Send your Pokémon. Even if you use Fire-type Pokémon, I won’t care at all.”

Takagi spoke to Luo Yi with great confidence.

Because the white sea lion is the reason that water ice has dual attributes, the two cancel each other out, and the fire element cannot cause the white sea lion to suppress each other’s attributes, especially since the white sea lion also has the characteristic of thick fat, the attack effect of the fire element ice element will be halved. Therefore, although Takagi is an ice specialist, he does not have any fear of fire.

“You don’t need the fire element, the seeds of the wonderful frog, come out.”

Luo Yi’s expression was indifferent, and he released his wonderful frog seeds.

“Wonderful frog wonderful frog~”

As soon as the wonderful frog seeds appeared, the surrounding environment seemed familiar. After realizing that this was the Hualan gymnasium where he was in the limelight in the afternoon, his big eyes suddenly burst out with extremely amazing excitement.

Perhaps it was because the eyes of the wonderful frog seeds were too strange, and the white sea lion on the opposite side was watched by the wonderful frog seeds, and involuntarily took a step back.

Chapter 95 Wonderful Frog Seed vs White Sea Lion!

It is not because the white sea lion has noticed the true power of the seeds of the wonderful frog hidden under the ordinary appearance, and will take a step back, but just because of the strange eyes of the seeds of the wonderful frog, it makes it very uncomfortable.

“Frog seed? You’re right?”

Seeing that Luo Yi released the wonderful frog seeds, Takagi asked with an absurd look.

“So much nonsense, whether to fight or not.”

Luo Yi rolled his eyes at him.

Frog Seed may have seen this kind of contempt in his eyes, so facing Takagi’s questioning at this time, not only did he not feel angry and annoyed, but the excitement in his eyes was even stronger. Immediately rushed over and had a close fight with the white sea lion.

“Don’t tell me, you defeated Ishimaru with this wonderful frog seed?”

Takagi frowned, looking at the wonderful frog seeds that Luo Yi released, and questioned.

“That’s right, it’s this kid, is there a problem?”

Luo Yi raised his brows. The weak appearance of Frog Seeds is indeed too deceptive. It is no wonder that the Pokémon trainer who fights with Frog Seeds, or the Pokémon who fights Frog Seeds, sees Frog Seeds. The first impression is contempt.

After all, Frog Seed is a Pokémon used by novice trainers. Although it is relatively precious, it is only Frog Seed, not its evolution. I believe everyone will feel disapproval when they see it.

It is a pity that Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds are the seeds of the wonderful frog that have eaten the devil fruit, which is substantially different from other wonderful frog seeds.

“Ishimaru will be defeated by a Frog Seed? Stop kidding! What about your other Pokémon!?”

Takagi still doesn’t seem to believe that Luo Yi defeated Ishimaru with the wonderful frog seed, and thought that Luo Yi was playing with him.

“Want to see my other Pokémon? Okay, first defeat my Frog Seeds and I’ll show you.”

Luo Yi replied with a smile.

If Takagi really wants to see it, Luo Yi can really show other Pokémon.

What Suijun, Crackling Seat, Fire-breathing Dragon, Groudon, all of them are actually ok, but if others say they want to see it, then Luo Yi is too embarrassed, so Luo Yi mentioned a ‘little one’. ‘request.

If Frogseed is defeated, show Takagi his other Pokémon.

“Damn, how dare you underestimate me, let me tell you, I’m not a useless waste like Ishiwan, even your wonderful frog seeds can’t defeat it!”

Takagi was furious, and he had already lowered his old enemy Ishimaru to the position of Xiaocao who was bullied by the roadside.

“Really? I don’t think so.”

Looking at Takagi who was arguing, Luo Yi smiled.


“This Takagi, like Ishimaru, was also deceived by the appearance of the wonderful frog seeds.”

“What a fool, an excellent Pokémon trainer, who will not take it lightly no matter who the opponent’s Pokémon is!”

“Really? I remember you laughed at Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds when Luo Yi and Ishimaru were fighting before.”

“…That’s all in the past, don’t mention the past again!”

“I remember Takagi as a very powerful Pokémon trainer, so he shouldn’t lose so quickly.”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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