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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 5

Chapter 05 Ringing Thunder Fruit!

After subduing Lucario, a system prompt sounded directly in Luo Yi’s head.

“Ding! The rare elves have been conquered, and the host will get a devil fruit!”

At the same time, Luo Yi’s pocket sank, as if something had fallen into it.

Luo Yi immediately took it out of his pocket, it was a fruit with a spiral pattern, it was purple all over, very strange.

Devil Fruit!


“System, what kind of fruit is this?” Luo Yi asked impatiently.

“…” The system was silent.

“My day! System, come out, what kind of fruit is this!?”

“…” Still silent.

Looking at the performance of the system, Luo Yi suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart.

“Lucario, come here and try to use your waveguide power to probe this fruit and see if you can find anything.” The system didn’t say anything, Luo Yi immediately decided to try Lucario’s waveguide power.

Maybe there will be a wonderful change between these two things!

Hearing Luo Yi’s call, Lucario came to Luo Yi, his eyes focused on the strange fruit in Luo Yi’s hand, and the power of the waveguide wrapped the whole devil fruit, trying to explore its mysteries.

Two minutes passed, and Lucario, as powerful as Lucario, was also sweating, with a struggling expression on his face, and withdrew all the power of the waveguide.

“How, did you find anything?” Luo Yi asked.

“There is a very cold power in this fruit, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.” Through the power of the waveguide, Lucario transmitted his detection results to Luo Yi’s heart.

“Cold power? What is this?”

Luo Yi was a little dazed, the comic One Piece he had read in his previous life kept flashing in his head, thinking about all the possibilities.

“It’s not an animal type, is it a superhuman type? Or a natural type devil fruit?”

Suddenly, Luo Yi was stunned, the flesh on his face twitched, as if thinking of something.

“Cold power… This is not the fruit of yellow spring, Luffy’s crew, the fruit of the skeleton man Brook.”

Luo Yi frowned, if it was really a yellow spring fruit, it would be useless, it would be useless, and the opportunity for a devil fruit was wasted in vain.

“What about the system, get out of here for me!”

However, the system pretended to be dead and did not respond at all.

“If you don’t come out, you won’t have to come out again! Tell me, what kind of fruit is this!”

When he thought that the fruit in his hand might be the yellow spring, Luo Yi was agitated for a while. This fruit will only work after a person dies, and it can keep a person alive as a skeleton.

What’s the use of this!How could Luo Yi die!

Luo Yi’s voice was angry, not joking, and finally called out the system.

“Well…this is the fruit of Huangquan, I applaud the host’s wit!” The system’s voice was still the mechanical female voice, but it was vaguely embarrassing.

“You are too embarrassed to like Huangquan Fruit, I don’t want this one!”

Luo Yi was furious, this was simply cheating himself, and now he has no good feelings for this so-called system.

“This… if the host wants to exchange fruit, I’m afraid not…”

“If you don’t change, don’t even think about appearing again!” Luo Yi sneered, he had already grasped the weakness of the system.


“Okay, what fruit does the host want? But I want to remind the host that you, as a traveler, have integrated the elements of the two worlds, and your body has reached the limit. If you take the devil fruit and add the elements of the third world, Your body won’t be able to take it, and you’ll explode!”

“…” Luo Yi was speechless, the abacus in his heart still failed.

Luo Yi thought for a moment and knew that what the system said was true. At this time, he could feel that his body was in a state of adaptation and had not fully integrated with his current body. If he ate the Devil Fruit , there may be a problem.

No way, Luo Yi could only focus on Lucario.

“Lucario, do you want to acquire any magical ability?” Luo Yi asked, after all, he was his first super thug, and Luo Yi didn’t feel bad about Lucario eating the Devil Fruit.

“Master, Lucario never relies on external forces. Lucario will continue to hone himself until he becomes the most powerful elf!” Through the power of the waveguide, Lucario conveyed his thoughts to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi sighed. He knew that Lucario had his own arrogance. This was a disguised rejection of him, and he would not eat any devil fruit.

Now Luo Yi is in trouble. He can’t eat this devil fruit himself, and Lucario doesn’t eat it either, so he can’t determine the target. How can Luo Yi choose the right fruit.

While Luo Yi was thinking, Lucario, who was standing in front of Luo Yi, pointed his finger at Luo Yi’s pocket.

Luo Yi was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

I also have a Pikachu!

Luo Yi patted his forehead. So many things happened this morning. He collected Lucario, quarreled with the system, and got the Devil Fruit. Luo early forgot that he still had a Pikachu gifted by the system.

He took out the Pokeball from his pocket and threw it on the ground. A yellow Pikachu appeared in front of Luo Yi, which was the same as in the animation, even cuter.

“Pickup, pickup pickup!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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