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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 477

Chapter 116 New Series Fruit? !

“The fruit of the new series? Could it be that it’s not a devil fruit? I didn’t expect it at all. You are too arrogant in the system.”

Looking at the virtual interface that appeared in front of the system system, there was a big question mark floating on it, and it kept spinning slowly.

The sudden prompt from the system made Luo Yi fall into a state of excitement, although the Devil Fruit was very interesting and powerful.

However, the system can only provide Devil Fruits, which makes Luo Yi a little boring, because the rewards are limited to Devil Fruits, and now Luo Yi has obtained a lot of Devil Fruits, even the powerful natural system in the Devil Fruit series. Luo Yi also got quite a lot, so the new series of fruits that the system suddenly prompted really surprised Luo Yi.

“I didn’t expect that because I can’t see the genetic body modification of Pokémon against humans, I can get so much benefit. Maybe this is the reward for doing good deeds occasionally.”

The corners of Luo 12’s mouth were slightly raised, and he felt at ease.

Luo Yi at this moment, although not very kind, but he can’t help but hope that there are fifty Pokémon trapped and tortured in the research base. In that case, he can open the new series of fruits at one time. It worked.

The system interface shows a value of 1/50, which means that Luo Yi wants to open a new series of fruits.

Although Luo Yi didn’t know what the system was talking about, but even thinking about it with his ass, it must be powerful, maybe even more powerful than the Devil Fruit…

Although this is unlikely, if the system gives something slightly inferior to the Devil Fruit, Luo Yi will not be surprised or frustrated. After all, even Luo Yi, it is difficult to imagine any fruit, even more than the Devil Fruit. Fraudulent.


The Difang Sea Lion was roaring furiously behind it, and Takagi, its original owner, was wailing and begging for mercy, apparently being avenged by the resentful Difang Sea Lion.

But Luo Yi is not interested in the grievances between Difang Sea Lion and Takagi, and his mind is now on the new series of fruits mentioned by the system.

“Frog Seed, Flying Leaf Knife!”

Walking to the boulder, Luo Yi was unambiguous, and directly let the seeds of the wonderful frog release the explosive flying leaf knife on the secret door hidden in the boulder.

“Seed seeds!”

The wonderful frog seed was ordered, and immediately released a large number of explosive flying blades from the side, and a series of explosions occurred the moment it hit the boulder!

The strong and powerful continuous explosions smashed the boulders into pieces without any reason, and the rubble flew around, leaking out the dark stairs of the first-order underground.

“There really is a secret entrance, it feels a bit mysterious and adventurous.”

Looking at the secret passage that appeared in front of her, as if to engulf them, Xiaoyao not only did not feel the slightest fear, but found it interesting.

“This matter is no trivial matter, Luo Yi, do you need to contact the Guandu Alliance and let them handle it?”

Hirona, who had been frowning all the time, expressed her opinion to Luo Yi now that the secret passage was showing, but Luo Yi obviously didn’t like troublesome people, let alone the so-called alliance.

“When they come, the daylilies are cold, so what are you afraid of when I’m here?”

Luo Yichao smiled at her, but his tone was unquestionable. Today’s Luo Yi is not a rookie trainer who has just come out. Luo Yi, who even has magical beasts, is afraid of a so-called secret research base?nonexistent.


When Shirona heard the words, her frowning brows relaxed slightly. Indeed, Luo Yi’s terrifying strength displayed along the way can be said to be almost invincible, but for some reason, Shirona always felt something unusual about this incident. , so her face was still a little worried.

“Seed Seed~”

The wonderful frog seeds also seemed to be very interested, and took the lead in jumping down the secret path towards the ground, while Luo Yi and Shirona followed.

And just when the figure was about to disappear into the darkness, Luo Yi suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly.

He felt a strange feeling again, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness, and followed by an inexplicable sense of oppression.

“It seems…isn’t it an illusion?”

Luo Yi pursed his lips, and then he couldn’t help showing a faint smile.

pressure? …but I haven’t felt it for a long time.


“What’s the matter with the explosion?”

“It came from the exit? Could it be that someone invaded us?!”

“Idiot! We are the bad guys. When will it be someone else’s turn to invade us?”

730 “But the explosion was really loud, as if it was at the entrance.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, maybe the chemical factory above is doing something, or someone is playing Pokémon outside? Go, go out and have a look.”

The sudden explosion shocked many people in the underground research base. The originally quiet research base suddenly became lively, especially the people who were woken up from their sleep. The Pokémon Ball is going to teach the people who disturbed them a hard lesson.

They have always been looking for trouble, and where is their turn to be asked for trouble?

And in the deepest part of the secret research base, people in research clothes are busy at the moment, and in the most central position of the research room, there are two machines filled with blue unknown liquid, and there are many machines between them. The thin tube, through the thick special glass, can see the figure of a Pokémon in the machine on the left, and an egg on the other side…

In the gap of the machine, the cold air slowly penetrated out, and the special glass was stained with a layer of frost…

Chapter 117 Breaking into the Base!

“Turn on!”

In the research room where the light of the machine was flickering, the switch was activated at the command of a man in a white coat, and the pipe between the two machines suddenly lit up, and a strange blue energy radiated from the left side. In the machine, a steady stream poured into the eggs of the machine on the right!

Wrapped by the blue energy from the left, the blue elf egg on the right emits bursts of blue light, and is rhythmically, as if consciously absorbing blue energy…

And feeling the strangeness of the body, the Pokémon on the left who was sleeping in the machine suddenly opened his eyes full of anger, and glared at the researchers outside through the special glass.

“What’s the matter? How did it wake up? Increase the dose!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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