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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 475

Luo Yi stretched out his hand towards him and said beyond doubt.

Hearing this, Takagi’s face froze instantly, and he subconsciously protected his Difang Sea Lion’s Poké Ball.

“Why? It’s my Pokémon, my buddy.”

Takagi questioned, but those who knew what he did to Diya Sea Lion would scoff at his statement, and Shirona and Xiao Haru looked at him with contempt.

partner?Who would give their partner to someone to mess with like this?

“Hehe, you can still be righteous, yes, if it chooses you as its owner later, I can return it to you.”

Looking at Takagi in front of him, Luo Yi said with a sneer.

Hearing this, a glimmer of hope flashed in Takagi’s eyes. He didn’t know what Luo Yi wanted to do, but knowing that he had no choice, he simply handed the Pokeball into Luo Yi’s hands.

“You shouldn’t lie to me…”

Takagi hesitated to speak, but he could only say something uncertain, Luo Yihui had a cold look in his eyes.

“What did I lie to you, I said, if it chooses you later, it’s still yours.”

Hearing this, Takagi breathed a sigh of relief, Luo Yi didn’t look like someone who would shy away from his Difang Sea Lion.

But Shirona and Xiaoyao didn’t understand much about this, and moved to Luo Yi’s side.

“Luo Yi, just dismantle the Poké Ball and let Difang Sea Lion leave this hateful person, isn’t it?”

Although Xiaoyao doesn’t know what Luo Yi wants to do, she is very puzzled by Luo Yi’s promise. She must know that the current Difang Sea Lion has lost her self-awareness. Where can she choose?

Shirona on the side was also puzzled, not knowing what Luo Yi wanted to do.

“Xiaoyao, have you forgotten your hunting swallowtail?”

Luo Yi smiled mysteriously and said to Xiaoyao.

Hunting swallowtails?

Hearing this, Xiaoyao seemed to remember something, the light in his eyes flashed quickly, and Luo Yi, who was smiling, didn’t know what to say for a while.

Shirona was stunned for a moment. There were not many Pokémon in Xiaoyao. The only one that attracted her attention was the peculiar hunting swallowtail. She remembered asking Xiaoyao what was going on. Haruka replied gratefully that it was Luo Yi’s credit…

“Can you cure it?”

“You cured the Difang Sea Lion?”

Shirona and Xiaoyao asked at the same time in surprise.

Luo Yi smiled in response to the two women’s questions, then nodded.

Just kidding, Luo Yi is the one who eats the fruit of surgery. You must know that the fruit of surgery can create a global space. In the space, people can be cut, exchanged, spliced ​​together, and even people’s consciousness. Dead, not even injured!

It may be a bit difficult to completely restore the Difang Sea Lion to its original state, after all, its genes have been changed, but it is no problem to restore its self-awareness.


Takagi on the side was stunned for a moment, and then there was a slight look of ridicule. Can the Difang Sea Lion be cured?how is this possible?This kid named Luo Yi is really stupid.

Takagi scoffed at Luo Yi’s confident answer, but in the hearts of Shirona and Xiaoyao, they believed it. Luo Yi gave them too many big surprises. Now Luo Yi only needs to say he can, then Shirona and Xiaoyao There’s no reason to doubt him at all!

“Wonderful Frog Seed, release the flying leaf knife to surround me.”

After thinking about it, Luo Yi still thinks that Shirona and Xiaoyao shouldn’t see the scene where he slices the Difang Sea Lion. For girls, that scene may be too terrifying. Besides, there is still an outsider here. The secrecy is done.


After receiving Luo Yi’s instructions, the seeds of the wonderful frog immediately released a large number of flying leaves and knives, spinning around Luo Yi like a tornado, hiding Luo Yi’s figure in the green leaf whirlwind.

“What does he want to do?”

Looking at the green leaf formation where Luo Yi was, there was a hint of absurdity in Takagi’s eyes. He originally thought that Luo Yi was trying to force the people of the research base to cure the Diya Sea Lion, but he didn’t expect Luo Yi to be able to do it by himself. It’s absurd how it looks.

The situation of Diya Sea Lion is already a foregone conclusion, even the most cutting-edge Pokémon doctor in the world can’t save it, and now Luo Yi has no tools, so he wants to cure Diya Sea Lion?Is he crazy?

Just when Takagi looked absurd, time gradually passed…

“What the hell is he doing in there…”

What words could not be uttered from Takagi’s mouth, just at this moment, a roar full of sadness and anger suddenly sounded as if he was betrayed by someone he trusted!

The thick roar seemed to be transformed into penetrating ripples in the quiet night, rapidly spreading towards the surrounding sky, startling many flying Pokémon in their sleep in the forest!


On a cliff far away from Hualan City, there is a lonely figure in the night wind, looking at the bright moon hanging in the night sky with deep eyes, the long tail behind it seems to sway slightly with the night wind.

The next moment the roar sounded, the lonely figure seemed to tremble, and then suddenly turned to look in the direction of Hualan City!

If Luo Yi is here at the moment, then Luo Yi’s eyes will definitely become as hot as fire!

Because the owner of this figure is called Super Dream!

Chapter 115 Super Dream Strikes? !


Looking in the direction of Luo Yi’s location, Chaomeng’s eyes contained a hint of indescribable anger, and the momentum on his body was like a lake throwing rocks, and with the change of Chaomeng’s mood, the originally noisy night wind seemed to be around. Sensing something stopped.

Chaomeng’s body suddenly bowed, and the whole body showed a perfect flowing curve. The next moment, accompanied by a loud noise, Chaomeng stepped out of a pit on the ground, and burst into the air like an arrow from the string!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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