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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 457

“I don’t think he’s reluctant to look at him. Could it be that he has some other powerful Pokémon?”

“No matter how powerful it is, I can’t defeat this wonderful frog seed. Even parasitic seeds can explode this kind of power. If I were in this situation, I would have spread my legs and ran away.”

“Okay, okay, it’s okay to continue the battle. I also want to take a few more photos of this magical frog seed. Maybe I can make some extra money.”

Obviously, everyone has been completely conquered by the wonderful frog seeds, and the wonderful frog seeds have shown them a surprise like magic again and again, which makes them unable to stop, so naturally they have turned to Luo Yi’s side.

It’s just that Takagi still wants to continue the battle now, and it’s a bit incredible. I don’t know if Takagi feels that he is losing face and wants to save it, or he is sure of defeating the seeds of the wonderful frog.

Defeat the Frogseed…

Looking at the wonderful frog seeds in front of Luo Yi, everyone had an answer in their hearts at the same time.

It’s not possible…

The strength displayed by the seeds of the wonderful frog has far exceeded their imagination, and even surpassed some gym owners, such as their Hualan gym in Hualan City, the gap is naturally needless to say. .

“Yes, I want to continue the battle, and I still have Pokémon that can fight.”

At this time, Takagi focused his attention on the wonderful frog seed that made him lose his temper just now.

“Do you think it’s just you…”

Takagi looked at Luo Yi and murmured in a voice that no one could hear.

Luo Yi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he always felt that Takagi’s expression was a little weird at this time. Could it be that he was too stimulated and became crazy?

“Then, Takagi, please release the Pokémon you can fight.”

Sakura, the referee, reminded at the right time.

Being reminded, Takagi took out a Pokémon ball engraved with a strange black pattern that Luo Yi had never seen from his pocket, and released the Pokémon inside.

Chapter 99 Diya Sea Lion!

With the flash of white light, a burly blue figure appeared in the sight of everyone, and with its appearance, the atmosphere of the scene seemed to change.

“What kind of Pokémon is this? It looks amazing.”

“I know that this kind of Pokemon, the evolution of the sea devil lion, is called the Difang Sea Lion. It is indeed very powerful. Like the white sea lion, it also has dual attributes of water and ice.”

“It doesn’t look very easy to mess with, but it must be very strong.”

“I don’t know if the frog seeds can defeat it.”

The crowd became lively again because of the appearance of the Diya sea lion. The domineering appearance of the Diya sea lion with long teeth in its mouth is quite imposing, especially with its emotionless eyes at the moment, if it encounters timidity The Pokémon, it is estimated that it will be able to win without a fight.

“Ditus Sea Lion? Not bad.”

Luo Yi was a little surprised to see that the Pokémon released by Takagi was the Difang Sea Lion, but he didn’t feel how surprised to see it in the Kanto area.

The Difang Sea Lion is the evolution of the Sea Demon.

Although the sea lion is not a Pokémon in the Guandu area, the sea lion is not a Pokémon that lives on land, but inhabits the sea, so it is not surprising that it travels along the ocean currents to the Guandu area.

However, Luo Yi was still a little concerned, as Takagi 640 seemed to have said that unintentionally.

What is the wonderful frog seed is also taken from there?What does that mean? Could it be the Hualan Cave?Probably not. Takagi lost his temper because of the explosive ability of the frog seeds. Apart from this, there are no other special characteristics that Takagi can associate with the seeds of the frog.

“Then, the battle continues!”

As the referee, Sakura sighed helplessly and had to announce the start of the battle again.

“Wonderful Frog Seed, speed up the battle, Flying Leaf Knife!”

Although Takagi sent Diya sea lions that were much more powerful than Bai Hai lions, in Luo Yi’s eyes, Diya sea lions were actually no different from white sea lions.

“Seed seeds!”

The Frog Seed obeyed the order, and immediately released the Flying Leaf Knife, lashing towards the Difang Sea Lion!

The Flying Leaf Knife, braving the lush aura, with a lingering aura, crossed a graceful arc and roared towards the Difang Sea Lion.

After the lesson of the white sea lion just now, it is impossible for Takagi Wanwan to treat the moves released by the frog seeds as ordinary grass-type moves. In the eyes, it is a high-explosive bomb!

“Ditus Sea Lion! Watch out for its flying blade! It will explode! Release the blizzard to block it back!”

Even after being reminded by his master, facing the rapid explosion of the flying blade, the eyes of Diya Sea Lion did not fluctuate in the slightest. After Takagi’s instruction was issued, it was like a machine that executed the instruction, and immediately prepared to release it. Blizzard skill.

A powerful move requires a certain amount of time to accumulate power before it can exert its original power. Takagi so hurriedly asked Diya Sea Lion to release such a powerful move as Blizzard. In the eyes of many people, this order was issued. Wrong, how can it form effective power in such a short period of time.

“The Flying Leaf Knife is right in front of you, and let the Difang Sea Lion release the blizzard?”

“Don’t worry, Takagi doesn’t know what the Flying Leaf Knife of Wonder Frog Seed is like?”

“I was hit by the Frog Seed’s bomb, Flying Blade, and I don’t know if the Difang Sea Lion can survive it.”

“I think the Difang Sea Lion is quite strong, and it is estimated that it can last.”

In the discussion and attention of everyone, the flying blade of the wonderful frog seed came as expected, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the front of the Difang Sea Lion.

However, just when everyone thought that the Difang Sea Lion was about to be hit by the Flying Leaf Knife, an astonishing scene happened. The Difang Sea Lion actually successfully released the Blizzard skill, and its power was at least half of the original power. above!

The blizzard unleashed by the Difang Sea Lion collided in mid-air with the flying blade knife unleashed by the seeds of the wonderful frog!

After the Flying Leaf Knife entered the envelope of the blizzard, the surface instantly condensed into a thin layer of hoarfrost!

The speed and momentum of the Flying Blade Knife were also obstructed by the wind of the blizzard, making it impossible to move an inch.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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