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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 453

“It’s hard to say, Ishiwan’s strange power has no ability to resist in front of the wonderful frog seeds.”

Seeing this familiar scene, everyone was talking about it. Although there are still a small number of people who are optimistic about Takagi, who has rich combat experience, these people also know that Takagi will suffer because of his carelessness towards the seeds of the wonderful frog.

Just like when Ishimaru looked down on Luo Yi before.

“Are you ready?”

Sakura looked at the two of them.

“All right.”

“no problem.”

After receiving the signal from the two of them, Sakura’s raised hand waved in the air.

“Battle begins!”

Since it is not a gym challenge, the rules of the battle are to completely defeat one side.

“A mere frog seed… White sea lion! Defeat it in one go! Use the freezing wind!”

Takagi snorted coldly, not trying to hide his contempt for the seeds of the wonderful frog.

After receiving the order of his master, the white sea lion’s head was tilted back for a while, and then he spit out icy cold air from his mouth, and pounced on the opposite wonderful frog seeds.

Freezing Wind is an ice-type move, which is extremely effective for Frog Seeds.

The speed of the freezing wind is extremely fast, but the speed and response of the wonderful frog seeds are also quite powerful. Without Luo Yi’s order, it displayed its body shape and jumped continuously to the side, easily avoiding the freezing wind of the white sea lion.

“So fast, it seems that there are still two brushes.”

Takagi, who saw the speed of the wonderful frog seeds, flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes.

The speed of this wonderful frog seed is almost comparable to that of some extremely agile Pokémon. I really don’t know how it has such a speed.


“How fast is it?”

“Is it moving at a high speed? It’s not like, it can’t be the original speed of this wonderful frog seed?!”

“That’s too amazing. It’s okay to have all kinds of magical abilities. If you can even match the speed of my eagle, you won’t be able to live.”

“I really don’t know what the body of this wonderful frog seed is made of, it’s weird.”

The amazing speed displayed by the seeds of the wonderful frog also aroused the amazement of other people watching the battle. Before that, when fighting against Ishiwan, the seeds of the wonderful frog almost didn’t move in place. It’s such an amazing speed.

… … … … … …

“Wonderful Frog Seed, let’s try it out, use your Flying Leaf Knife, try not to use the power of the exploding fruit.”

Luo Yi instructed the wonderful frog seeds with an experimental mentality.

I have tried the Frog Seed’s move before, and I know that the move can be combined with the Exploding Fruit to form a very interesting fusion, but Luo Yi still doesn’t know if the Frog Seed who has eaten the Bomb Fruit can control himself, Unaffected by Devil Fruit, it maintains its original state.

“Seed Seed~”

The wonderful frog seed received Luo Yi’s instructions, and when he stood still, he immediately trembled, and released a high-speed rotating flying blade from his side, with the sound of the lingering wind, whistling towards the white sea lion.

“Wow! It’s coming! The flying leaf knife of the wonderful frog seed!”

“There are actually twelve pieces! Amazing frog seeds!”

“Twelve slices at once, it’s ruthless! The white sea lion is probably over!”

“This is too… too exciting!? Twelve slices at once? Can the white sea lion bear it?”

“I think Bai Haishi has lost, and Takagi is going to suffer as carelessly as Ishimaru at the beginning.”

Those who have watched the battle of the wonderful frog seeds before, saw the wonderful frog seeds release more than a dozen flying leaf blades at this moment, and suddenly screamed, and stepped back invariably, for fear of being affected by the explosion.

Chapter 96 Don’t want to explode!

That’s twelve flying-leaf knives!

If it was released by ordinary frog seeds, it would be fine. The magic of Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds is obvious to all, so it is understandable to be scared by this scene.

“A bunch of idiots, haven’t you seen the Flying Leaf Knife?”

The reactions of those people also caught Takagi’s attention. From their reactions, it is not difficult to see that these people snorted when the seeds of the wonderful frogs shot out the flying leaves, but how he saw that the seeds of the wonderful frogs in front of him were ordinary. The Flying Leaf Knife is no different from other wonderful frog seeds.

“Quickly avoid! White sea lions!”

Although Takagi didn’t pay much attention to the flying leaf knife of Wonder Frog Seed, he couldn’t let the white sea lion eat this attack in vain and consume the physical strength of the white sea lion, so Takagi immediately urged the white sea lion to make evasive actions.

The white sea lion has no legs, and its swimming speed in the sea is okay, but when it comes to land, its agility is greatly reduced.

Although it is inconvenient to move on land without legs, Takagi’s white sea lion is not a good stubble, and he has a lot of combat experience on land. Immediately, when the flying leaf knife whistled, the tail slammed on the ground, and the entire Body, jumping high into the sky.

The flying leaf blade of the wonderful frog seed whizzed past it, and finally the power was exhausted and turned into an ordinary leaf, which slowly fell to the ground.

At first glance, it seemed that nothing was out of the ordinary, but everyone who had been prepared for the explosion during the battle, including the three Sakura sisters, watched this scene, and they were all amazed.

“Ah? Why didn’t it explode?”

“Hey? Wasn’t it very close just now? It’s under the white sea lion, why didn’t it explode?”

“Does it have to be touched to explode? I don’t remember?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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