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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 502

Blast! ! !

The Gravity Slash, Tiger, and Chaosmeng’s Psychic Smash turned into the purest shock wave and exploded at the point of contact!

The terrifying power mix erupted, not only forming a large vacuum zone at the collision point, but also briefly shaking the space into a spider web!

The shock wave of the explosion, like the ripples in the lake, spread wildly in all directions, uprooted trees, set off the ground, and mercilessly engulfed the Rift Seat and Chaomeng!

Luo Yi and the other Pokémon were also affected by the terrifying shock wave after they were stimulated by the strong light generated by the explosion and closed their eyes!

For a time, Luo Yi and other Pokémon were blasted out by the shock wave, and then fell to the ground in the distance!

“Hi… the shock wave is so terrifying at such a distance? Fortunately, it didn’t explode next to it.”

Luo Yi got up from the ground, patted the dust on his shoulders, and said happily.

You know, the explosion was still far away from Luo Yi in the air!

Looking around, if Luo Yi didn’t know that he was in the forest near Hualan City, Luo Yi might even think he was on the moon!

On the gravel ground under the feet, there are circular pits of different depths everywhere, and the position closest to the center of the original explosion is a deep circular pit. Needless to say, it is naturally the main area of ​​the explosion. .

From this, it can be seen how powerful the explosion generated by the confrontation is, and the coverage area is so large that even the ground is affected.

Looking at the chaos around him, Luo Yi frowned and looked around. Except for the Pokémon that was originally in the ruins of the chemical factory and was blown up by the shock wave with him, the figures of Kaikongza and Chaomeng were nowhere to be seen. .

Obviously, both Riftsat and Mewtwo were directly engulfed by the explosion…

Luo Yi walked in the area after the explosion, observing the location where Risakuza and Mewtwo might fall.

“It won’t be buried.”

Luo Yi, who couldn’t find their figures, was thinking about whether to let the seeds of the wonderful frogs come out to help blast the ground to find them, but at this moment, two figures appeared at the same time from Luo Yi’s nearby ground.

Impressively, it is Risakuza and Mewtwo!

It’s just that at the moment they have a little dust on their bodies, they look a little embarrassed, and they have injuries on their bodies.

Chapter 139 Chaomeng’s Invitation Letter!

Mewtwo, who had injuries on his body, still had an indifferent expression when he saw Rikongza who was fighting with him. After that, Mewtwo showed a self-recovery, and a little starlight suddenly appeared on his body, his cell vitality was regenerated, and the injuries on his body were visible to the naked eye. The speed quickly recovered!

Confronting Mewtwo again, Kizakuza saw that Mewtwo wanted to perform self-recovery, how could it watch Mewtwo recover its strength again, and immediately struggled to expand its figure, trying to obstruct Mewtwo’s self-recovery.

At this moment, Luo Yi heard a voice that seemed to come from his mind~.

“Do you want to continue?”

When the voice sounded in his mind, Luo Yi didn’t know it was Chaomeng’s mind-reading technique, and looked at Chaomeng subconsciously.

At this moment, Chaomeng really has no hostility towards himself, and what he has in his eyes is just emotionless indifference, which makes Luo Yi confirm that his previous thoughts are correct, that is, Chaomeng misunderstood that he had randomly transformed those Pokémon into that way. of.

“Of course not continue, Kaikongza, stop!”

After both were injured, Luo Yi certainly didn’t feel that he had to continue the battle. Although Chao Meng was also very weak at the moment, with its rapid self-recovery ability, it obviously still retained some combat power.

As for Rift Seat, although it seems that the state is better than Mewtwo on the surface, in fact, if Rikong Seat continues to exhaust his stamina and fight Mewtwo, then Rift Seat will pay a corresponding price.

Because, the strength of the cracking seat has just been increased explosively, and the power it possesses is not stable. It seems that Risakuza still has physical strength, but that is just an illusion of gain brought by the sudden increase in strength.

In fact, the power in the Void Seat is extremely unstable now. If you continue to fight, then waiting for the result of the Void Seat, the enhanced power will dissipate or even fall!

This is an unacceptable result for Luo Yi. Taking the risk of falling from the cracking seat qualifications, forcibly fighting Chao Meng?This is quite uneconomical, and, if it wins, it will be fine, but the question is, can the Rift Seat still exert the power level just now?It’s hard to say.

After weighing the pros and cons, Luo Yi of course chose a more appropriate method, which is to decisively end this battle with Chao Meng.

Luo Yi is a little pity, because now by his side, the only Pokémon that can play is the Frog Seed with insufficient physical strength…

If you have enough energy, you can try it.


After being stopped by Luo Yi, Kaikongza roared unwillingly. It also knew that the energy in its body was extremely unstable. If it wanted to force an attack, it was very likely that its body would collapse before it even made a few moves.

This made Risakuza extremely annoyed, because in its view, the battle between it and Mewtwo has not been clearly determined, and Mewtwo’s state at this time is actually not much different from it.


Although he was extremely eager to continue attacking Mewtwo, Kaikongza would naturally not disobey Luo Yi’s order. Watching Chaomeng perform self-recovery to recover his injuries, Kaikongza snorted coldly from his nose, and immediately launched It’s recovery move – sleep.

Sleeping in the split space seat can also restore physical strength and injuries, but it is different from Chaomeng’s self-recovery. Although sleeping does not require any mental energy, and the degree of recovery is much higher than that of self-recovery, it will cause the user to fall into In the sleep state, this is in the battle, if the opponent’s strength is weak, it’s okay to say, if the battle with me is the super dream with super attack ability, obviously, using the sleep skill is not a good idea.

The eyelids of Kaikongza, who was about to sleep, gradually closed, and at the moment before the final complete closure, Kaikongza’s eyes were unwilling to focus on Mewtwo.

The special Pokémon of Rikongza, Luo Yi was always on him, so he didn’t care that Rikongza was sleeping in the same place, and the soon-to-be-larger Rikongza received the special Pokémon ball.

In this battle, although Chaomeng was not defeated, he was not defeated by Chaomeng, and his strength rose wildly, which can be said to be very profitable.

There was a smile on Luo Yi’s face, and then he looked at Chaomeng not far away with some regret. At this time, Chaomeng was closing his eyes and resting, and his injuries were rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. on.

“You are a very strong trainer.”

Chaomeng, who was recovering, noticed Luo Yi’s scorching gaze, and suddenly opened his eyes.

“I know.”

For Chaomeng’s words of approval, Luo Yi did not mean the slightest modesty, nodded in agreement, and then narrowed his eyes slightly, observing Chaomeng’s expression with interest, and suggested.

“You are strong too, join my Pokémon team? How about”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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