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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 464

“Does the seed of the wonderful frog still have enough power? It just shot so many flying leaves and knives just now. It is estimated that even if this move can be released, what is called the Three Hundred and Sixty Troubled Phoenix, the power must be very small in a hurry.”

Although the blizzard was almost in front of the seeds of the frogs, Luo Yi finally gave instructions to the seeds of the frogs, but most people felt that the outcome was decided, and the seeds of the frogs could no longer resist the blizzard that formed. After all, it was just released. The ‘big trick’ of a hundred flying blades must have consumed a lot of physical strength.


Looking at Luo Yi’s confident expression that doesn’t seem to be bluffing, Takagi’s heart slammed, and a bad premonition filled his mind, and then he looked at the wonderful frog seeds in the field with a glimmer of hope, expecting that the wonderful frog seeds did not have enough physical strength, come Execute Luo Yi’s command this time.

Although he didn’t know what the three hundred and sixty troublesome phoenix moves were, he didn’t want to know.

However, when his eyes touched the seeds of the wonderful frog, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

“No way? Does it really have physical strength?”

Since his attention just now, like everyone else, was focused on his Diya sea lion, he ignored the small frog seeds, and he subconsciously thought that the seeds of the frog were releasing a hundred pieces. After the Flying Leaf Knife, he must be exhausted.

But it was only then that he found out in despair that the seeds of the wonderful frog… didn’t mean to be tired at all!

As Takagi saw, after a series of battles at this time, there was no embarrassment like the Difang Sea Lion, as if the previous battle was just a warm-up for the wonderful frog seeds.

“Seed seeds~!”

The Frog Seeds here, after hearing Luo Yi’s attack instructions, both eyes sparkled like light bulbs, filled with a light called excitement.

Luo Yi knew why it was so excited, because Three Hundred and Sixty Annoyed Phoenix, after Luo Yi had fought against Ishiwan in the gym before, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he came up with the idea of ​​making the seeds of the wonderful frog more able to show the explosive power. move.

Three hundred and sixty troubled phoenix!

For the wonderful frog seeds that can master their own strength, it is not difficult to learn. The reason why the wonderful frog seeds are excited is not that they want to try the power of this move, because it already knows the power of this move. It is excited that this trick has not been used in front of other people because it is fresh and hot!

It is looking forward to how fun the expressions of other people will be after it releases this trick!

After thinking about it, just when the remaining Flying Leaf Blades were about to be hit by a blizzard, the seeds of the wonderful frog suddenly burst out under everyone’s attention!

Suddenly, the seed of the wonderful frog did not retreat, but instead advanced, and jumped into the air in the direction of the blizzard. Then, the seed of the wonderful frog was in the air, and it displayed its figure and quickly rotated 360 degrees forward like a top!

The actions of the wonderful frog seeds made everyone look at it, and they did not know why the wonderful frog seeds did this suddenly.

0 …………

But in the next second, their eyeballs almost fell from the shock of the scene in front of them!

Countless flying blade knives!

At the moment when the seeds of the wonderful frogs were spinning rapidly, following the trajectory of the seeds of the wonderful frogs, countless flying blades and knives suddenly shot out from the seeds of the wonderful frogs!


Countless flying blade knives appeared in everyone’s sight, and the huge momentum made everyone take a deep breath!

Even an ordinary frog seed, it is amazing enough to be able to release hundreds of Flying Leaf Blades in an instant. After all, the power of Flying Leaf Blades is closely related to the number of leaves. powerful!

Not to mention, Luo Yi’s Frog Seed, its Flying Leaf Knife, can still act as a bomb!Hundreds of bombs are flying in the air!At this moment, everyone felt a tingling in their scalps, and the legs in the vicinity were even weaker, and they stepped back subconsciously in horror!

This is no joke!

The flying leaf knives that were suddenly released by the seeds of the wonderful frog are simply impossible to count!

“Three hundred and sixty… Anxiety Phoenix? Could it be three hundred and sixty pieces?”

Sakura seemed to realize something, and she widened her pearl-like eyes, her face full of incredible!

And even Xiaoyao and Xirona couldn’t help but fall into a short-lived state of absent-mindedness after the seeds of the wonderful frog released such a large number of flying blades in an instant!

When everyone was terrified by the green scene in front of them, the blizzard controlled by the Difang Sea Lion finally ruthlessly devoured the remaining flying leaves and knives, madly towards the three hundred and six that the seeds of the wonderful frog had just released. Ten troubles phoenix pounce!

The blizzard was like a beast that had just eaten a gluttonous meal. Under the control of the Difang Sea Lion, it swung towards the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix with fangs and claws, intending to tear it apart again, and finally devoured the seeds of the wonderful frog!

However, before that, the prototype of the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix had already appeared!

Form, Huafeng! ! !

Chapter 105 Terrible moves!

It seems that an invisible mysterious force is controlling, countless flying blades and knives gather together in the high-speed circling flight, and in a short period of time, the prototype of the phoenix is ​​formed!

In the anime, the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes that Zoro casts are just the vague outlines of the phoenix, but the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes released by the wonderful frog seeds using the Flying Leaf Knife can really show the phoenix’s attitude!

When Fei Ye Kuai Dao gathered together and transformed into a phoenix soaring freely, in the dark, everyone who witnessed this scene clearly heard a crisp and majestic phoenix cry!


In a trance, as if a real phoenix appeared in their field of vision, presenting its majesty and posture in front of everyone!

At the time when the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix appeared, everyone could feel it. An invisible pressure seemed to freeze the air, locking their eyes firmly on the Three Hundred and Sixty Annoyed Phoenix!

“what is that?!”

“Could it be the legendary Pokémon Phoenix?!”

“No, it’s obviously the Flying Leaf Knife! How could it be like this?”

“What exactly is this move? Does it exist?”

At this moment, the inside of the gym, including Xiaoyao Xirona, could not help but widen their eyes, staring at the god phoenix who appeared out of thin air.

They have only just woken up from hundreds of flying blade knives!Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, the situation has undergone incredible changes again!This blows everyone’s brains off!

“How is that possible? What kind of ghost move is this?!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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