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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 474

“Huh? This seems to be… a manhole cover?”

Shirona said hesitantly.

Luo Yi took a closer look, it wasn’t the manhole cover, but maybe it was their camouflage, or it could be that the color and position of the manhole cover were almost completely integrated with the ground under the accumulation of time. This dark manhole cover.

“Frog seeds, you mean they escaped here?”

Luo Yi was a little surprised. The Cammy and Jenny turtles are so skilled, can they live in the city’s sewers?

“Seed seeds!”

Frog Seed gave Luo Yi a positive look, and then lifted the manhole cover with a rattan whip, revealing a dark sewer, and the dark hole was like a monster that devoured people.

“Are we… going down?”

Xiaoyao said hesitantly. In the face of the dark sewers that they know nothing about, a girl would be timid. Shirona also frowned. Although she didn’t say anything, she obviously didn’t want to enter the sewers.

But Luo Yi looked at the hole in the ground, his eyes twinkling.

The sewer, with the huge size of the water arrow turtle?Can it be pushed through?


At this moment, a car whizzed by, Miss Junsha in uniform, and her wind speed dog.

“What happened here? A citizen reported that there was movement here. Could it be that you are fighting a dangerous Pokémon battle in the residential area?”

The resolute Miss Junsha got out of the car with a serious face and looked up and down at Luo Yi and his party.

People who were awakened by the previous movement, the appearance of Junsha gave them confidence, and they stuck their heads out curiously.

The previous movement was too loud, and it was even more terrifying in the silent night. After they were awakened, they only dared to hide in the house and shivered, and did not dare to come out to check, especially the rumored monster thief recently.

“We were dispatched by Hualan Taoist Hall, now.”

Luo Yi casually took out the certificate badges given by the three Hualan sisters, and shook it in front of Jun Sha, and Jun Sha put down her guard.

“Then you encountered the monster thief?”

Hearing this, Jun Sha couldn’t help but ask, she has worked so hard recently because of the phantom thief, but she has never seen the true face of the other party, so she has been holding back her anger, and can’t wait to catch the so-called phantom thief and teach her a lesson.

“Yeah, we fought the robber for [-] rounds, but he still escaped. Well, he has an eagle that can fly to the sky.”

Luo opened his eyes and said nonsense without a heartbeat.

Xiaoyao and Shirona next to them listened to Luo Yi’s strange words and couldn’t help but smile. They knew that Luo Yi didn’t like trouble the most. But they didn’t get the badges promised by the three Hualan sisters.

“Is that so? Mmmm…is that over there? Okay, thanks for your help.”

After carefully recording it with a pen, Miss Junsha got in the car, roared out in the direction of Luo Yizhi, and went to chase Luo Yi’s fictional phantom thief with the wind speed dog…

Chapter 114 Super Dream!

“Go on, anyway, the wonderful frog seeds put the seeds on them, let’s finish this thing first.”

Luo glanced at the people who appeared in the street. Most of them came out to see what happened. After all, the movement just now was not small.

Anyway, the seeds of the wonderful frogs left the seeds on them, and they can sense their positions, so there is no need to rush it for a while, just do it by the way when you come back.

Shirona and Xiaoyao naturally have no opinion on Luo Yi’s words, and Takagi does not dare to have any opinion.

Under the darkness, the group continued to leave Hualan City and gradually entered the forest.

After a while, a building appeared in the sight of Luo Yi and his party.

“It’s really here.”

Shirona looked at the chemical factory in front of her with complicated eyes.

If it weren’t for chance, Xirona and Xiaoyao would never have imagined that this chemical factory was a building that polluted the forest on the surface, and the underground was a research base that harmed Pokémon.

“Where is the entrance?”

Luo Yi asked Takagi.

At this time, there was no trace of anyone in the chemical factory, and it was deserted, except for the sound of insect-type Pokémon rustling in the distance of the forest, which added a touch of horror to the lonely chemical factory.

Although Luo Yi can directly let the seeds of the frog go directly to the underground research base, but if he does so casually without knowing the following circumstances, if the scope of the blast happens to be those poor Pokémon that have been genetically modified, then sinned.

“I only know that there are a few boulders, but there is a mechanism, and I don’t know how to get in.”

Takagi pointed to the boulder pile not far from the chemical factory and replied.

“Tsk, okay, I know, you can get out.”

Luo looked at the huge boulder pile and noticed that there was an indistinct gap. It seemed that this Takagi was not lying. There really was something unknown hidden in the ground.

“Fine, fine.”

As if he had been forgiven by God, Takagi wanted to leave, but Luo Yi suddenly stopped him.

“and many more.”

“What… what’s wrong?”

Takagi asked cautiously with a smile.

“Give me your Ditooth sea lion.”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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