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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 456

Before he could think about what Luo Yi had the confidence to say that the battle was over, he saw Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds, and after hearing Luo Yi’s words, he suddenly showed a wicked smile full of evil.

Immediately afterwards, there was no sign!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

A series of dense and deafening explosions seemed to overturn the roof of Hualan Gym!

Because of the air waves generated by the explosion, Takagi, who was relatively close, was rushed to the ground, while the rest of the spectators were far away because of their foresight, so they did not affect much.

“To… what’s going on… ah??”

Takagi, who fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner, stared at the original location of the white sea lion. If I remember correctly, the explosion just now seems to have exploded from the white sea lion?

What the hell happened! ! !Takagi is stunned!

Chapter 98 The Confused Takagi! !

What the hell happened! ! !Takagi is stunned!

And it was not only Takagi who fell into a state of confusion, but other people were also taken aback by the sudden explosion and mutation, and they were also confused and fell into a state of confusion.

Obviously just now, it was fine, it was normal…

Before everyone recovered, the smoke from the explosion in the battlefield gradually dissipated, revealing the situation.

The shattered ice layer, the unharmed wonderful frog seeds, and the white sea lion lying in the middle of a pit, unconscious and horrific!

At the center of the explosion, it suffered the most damage. The white sea lion, who had been injured before, could not survive this explosion anyway, and it was the explosion that occurred on it!

Maybe it was still quite confused when the explosion occurred.

It simply cannot imagine that the parasitic seeds of the wonderful frog seeds parasitic on it are still bombs that can be detonated at any time…

“I see! It’s a parasitic seed!”

“Ah! That’s right, the rattan whip and flying blade knife of the wonderful frog seeds can explode! It’s not surprising that the parasitic seeds can also explode!”

“This is too terrifying! The parasitic seeds can still explode. If you are hit, you can ask to end the battle.”

“So that’s what Luo Yi meant just now. Indeed, an explosion of this magnitude still explodes on the body. I think very few Pokémon can withstand it…”

“It’s terrifying to think about, it’s like being strapped to a bomb that could explode at any time.”

This time, the explosion seemed to blow up among the Pokémon trainers watching the battle, directly detonating their topic, talking about the parasitic seed bomb that happened just now.

First the vine whip, then the flying leaf knife, and now even the parasitic seeds can explode. Today, they feel that they are really lucky to be able to see the wonderful frog seeds with such magical abilities, and to see its battle.

It is conceivable that after today, the news of a wonderful frog seed that can only explode casually will spread throughout Hualan City, and it will become a topic of discussion for drinking tea, eating, and chatting.

“White sea lion… How is this possible? Is it the parasitic seed just now??”

Looking at the white sea lion lying quietly in the hole created by the explosion, Takagi couldn’t believe it, and couldn’t believe the reality he saw.

Frog seeds, when will the parasitic seeds explode?Still so powerful?is that a lie?Or am I dreaming?

Quietly pinched himself, the pain told Takagi that he was not dreaming, that what he was experiencing was reality, and just now, except for the doubts about the parasitic seeds, everything else was quite normal, so Takagi couldn’t help but believe this result. .

“Seed Seed~”

Seeing that Takagi changed his arrogant appearance before, he couldn’t even believe the reality in front of him. Frog Seed still enjoyed this act of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, which brought strong and huge surprises to others, or ‘surprise’.

“Now you should know that Parasitic Seed is not a useless move.”

After blowing a whistle, Luo Yi teased at the lost Takagi.

Just now, Takagi sneered at Luo Yi’s useless move of letting Frog Seeds release Parasitic Seeds, but it didn’t take long before he was fooled by the useless move he said.

Of course, although the situation of the white sea lion seemed to be quite miserable, Luo Yi knew that he knew how to deal with the seeds of the wonderful frog, and it would not threaten his life. At most, he would stay at the Pokémon Center for a month or two.

Given the thick-fat nature of white sea lions, it might not have to be that long at all.

Just when Luo Yi felt that Takagi had lost his will to fight and he had won the battle, Takagi suddenly seemed to realize something, raised his head suddenly, and his eyes burst out with strange light.

“Ordinary frog seeds are not like this at all. You got your frog seeds from there, right?”

Takagi lowered his voice, and Luo Yi couldn’t hear it clearly at first.

“What did you say?”

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously.

“It’s nothing, the battle between us is not over yet!”

Takagi avoided Luo Yi’s line of sight, and first put the unconscious White Sea Lion back into the Pokémon Ball, and then this person seemed to be serious, with a solemn expression.

“Do you want to continue?”

As the referee, Sakura had just come back to her senses and announced that the wonderful frog seeds had defeated the white sea lion. Hearing Takagi’s words, she couldn’t help asking in surprise.

In her opinion, Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seed strength is even more unfathomable. Even parasitic seeds can explode, and the power cannot be underestimated. It seems that he didn’t show much strength when he fought against Ishimaru, and now it is even more chilling. .

But Takagi actually seems to want to continue fighting with Luo Yi under this situation?Takagi is not crazy, right? 》

Hearing this news, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down and looked at Takagi in disbelief.

“Ah? Takagi still wants to fight this wonderful frog seed? Crazy?”

“Wow, don’t you think it’s shameful to admit defeat? So you want to hold on?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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