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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 466

When he moved his gaze to the deep pit, he could see the unconscious Difang Sea Lion, lying quietly with scars all over his body, making it impossible to believe that it was the majestic Difang Sea Lion just now.

Because the Diya Sea Lion was shrouded in moonlight, many people subconsciously looked up and looked up, and suddenly there was a hissing sound in the audience!


At this moment, Hualan Taoist Hall, where is there any roof, above them is a night sky full of stars!

“The roof of the Hualan Gym… is this overturned?”

“It’s not so much that it was overturned, to be more precise, it should have been blown up…and turned into ashes…”

“It seems that the trick of the wonderful frog seeds, after breaking through the blizzard, poured most of the power on it. It’s really terrifying destructive power…”

The roof of the entire gym, under the destructive power of the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenix blows, was directly blown into slag.

Just as they had imagined, under Luo Yi’s instruction, the wonderful frog seeds did indeed make the three hundred and sixty troublesome phoenix break through the blizzard, most of the power poured out above, otherwise, some people present It is not as simple as being affected by a point.

“Well, at least the wall hasn’t fallen yet, it’s still acceptable, right?”

The initiator of all this, Luo Yi, after looking up at the night sky, smiled and spread his hands at Sakura.

“…Now, I think the gym needs to be rebuilt.”

After recovering from the extreme shock, Sakura took a deep breath, her eyes complicated.

This is definitely the most terrifying frog seed she has ever seen. Even the frog flower cannot have such terrifying destructive power. As a gym that needs to fight, it is definitely not a tofu slag project, and its quality is a lever. Yes, Sakura has never seen someone who can destroy their gym.

This time, she has gained a lot of knowledge. She was still secretly guessing the full strength of the seeds of the frog, but now it seems that knowledge has limited her imagination. Luo Yi’s seeds of the frog are far more powerful than hers. It’s even more terrifying than imagined.

“I’ll just say, Luo Yi is definitely fine~”

Xiaoyao finally woke up from the shock that Shenfeng showed just now. Although she knew that the strength of the wonderful frog seeds was far more than that, she did not expect that the real attack would be so terrifying, which made her feel fear.

Next time, I can’t let the hunting swallowtail to find out what the seeds on the back of the seeds of the wonderful frogs are. If the seeds of the wonderful frogs get angry, the consequences will be serious.

After speaking, after seeing the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes of the wonderful frog seeds, Xiaoyao silently made a decision in his heart.

“It’s really unexpected, Three Hundred and Sixty Anxiety Phoenix, although the name is rather odd, but its power… It can be said to be the strongest grass-type move I’ve ever seen. It should be considered a grass-type move, right?”

Shirona’s eyes were also quite complicated, and she finally managed to withdraw her consciousness from the fantasy-filled scene just now, and took a deep breath before speaking.

Since that weird move was formed on the basis of the Flying Leaf Knife, Shirona felt that it was okay for her to attribute it to a grass-type move.

“The power did not disappoint me. This move is also called the flying slash, no, it should be called the flying explosion.”

Looking at the night sky above his head, he muttered to himself.

The power of the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes formed by the Frog Seeds with the Flying Leaf Knife has reached Luo Yi’s expectations. Luo Yi is very satisfied with this, and it also makes him feel that the explosive Flying Leaf Knife and Zoro’s moves are combined. Being together is the right decision.

“Seed Seed~”

In the gym at this time, everyone was shocked by the scene that seemed to have experienced a disaster, and the needles could be heard at the scene, so the proud cry of the wonderful frog seeds was very clear.

This call of it attracted everyone’s attention. Up to now, no one dared to give this little guy a wink. Everyone looked at Leisurely standing on the good side of the battlefield. Frog Seed was speechless for a while.

This wonderful frog seed directly subverted everyone’s cognition of the wonderful frog seed. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, no matter how much time was given to them, they would not be able to imagine the horror of Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seed.

Many people knew in their hearts that because of Luo Yi’s wonderful frog seeds, Luo Yi was destined to make headlines in the Guandu area. The wonderful frog seeds that can explode can easily destroy a solid gym, which is simply appalling.

Aware of other people’s eyes, Miao Frog Seed enjoyed the feeling of being watched. After releasing the three hundred and sixty troublesome phoenix just now, Miao Frog Seed felt that it was the most flamboyant moment in her life.

And the power it has now is something that it could never imagine before, which makes it more than a little joyful, but also has a heart of admiration for Luo Yi.

If it weren’t for Luo Yi, he would still be staying in that damned cave, allowing other Pokémon to bully him. Frog Seed cherishes everything he has now.

“Takagi, do you want to continue playing against 960?”

Seeing Takagi’s dejected appearance, Luo Yi sneered and asked him, as if he had lost his previous arrogance.

It’s just that although Luo Yi’s expression is disdainful and his words are what Takagi said, Luo Yi’s eyes are on the Difang Sea Lion in the center of the deep pit.


Looking at the Diya Sea Lion, who was severely injured and comatose in the deep pit, Takagi was in a trance. After hearing Luo Yi’s words, he finally regained a little consciousness and raised his head blankly.

After seeing Luo Yi, his consciousness finally returned. After realizing that the terrifying scene he experienced just now was not a dream, his whole body trembled. In front of him, he could feel the terrifying power of the three hundred and sixty troubled phoenixes, which made him unable to raise the slightest resistance at all.

Up to now, he couldn’t bring up any thoughts of fighting against Luo anymore. After shaking the Poké Ball and taking the Diya Sea Lion back, he lowered his head and admitted defeat.

“I… I lost, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

After simply admitting defeat, Takagi rushed out of the door in embarrassment.

“Well, then, the result of this battle is that Luo Yi wins.”

As an interim referee, Sakura announced the results of the battle in a timely manner, but at this time Luo Yi’s attention was completely gone.

Just now, Luo Yi suddenly heard good news from the system!

“The system absorbed the energy, so it gave me a natural devil fruit?! Nice!!”

Although he didn’t know what was going on, Luo Yi smiled, it was like a pie from the sky.

Chapter 107 Ice Devil Fruit!

The good news prompted by the system couldn’t be better for Luo Yi.

Giving away a natural devil fruit for free is like a pie in the sky, but what is the system saying about absorbing energy?


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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