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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 49

Luo Yi’s brain immediately began to spin rapidly.

Of course, he remembered the ancient ruins. In the cartoons of the previous life, the ancient ruins near Guchen City were the gates that connected the ancient world of elves with the world of elves now. When you open the gate, you can see the ancient elves.

However, to open the gate requires not only four gems, but also sunlight at sunrise.

“Are there gathered a lot of water spirits? It may indeed be related to Suicune.”

Luo Yi thought, to know that Suijun has the ability to purify water sources, and is one of the three holy beasts, playing an extremely important role in this world.

It is also very possible that the appearance of Suicune can cause a change in the water elves.

“Yun Dun, haven’t the Three Holy Beasts appeared for many years?” Luo Yi asked.

“Yeah, Master, it is said that three hundred years ago, after the Three Holy Beasts were resurrected by King Feng in the Burnt Tower, they seldom appeared in the eyes of the world. forward.”

“That time also caused a change in the water elves, so we guessed that the change this time was related to Suijun.”

“But this time it’s even more mysterious, and it also involves ancient ruins!” Yun Dun was so excited that he could not wait to tell everything.

“Okay, I get it, call next time!” Luo Yi hurriedly hung up the phone, he got the information he wanted, but he could tell him about it until the evening by looking at Yun Dun’s appearance.

After hanging up the communicator, Luo Yi already made up his mind.

Regardless of whether he can see Suijun or not, Luo Yi must be involved in the change of the ancient ruins this time.

He can already imagine that in this ancient ruin event, there will be powerful Pokémon trainers from all sides, and there will be collisions and competitions between various powerful Pokémon.

It is conceivable that Luo Yi’s points will explode, and he may even receive powerful Pokémon.

The next destination, the ancient ruins, the target, Suicune!

“Xiaoyao, let’s go!” After glancing at Da Zuo and the others, Luo Yi didn’t bother to say anything more to them, so he called Xiaoyao directly, ready to leave.

As for Xiaoyao’s father, it’s not too late to challenge again when there is a chance.

Soon, Luo Yi and Xiaoyao set off towards the ancient ruins near Guchen Town.

During the period, Xiaoyao’s younger brother Xiaosheng also wanted to set out with them, but was ruthlessly rejected by Luo Yi. Luo Yi didn’t want to set out with a little idiot, he would be annoyed to death.

On the way, Luo Yi couldn’t help releasing Xiao Duo, and aimed at the evolved Xiao Duo with the combat power detector he obtained earlier.

“Xiao Duo was already at the level of a quasi-celestial king before. I don’t know what level it has reached after evolution.”

Seeing Luo Yi’s actions, Xiaoyao and Lucario both looked at the combat power detector in Luo Yi’s hand.

Just when Luo Yi wanted to press the button to start the detection, the sound of the system in his head made him stunned there.

Hey hey hey, there is a beautiful young lady coming on the stage~ Ask for flowers, ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly pass!

Chapter 46 Pokémon Detection System

Just when Luo Yi used the combat power detector to aim at the evolved Lalu Lasi, the sound of the system in his head made him stunned there.

“Host, the system can integrate the combat effectiveness detector to turn on the combat effectiveness detection system. Is it enabled?” said a mechanized voice.

“Integrate the combat effectiveness detector, turn on the combat effectiveness detection system, and the host can get a thousand points.”

“Combat effectiveness detection system? Can I get a thousand points?” Luo Yi’s expression became subtle after hearing the system’s voice.

However, Luo Yi immediately understood that the function of the combat power detector in his hand was what the official system lacked.

For a long time, the system could only make the most basic judgments based on the race value of the Pokémon, giving a vague division of strength.

The combat power detector in hand is different. It can more accurately judge the combat power of an elves based on the comprehensive attributes of the elves, rather than the general theoretical values.

You must know that the racial value cannot represent the strength of an elf, and the combat power should be a comprehensive reflection of all aspects of an elf’s qualities.

For example, Xiao Duo is definitely a very special existence in Lalu Lassi. Among Pokémon with the same racial value, it is absolutely invincible existence. If you fight against it according to the general Lalu Lasi, you will definitely suffer.

“As expected of the latest research results of the Dewen Group, it is simply a black technology!” Luo Yi finally understood the value of the combat effectiveness detector in his hand, and even his own system wanted to integrate it, showing its powerful functions.

According to the system, by integrating the combat effectiveness detector in his hand, not only can Luo Yi get a thousand points, but he can also activate the combat effectiveness detection system. There will be a new evaluation method and manifestation for detecting the combat effectiveness of elves.

“System, start integrating the combat effectiveness detector!” Luo Yi stopped thinking about it and let the system begin to integrate.

“The host received one thousand points, a total of two thousand three hundred,” the system said.

“Even combat power assessment learning… 10%… 20%… 50%…”

The sound of the system came from his head. Although the learning speed was not fast, it was very stable. Luo Yi knew that the system was connected to the Pokémon combat power detector in his hand, and he was integrating his own detection system with it. Soon he would get a brand new magical Baby detection system.

It is not as simple as before, and it does not have many restrictions like the combat effectiveness detector in hand. It can be used at any time. It will be an extremely powerful and versatile Pokémon detection system.

Looking at the progress bar in his head slowly advancing, Luo Yi’s eyes burst with excitement.

This trip to the ancient ruins must be a gathering of bigwigs, all kinds of powerful trainers will be present, and all kinds of wonderful Pokémon will appear. Now upgrading your own detection system is really even more powerful!


“Ding! The Pokémon detection system has been upgraded! The host can test Pokémon at any time!” The voice of the system finally sounded, and Luo Yi couldn’t wait any longer.

“Detect Chirulian in front of me!” Luo Yi communicated with the system.

In less than a second, Luo Yi saw an illusory screen beside Xiaoduo, and the screen was full of various values:

Elf: Kirulian


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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