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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 498

In the air, the Fire Ritual Cracked Seat was released, and its eyes were also dyed with a layer of brutality by the fire of the meteorite. Looking at the ground that had been smashed by countless meteorites, its eyes narrowed slightly, and then raised its head proudly.

If the other party dares to provoke its dignity, then Rikongza will naturally respond with the most violent blow!

In the world of the strong, strength always speaks!

He hummed a cold air towards the location of Chaomeng, and Kaikongza looked at Luo Yi with a little smugness, as if waiting for Luo to praise himself.

Seeing the complacent look of the cracked empty seat, Luo Yi shook his head with a smile, looked at the area ravaged by fire snakes, and said slowly, word by word.

“Its name is Chaomeng…”

Chapter 135 After all, Super Dream!

For Luo Yi’s reaction, Kaikongza didn’t care.

In its view, Chaomeng’s strength is indeed not to be underestimated, it is very strong, but that’s it!

If it is the strength of the empty seat before the war, it asks that Chaomeng is above it!However, it has now grown and gained new powers. Even if Mewtwo has some strength, it is no longer its opponent!

Kizakuza looked proudly, twisting his body and wanting to return to the atmosphere, while subconsciously looking in the direction of Chaomeng again!

And this look, but it makes the pupils of the open seat shrink!

The area after the fire sacrifice was already a mess, buried by meteorites, and flames were still burning in the gaps between the meteorites!

But at this moment, Kakutakuza could clearly feel that there was a peculiar aura in the meteorite pile fluctuating!


The meteorite pile as high as a mountain was suddenly burst and collapsed by the shock wave released from the inside, and the gravel and sand were flying. Turned into small flames! !

A figure covered with blue light suddenly appeared in the sight of Kaikongza!

Still indifferent eyes!

It is super dream!

I can’t help but be a little bit unbelievable when I see the split empty seat that appears in Chaomeng!

It did not expect Chaomeng to appear in his field of vision again in a fighting posture after a series of heavy injuries, instead of hiding in the crevices of the hills formed by meteorites!

This situation is beyond the expectations of Rift Seat!

You must know that this series of bombardments on Chaomeng just now showed no mercy!

Luo Yi smiled faintly at the surprise of Kakutakuza.

Luo Yi is not surprised that Mewtwo has endured a series of bombardments from the Rift Seat and still maintains its combat power, because it is Mewtwo. Compared with other Pokémon, Mewtwo is made by humans!Compared with the super ancient Pokémon, the super dream is a very special existence for the Pokémon world…

So no matter how incredible Mewtwo’s fighting performance was, Luo Yi wouldn’t be surprised.

“It’s self-healing again.”

Luo Yi’s scrutiny eyes wandered on Chao Meng’s body, tsk tsk admiringly.

Chao Meng seems to have no injuries and still retains most of his physical strength. Maybe in the eyes of others, they may think that it is the crazy attack of Rift Seat just now, which did not cause any damage to Chao Meng, but Luo Yi is able to be sensitive. I feel that compared to the Chaomeng just now, the Chaomeng at this time is already much weaker!

Self-recovery is a very magical skill that can repair injuries on one’s body, but this does not mean that there is no wear and tear!

Self-recovery costs a lot of mental power!

In fact, it is to consume mental power to repair some of the injuries on his body, so on the surface, Chao Meng seems to have not suffered much damage just now, but in fact, Chao Meng has lost a considerable part of his mental power for self-recovery. , Luo Yi can feel it!

Super dream, really strong!

Luo Yi’s gaze at Chao Meng became hot.

How strong is the super dream spirit?I don’t know how many times I can perform self-healing in the battle!

The other Pokémon in the ruins of the chemical factory were all shocked at this moment!

Under such tragic torment by the cracking seat, they all thought that Chao Meng could only lie down under the meteorite, but they did not expect that the situation was beyond their expectations again!

Mewtwo didn’t fall down, and he didn’t seem to have suffered much damage, and he still maintained his fighting power!

It’s incredible!

They looked at Chaomeng not far away in disbelief, and only felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression and fear!

Chaomeng’s realm of strength is completely beyond what they can imagine!

They know that if it is replaced by themselves, even if their strength is not bad in the group, but under the terrifying offensive of the Fissure Seat, they can only be buried under the meteorite and cannot move!

After comparing themselves with Mewtwo, these Pokémon looked at the figure with the blue light, and invariably backed away a little!



The meteorite pile was blasted into a circular crater by Mewtwo, and at this time Mewtwo was suspended above the crater.

Chaomeng’s eyes fell on Kaikongza’s body, and there was a dangerous breath in his eyes. The light on Chaomeng fluctuated with its mood changes and became more aggressive!

This is the first time that I have fallen into such a state of embarrassment, which aroused the cruelty in Chao Meng’s heart!

Mewtwo is very interested in the magical ability of the Gravity Fruit of Crackling Seat, and accepts that it is a very powerful attack method. Mewtwo is even more vague, feeling that it is not a product of this world, but more like another world. The product of , exudes an unfamiliar atmosphere.  …

If Luo Yi can detect the conjecture in Chao Meng’s heart, then Luo Yi will definitely be surprised and Chao Meng’s powerful discernment ability, Chao Meng can actually sense the gravitational fruit eaten by Kai Kongza, which does not belong to the Pokémon world, but comes from another An anime world, that is One Piece.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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