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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 465

At the moment when the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix appeared, Takagi seemed to have seen a ghost. In front of the Three Hundred and Sixty Annoyance Phoenix, Takagi was the first to bear the brunt. He was struck by the amazing momentum of the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix, and subconsciously retreated back in fear!

Although he didn’t know what the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix was, he and the others clearly saw that the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix was the result of hundreds of explosions and flying blades!

Although the sudden appearance of Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix attracted everyone’s attention, it obviously couldn’t include the Diya sea lion behind the blizzard. It faithfully carried out its master’s orders and only wanted to use the blizzard to bring magic to life. Frog Seeds smashed ruthlessly!

The blizzard didn’t stop because of the three hundred and sixty trouble phoenix, and it still rolled forward and whistled out.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

The three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes that flew out, with an incomparably awe-inspiring momentum, slammed into the blizzard mixed with hail!

The Flying Leaf Blade and the fine hail snow collided violently, producing a series of deafening explosions between the two!

The terrifying destructive power caused by the conflict between the two seems to tear the space apart!

Countless flying leaf knives madly want to blow up the blizzard that is in the way. Whenever there are three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes, the flying leaf knives in front of them explode, dissipate and fall, and new flying leaf knives will fill them up, as if endless. !

The terrifying blizzard that originally seemed unstoppable, after encountering the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenix, was as helpless as encountering an iron plate that could not be broken through!

Wave after wave of air, slag and fine snow spread to the middle and spread to the surrounding area, confusing people’s sight, and those who stood closer, could not even be stable in front of the turbulent air waves like the ocean tide. Stand up!

“What a terrifying destructive power!”

“Damn! How could such a thing happen!”

Seeing this, when Takagi was surprised, he couldn’t help but cursed in his heart. He didn’t expect that the seed of the wonderful frog really had the spare strength, and he could unleash such a magical move in a hurry, and even blocked the blizzard of the Difang Sea Lion. The original blizzard of the Difang Sea Lion was unable to intrude any further in front of it.

“Nothing is impossible, but if you think that [-] Anxiety Phoenix can only do this, then you are too underestimated.”

Looking at the incredible Takagi, Luo Yi had a playful look on his face, and immediately said to him.

In fact, this move is almost the strongest display of the explosive fruit controlled by the seeds of the wonderful frog. There are more than [-] explosive flying leaf knives, the power of which is self-evident and different from the previous explosive flying blade knives.

In the previous battle, Luo Yi felt that the Flying Leaf Knives were scattered. Although the coverage area became larger, the destructive power was far from enough to gather the Flying Leaf Knives together, and the instant destructive power was strong.

So he asked Wonder Frog Seeds to confirm the number that he could control. After knowing that there were at most [-] pieces, Luo Yi just happened to think of Sauron’s [-] Anxiety Phoenix move, and concentrated the huge number of flying leaf knives. cause extremely terrifying destruction.

On the battlefield at this time, Three Hundred and Sixty Annoyed Phoenix seemed to agree with Luo Yi.

After a short stalemate, the divine phoenix transformed by the three hundred and sixty flying blade knives seemed to feel that the holy self was being provoked, and could no longer tolerate the blizzard that was against it!

The wide wings transformed by countless green leaves suddenly stretched out, and the power of the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenix was as dazzling as a rainbow, making it impossible to look directly at it!

Under everyone’s attention, the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes, who were showing great momentum, flashed a bright green light, and suddenly swooped towards the middle of the blizzard at an unparalleled speed!

Under the swooping of the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes, the blizzard, which was still able to resist, was like a terrified rout on the battlefield when thousands of heroic cavalry ran rampantly, throwing away their armor and armor, and fled in panic. Three hundred and sixty Annoying Phoenix’s fierce offensive!

The blizzard, under the blows of the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes, was unbelievable, splitting into two halves from the middle!It’s like the sea god Poseidon wielding his trident and splitting the sea in two!

After breaking through the blizzard, the Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix, carrying an unparalleled surging momentum, suddenly rushed towards the unprepared Diya sea lion, drowning the Diya sea lion in an instant!

“Boom boom boom boom!!!!!!”

The unspeakable terrifying force suddenly burst open, as if it wanted to shatter everyone’s eardrums!

The impact generated by the explosion, as if turned into substance, shook the gym from the inside!Rao is a very sturdy Hualan Taoist gym built with special materials. In this explosion, scattered fragments of gravel and tiles fell, and it became a mess!

Even the gym was affected, not to mention the rest. Even if Sakura was at a critical moment, 1.3 activated the protective cover of the auditorium just in case, and many people were affected by the three hundred and sixty troubles. Affected, slightly injured!

Three hundred and sixty Annoyance Phoenix’s unbridled loud explosion this time, in the night sky, pierced through the thick walls of the gymnasium, and resounded between the clouds!


“What… what’s going on? Is there an earthquake?”

“No, it seems to be an explosion?”

“I heard it came from Hualan Taoist Hall, did something happen?”

“Maybe it’s a Pokémon battle? But this movement is too big!”

Although Hualan Taoist Hall is not in the center of Hualan City, but in a remote suburb, the movement caused by the three hundred and sixty worry phoenix is ​​really not small, so many sleeping Hualan City citizens are awakened from their sleep. . …

Inexplicably, they almost thought it was an earthquake!

Chapter 106 Unexpected joy!New Devil Fruits!


In the gym, it was a mess at the moment, because the sand and dust scattered by the explosion filled the air, blocking the vision of many people, but the coughs that could be heard during the period were endless.

“Cough, cough, my mother, isn’t this too scary?!”

“That wonderful frog seed is simply a perverted weapon! It’s too scary. I guess I have to go around when I see wild frog seeds in the future.”

“What is this trick called by the seeds of the wonderful frog? Three hundred and sixty troubled phoenix? Seriously, I think it can be recorded in the annals of history, and it can also be written down in the materials. Who said the seeds of the wonderful frog are very docile, I’ll kill him!”

“Cough, cough, the legendary Pokémon may not be able to cause such terrifying destructive power, right? What is this wonderful frog seed made of?”

After the slight scream of pain and the sound of coughing, the dust in the sky dissipated a lot, and it would not be like that.

However, when they turned their attention to the battlefield again, almost all of them couldn’t help but take a deep breath!

The opposing battlefield no longer exists, but turned into a big pit after the explosion!

As for Takagi, it was because the Sakura opened the protective cover, but he was not affected by the explosion, but now he seems to have lost his soul, his eyes are blank, he is slumped on the ground, his entire face is blank.

I just felt that I had seized Luo Yi’s chance 11, and could turn defeat into victory in one fell swoop, and let the blizzard of the Difang Sea Lion directly defeat Luo Yi’s Frog Seed, but unexpectedly the situation of the battle changed so greatly. A move that has never been heard of before, and the one that destroys and destroys will end the battle!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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