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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 488


Luo Yi, who received the answer, suddenly remembered the Snow Fruit he had just obtained before. He thought he had to refrigerate the Snow Snow Fruit for a period of time and waited until he received a suitable Ice-type Pokémon before using it. I found my favorite Ice-type Pokémon.

The Nine Tails of Ice!

What if it was deprived of its ice-type abilities, Luo Yi could also give it new abilities!

Chapter 126 The Fruit of the Operation!

“Where’s the Nine-Tailed Pokémon Ball? There should be, right?”

Luo Yi asked the former researcher.

“Yes, yes, this is it.”

Although he didn’t know what Luo Yi wanted to do, the researcher knew that he should listen to Luo Yi’s words, so after hearing Luo Yi’s question, he reacted very quickly and handed the Nine-Tails Pokémon Ball to Luo Yi.

After getting the Pokémon Ball, Luo Yi, under the watchful eyes of many suspicious researchers, smashed the machine violently, and then put the nine tails, who had been deprived of the ice attribute, into the Pokémon Ball.

Then, when they saw that Luo Yi was eyeing another elf egg, they couldn’t help but be alert.

It doesn’t matter to the nine tails, after all, the nine tails have already completed what it should have done, and it is useless to keep them, so it doesn’t matter what Luo Yi does to them, but this elf egg is different.

“What do you want to do?”

“You don’t want to play this egg! It’s not in your hands!”

“Kuwei can give it to you if you want, but this egg is absolutely impossible.”

They also saw that Luo Yi was not a member of the Rockets, and in surprise, they only sounded a warning.

But obviously, for Luo Yi, their warnings were nothing but a breeze blowing in his ears, and he didn’t need to ignore them at all.

Luo Yi picked up the elf egg and put it in front of him to examine it carefully, but he didn’t notice the slightest bit. The pattern of the elf egg was quite strange. The surface had a pattern of azure blue like waves and ice. Although he knew that under normal circumstances, the pattern It was possible to see what kind of Pokémon the Elf Egg was, but Luo pair of patterns in front of him couldn’t think of any Pokémon for a while, so he didn’t even think about it and put it away.

Witnessing Luo Yi’s actions, the researchers had the intention to stop them, but remembering what happened to their companions just now, they could only swallow their anger and watch Luo Yi’s actions like a robber.

“Luo Yi, haven’t you done it yet?”

At this time, Shirona also rushed over, thinking that Luo Yi was in some trouble.

“It’s over, the next step is to bring these transformed Pokémon to the ground.”

Luo Yi smiled slightly, feeling a little excited, and he was still talking about the so-called new series of fruits in the system.

“Can you restore these Pokémon to their original state like the Dialce Sea Lion?”

Shirona’s eyes flashed with incredible light, looking at Luo Yi and asked seriously.

“of course.”

Luo Yi smiled confidently.

Who is he, he is the man who ate the fruit of surgery, what is it to do some surgery?

Now that Luo Yi has spoken, even if Luo Yi said something unbelievable, Hirona knew that since Luo Yi could say it, she must be [-]% sure, and she immediately relaxed and began to organize those Pokémon. Return to the ground.

She had seen so many miserable Pokémon, and she couldn’t bear it any longer. Now that she heard Luo Yi’s promise, she was naturally relieved.


Not long after, Luo Yi and the others came to the ground, and the strange-looking Pokémon that had been transformed by physical experiments were all gathered together by Luo Yi.

The matter of the research base, Luo Yi, who was all about the fruits of the new series, didn’t have the heart to pay attention to it, so he left it to Shirona to deal with it. As for Xiaoyao, Luo Yi told her that the scene might be terrifying. Dispel the idea of ​​onlookers, and went to deal with the matter of the Rocket Research Base with Xilina.

Luo looked around and found that there was no suitable place for him to perform this massive operation nearby.

If not, then make it yourself and you’re done.

“Frog Seeds, let’s blow up this chemical factory.”

“Seed seeds!”

The seeds of the wonderful frog were bombarded for a long time, and they were already a little tired, but this requirement could still be achieved. Immediately according to Luo Yi’s request, a large number of seeds were released and scattered on the walls of the chemical factory in an attempt to create The center collapsed and the outer walls were well-preserved blast sites.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!!!!”

Along with a series of seed explosions, the chemical plant was shrouded in smoke from the explosion, and the gravel and bricks were blown away by the explosion.

After the smoke cleared, Luo Yi’s ideal surgical site appeared under the night sky.

Luo Yi immediately let those Pokémon go inside.

Although they didn’t know what Luo Yi was going to do, they also knew that Luo Yi pulled them out of the hell of the research base, so they didn’t resist, and obeyed Luo Yi’s words in a very orderly manner, and entered the ‘ in the surgical field’.

“You can come back and rest for the Frog Seeds.”

With that said, Luo Yi immediately took back the seeds of the wonderful frog. After a series of explosions and the unscrupulous bombing of the Rocket Team’s research base, the seeds of the wonderful frog were already very tired.

At this time, Luo Yi looked at the many Pokémon in front of him with satisfaction, and after counting them carefully, Luo Yi cracked his mouth and smiled.

“Sure enough, sixty-one.”

Those Pokémon looked at Luo Yi blankly, not knowing why Luo Yi wanted them to gather together.

“I’m here to restore you to your original state.”

Luo Yi smiled indifferently, but what he said made these Pokémon fall into suspicion.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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